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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 118
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You have been granted 5 small arms, what are they? AUG A3 P90 (not the faggot PS90) Stealth Recon Scout M60E4 AN-94 Pic related-OH GOD HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG OH FUCK AHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNG
>>12586243 the current repro lemat is in .44mag/20ga, if you want bigger go for .500S&W/10ga, the direction you went was smaller
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>>12591347 same guy here, if anything i would go for a lemat that would have the barrel under the larger one instead of on top
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M1870 Gasser FN FNC OTs-14 Groza OTs-03 SVU Hitler's pearl handled gold plated P08 he used to sodomize Stalin while Eva gave him a Rusty Venture in the back of a Jewish bakery
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SVT-40 Bizon IMI Negev MTs-255 HK51
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>>12580996 they were weapons before battlefield so who cares?
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When will you fucking retards get it? I'm tired of explaining this one to you. So I'm going to post this here, and you'd better take note. This is supposed to be /k/ - Weapons, you should really know this by now.
Fucking retard, OP. Magazines and clips are the exact same thing.
My beagle brand beagle has babby killing assult clips ur argument is invalid.
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>>15067031 Well my shmeagle brand shmeagle has a communist heartbeat detector
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i've actually seen more than 1 person here on /k/ defending that it makes no difference what you call them, and since uneducated people use them interchangeably then it's ok.
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Shootout in Switzerland at a factory. pressconferance in about 15mins.>media reporting atleast 3 dead. pic. related, swiss police covering windows up
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>>15031064 Thought this was real for a second
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>>15031061 Nobody cares about Switzerland.
One of the perks of being neutral all the time.
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>>15031069 > Swiss > Europe Pick one
They may live in Europe, they do not apply to European Legislation nor gun control politics.
But they will likely blame it on their (well regulated) gun legislation than working conditions because they are proud of their industry
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Switzerland is part of Europe you autist.
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>>15031064 >gun shine >gun: shoots things >shine: trayvon martin That works so god damn well I'm honored to have witnessed that.
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Operational vehicles thread? Operational vehicles thread. What are you driving?
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>>14993775 Wranglers are fucking expensive and gas hogs... jesus
I went looking for a new car and looked at wranglers
>mfw price >mfw 16 mtg >e.e Ended up with a newer Dodge Durango
It's very nice, but it's what happens when your fiancee has part in the decision making proces....ladies
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>>14993052 That accident was your fault.
Next time have assured stopping distance and crowd up on the ass end of a teenage girl.
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>>14993775 It's not a "fun" type of vehicle.
It was pretty much designed as a soccer-mom mobile and as a vehicle that emasculated suburban "men" could use to feel like they still have some of their manhood, without having to be seen as a lower-class blue collar worker.
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>>14992150 muh nigga
I have a Honda nc50. hills are the enemy
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wow, really? fuck the mods
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Hello /k/, I'm a French tank commander, and I figured I could do an informative thread about the Leclerc. Feel free to ask any questions. Let's start with the basics : last one of the major western MBTs, the Leclerc is about 10 years younger than the Abrams/Leo 2. It progressively replaced the AMX 30 B2 during the 90's. Right now we're supposed to have 240 of them, in 4 regiments (mine's the 4th Dragoons). The crew of four is comprised of the driver, the turret operator (gunner), the tank commander and the fucking computer voice that tells us when stuff doesn't work (female voice in the latest version. Fuck her.). So yeah, there's an autoloader, with 22 rounds in the back of the turret, plus 18 in a sort of barrel (like a revolver. Kinda) next to the driver. The gunner is supposed to retrieve them manually, but i don't know anyone who's ever done it.
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Bumpity bump for the runts that haven't seen the thread yet.
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Is the thread still alive ??? I would also have some question s :o
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On the Leclerc XXI are the panels on the side turret on either side , servicing hatches or blow out panels for ERA(or NERA , SLERA) packages of the side turret armor ? Concerning the front hull , is the armor concentrated on the upper half (like on the Challenger 1 and 2) or is it that the lower half (like in case of the M1 Abrams series of tanks) or is it a balanced approach? Also did you ever play Steel Beast Pro PE ?
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LaVic', you need to understand that blowout pannels are not welcome into ERA. Blowout pannels are used to focus the explosion towards one direction that is not dangerous for the crew. In ERA you need to focus that energy towards the projectile. Your idea of blowout pannels is totally wrong. As for the hull protection, there is a drawing on tanknet. Regarding SB, I'm preping 3D models to submit this tank to eSim games team (unfortunately due to health problem I got to postponned 3ds max acquisition). I hope this will attract some french tankers to train with that tool.
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Hi DarkLabor, Thanks for lettings me know about the ERA situation. I really wonder what those panels are on the side of the turret. I hope your Leclerc makes it to SB and the Armee de Terre. That would be epic ! :D
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>be European. >can only buy .22lr rifles or pistols. >anything else is a pain in the ass to buy. Is a semi automatic .22lr rifle suitable for home defense? I checked some videos and it seems that it can shoot pretty quickly. Thinking of getting a 10/22 with a 20 round magazine and lots of ammo. Pic related, something that I can't buy.
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>multiple headshots >you can buy cheaper >hurr >durr fucking shit shit shit.
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>>14707040 .22lr Velocitors have nearly the same kinetic energy as .38 specials.
>>14706998 [citation needed]
>>14707124 You honestly didn't know that .22LR rounds account for the majority of firearm deaths?
You want a citation? It's called Google Search.
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>>14707172 Wait, I thought most of them were the dude not getting medical care and dying later.
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I wish there was a righteous war. I don't necessarily mean black versus white, as it is arguable that such a one has ever existed (yes, even the Second World War as we're not taking into account what was found out after the end). I mean something so simple as my king or country versus that king or country, on purely honorary or territorial grounds, ignoring whether or not my king or country was the offender or aggressor. I'd gladly serve in such a war. The type in my mind are the ones that were often fought during the Middle Ages between Christian kings (but in modern warfare), up to about the Reformation, after which certain values were imbued and warring were more over such things. They were... clean, in a way. I guess today people would see them as extremely pointless. But they weren't full of hate, all-encompassing, or over abstractions. What have we got today? Getting sent half-way across the world of international geopolitical goals, fighting for pop-culture epicenter America's Freedom by killing Afghani farmers... Eh... What do you think?
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I think what I mean, if I try to spell it out to myself is this: I want to take part in a war, I want to experience battle, but I don't want to partake in a war that goes against my conscience, but I am ... charismatic? informed? I don't know the word ... enough to understand that there is no and has probably never been such a thing wherever anything "big" has been fought over. Therefore I'd like the simplicity of what I called a "purely honorary or territorial" war where you simply do your duty and that's that. None of that evil versus good...
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I think I agree with you very much OP. I was also gladly serve in such a war. But I can't image a skirmish on the scale of a war could be for only righteous causes. The only scenario I can think of is bandits wishing to raid and pillage because 'lol we can' and an organized people fighting them.
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If you can't kill a home invader with 10 shots, you need to go back to the local shooting range. large capacity firearms are not necessary for protection.
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>>14497333 A man knows his limitations. - Sun Tzu/Ben Franklin/George Mason/Thomas Jefferson/George Washington
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>>14497315 >come home from a hard day of work >walk in the door >go to the toilet >force your battered and bruised body to stay upright >painfully shake the last few drops out >get them all over the floor >have to bend down with a wad of paper and clean things up >pass out with your head in the toilet bowl Thousands of men accidentally pass out with their head in the toilet every day. Stop piss shaming now.
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There is much more going on here than a group of police who like guns. Police in America are carrying around a great deal of resentment as they perceive their influence is lessening. There are lots of people exploiting them, feeding these feelings of persecution, even though by any measure American police have it made. The guns have become a symbol. It is an "in your face" symbol of resistance to this perception. Very few police actually have any real use for a gun. But ask nearly any LEO whether he does and he finds one. The use is as a symbol. It lets a LEO who feels emasculated by a complicated society where nerds become billionaires, where physical work doesn't pay, where women are your boss, where you are not the head of your household, where heterosexual masculinity is not hip, project his dangerousness and thus his influence. "Don't MESS with me". We have an entire state where it is the motto, and there is always a slight quiver in the voice, part declaration and part plea. We need a new definition of what it means to be a LEO in America. Real police don't need to project their adolescent visions of their dangerousness. Real cops project patience, calm, restraint, effort, decency. No real
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>>14497322 People who fought in wars aren't echo chamber liberal faggots that try to emasculate the brave protectors of their community. If you're truly armless, are you having your transsexual transspecies amarcho-marxist-queer feminist friend type up your posts for you? I know you didn't fight in a war....are you a thalidomide child?
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If you can't kill a home invader with a GAU-8, you need to ask congress about why they're infringing on your state-given right.
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Why so gun-ho on sticking with an expensive hobby? Are gun-enthusiasts really so culturally brainwashed to see that America is an extremely violent country, and that this culture of violence is exacerbated by the private ownership of firearms?
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>>14419684 Mine too. I think a lot of us who were born here take the US for granted in ways people who immigrate as adults never will.
>>14420099 >>14420059 To be fair, I'm not pushing for middleground gun laws, nor trying to reach a compromise (argumentum ad temperantiam), I simply know how to give voice to my thoughts in a way that doesn't involve calling people faggotass fucksticks.
Most of the time anyways.
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>>14420183 That's all well and good but we're on 4chan here. We're expected if not required to call people faggotass fucksticks.
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>>14420132 m193 is my basic plinking load. You can't reload it much because the primers are crimped and staked. This goes for other 5.56 loads which are basically all crimped except for a few. You can reload those but you run the risk of primers exploding if the primer isn't crimped enough or at all.
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>>14419985 No worries, it's really frustrating for everyone. Violence is a major problem, and we need to address its root causes. We need to reform our social programs, tackle poverty, attack the narco-economy, combat the corruption that allows that narco-economy to exist, demilitarize our police forces and give inner city kids alternatives to gang membership. If you destroyed every gun in the whole world, every one of our problems would still exist. The violence and crime wouldn't stop. There are no easy answers. The solutions will require commitment, capital, and strong public support. America has consistently come up short on all three. If you want to do something about it, get involved with your community and encourage others to do the same. Join the police, be one of the few good cops. Do something, because if you sit around and wait for the government to fix our problems, you will be waiting forever.
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>>14384658 I can't even join the army because I'm blind in one eye. I'm 6ft 1, not particularly in shape but pretty strong. Yet even I'm not allowed. Do they drop the standards to prevent them discriminating against the 'disabled'? No? Well then.
I refuse to accept they'd let some stick of a woman in just because they're scared of some fucktarded feminists.
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>>14382745 >implying ACU'd soldiers can hide in Afghanistan unless they're in rocks A Lady of Repute
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>>14384658 Im just going to pretend I never saw this.
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>>14383280 Didn't the UK discuss this last year or the year before? The decision was unanimously against it.
>Talking about with a friend >MFW he thinks there's no difference physically between men and women other than in high level athletics Truly, the feminists are winning.