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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 118

Wishlist thread

No.12580818 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You have been granted 5 small arms, what are they?

P90 (not the faggot PS90)
Stealth Recon Scout

114 posts and 22 images omitted

No.15066991 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When will you fucking retards get it?

I'm tired of explaining this one to you.
So I'm going to post this here, and you'd better take note.

This is supposed to be /k/ - Weapons, you should really know this by now.
3 posts omitted

No.15030934 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Shootout in Switzerland at a factory. pressconferance in about 15mins.
>media reporting atleast 3 dead.

pic. related, swiss police covering windows up
10 posts omitted

No.14991613 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Operational vehicles thread? Operational vehicles thread. What are you driving?
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No.13089510 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /k/, I'm a French tank commander, and I figured I could do an informative thread about the Leclerc. Feel free to ask any questions.

Let's start with the basics : last one of the major western MBTs, the Leclerc is about 10 years younger than the Abrams/Leo 2. It progressively replaced the AMX 30 B2 during the 90's. Right now we're supposed to have 240 of them, in 4 regiments (mine's the 4th Dragoons).
The crew of four is comprised of the driver, the turret operator (gunner), the tank commander and the fucking computer voice that tells us when stuff doesn't work (female voice in the latest version. Fuck her.). So yeah, there's an autoloader, with 22 rounds in the back of the turret, plus 18 in a sort of barrel (like a revolver. Kinda) next to the driver. The gunner is supposed to retrieve them manually, but i don't know anyone who's ever done it.
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No.14706670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be European.
>can only buy .22lr rifles or pistols.
>anything else is a pain in the ass to buy.

Is a semi automatic .22lr rifle suitable for home defense? I checked some videos and it seems that it can shoot pretty quickly.

Thinking of getting a 10/22 with a 20 round magazine and lots of ammo.

Pic related, something that I can't buy.
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No.14603694 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wish there was a righteous war. I don't necessarily mean black versus white, as it is arguable that such a one has ever existed (yes, even the Second World War as we're not taking into account what was found out after the end). I mean something so simple as my king or country versus that king or country, on purely honorary or territorial grounds, ignoring whether or not my king or country was the offender or aggressor. I'd gladly serve in such a war.

The type in my mind are the ones that were often fought during the Middle Ages between Christian kings (but in modern warfare), up to about the Reformation, after which certain values were imbued and warring were more over such things. They were... clean, in a way. I guess today people would see them as extremely pointless. But they weren't full of hate, all-encompassing, or over abstractions. What have we got today? Getting sent half-way across the world of international geopolitical goals, fighting for pop-culture epicenter America's Freedom by killing Afghani farmers... Eh... What do you think?

No.14496594 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you can't kill a home invader with 10 shots, you need to go back to the local shooting range.

large capacity firearms are not necessary for protection.
132 posts and 15 images omitted

No.14418935 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why so gun-ho on sticking with an expensive hobby? Are gun-enthusiasts really so culturally brainwashed to see that America is an extremely violent country, and that this culture of violence is exacerbated by the private ownership of firearms?
156 posts and 20 images omitted

No.14381442 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
415 posts and 71 images omitted