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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 121
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Hrrnnnngh it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't just full of "MasterChef vs iROnMan" shit. I mean, the show was always terrible, but for me it really died when they started doing historical characters. or fuck it, when they used fire-arms.
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I so need to see that film again.
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>>13377042 Heeheheheheheheehehehehheehe.......
Also, why?
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post ur best nerf gunz
>>13348078 >potato mags I can see it now..
>this just in. A raving lunatic went on a killing spree using a homemade high powered organic assault rifle with high capacity assault clips Deadpool !!kBsp4Ukt12d
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>no stingray Kinda dissapointed. It's a shield and a nerf gun. Shit was awesome.
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>>13348136 >organic assault rifle Why do I think that sounds so cool?
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>>13348017 Radial permeability shouldn't really matter that much, as I'd like to make it breech-loading and use a long 1/2" barrel.
>>13348033 Yeah, no kidding.
>>13348043 Speak up, boy. I won't understand your grievances unless you state them.
>>13348045 Pretty much exactly what I'm thinking of. Yoink the bullet, dump the powder, use JUST the primer.
Hey /k/, you know what goes ping? An M1 Garand
>>12234997 google's servers when i 1337 h4>< them?
>>12234997 I always assumed the ping was from the clip ringing out following the impact with the mag follower.
The clip goes ping not the rifle.
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>>12235072 just letting you know his statement is acceptable
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>>12235032 True story, there was a kid in one of my high school classes that, when the school's internet went down, he offered the teacher his help and proceeded to open a command prompt and ping google.
The girl next to me was almost impressed until I told her that he literally and completely did absolutely nothing.
SiteR !!dMAx/7Da7uM
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Listen up /k/ommandos A couple of days ago, I was browsing /k/, when I saw a thread that asked how one would penetrate "Site R"; also know as raven rock mountain complex. The place is a DoD nuclear bunker and is protected by a minefield, various fences, and the actual facility is under a mountain. I did some research and found that it was 20 minutes away, so I decided to check it out. I will be dumping many pictures, but the first one will be a map. The two red arrows are where the pictures were taken. More to come
Does anyone know what the names of those Lutheran Camps are? When I was in middle school, I was forced to go to Lutheran confirmation classes by my parents, which included a trip to Camp Nawakwa in Adams County. Just wonder if it's the same place.
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Listen OP I don't mean to be a dick. But I need to call my SSO to tell her that you're taking photos of FOUO shit. Just kiddin fag, though seriously, careful of what you take.
SiteR !!dMAx/7Da7uM
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>>12296199 Raven rock is in adams county. I wouldn't know the name of the camps, the only place i've seen mention of them is on that map
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cool stories bro
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Show me your modded weapons /k/, handguns, rifles, snipers, anything.
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Hi, I live in arizona. I want to buy a handgun and am thinking the Springfield XDm 45. /k/ommando approved?
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>>12969772 and yes i know it is kind of technically considered a double action pistol, same as the glock, but i dont think you know the difference anyways so im wasting my breath
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>>12968632 Stoles dem. Dey only bees affoadin dem hi-pointz.
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>>12969781 This
I shot a XD .45 and it was alright, but you would probably want at least a 1911 if you want a .45
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Sup dude, I also live in arizona (normally) and bought a springfield XD .45 about 2 years ago. It is my favorite pistol (out of 3) and my second favorite gun next to my AR. I would recommend them to anyone. The thing is I feel safer carrying it as opposed to a glock because it has a grip safety and trigger safety. There are also models with a slide safety if you want to yodawg it out. It's very accurate just an all around great shooter. plus Dat 12 +1 .45 ACP Get it dude. You'll love it I should also mention I have fired a glock21 and liked how it shot, but as mentioned I liked the added safety features due to hearing stories of glawkfags NDing while keeping one in the chamber...
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>>12969772 >if i pull my trigger twice with no round in it, my gun only clicks once > yes i know it is kind of technically considered a double action pistol Turd fucker, I don't think you do
understand what double action only means.
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How much do you take for a one nerd?
>>12434309 Are you literally 15 years old?
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Okay thread is going to be removed, sorry for bothering you. I'd be glad if some insane motherfucker offed his ass though.
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I'm just going to bow out of here before this gets any more retarded. Sorry we're not able to keep our shit in our own board.
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>>12434311 Please just report this thread and hope /k/'s janitor is used to deleting stupid shit.
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Kill the punk.
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anyone know where I can get a harpoon gun? I need one for Home Defense. I live in the U.S
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When I worked in a Scuba shop we no joke kept a cocked and locked speargun under the register.
>>13050204 A proper home defense shot load will not penetrate walls. Try a 20 gauge if you're especially cautious. I believe that Michigan law now allows suppressors, too.
Algebra Two failure guy
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>>13050230 >>13050241 You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
>>13050257 should I get a pump?
Ive never owned or shot a shotgun before
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>>13050290 Goddammit. The thread 404'd. If you can read this, get a pump.
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> Where to hide a gun Britfag here, I just got myself a gun. It's a Ruger 22/45. I'm not really sure why I got it, when a guy I know asked me if I wanted to buy it I just though 'fucking too right I do!' With visions of me sleeping with it under my pillow. Now my inner child has calmed down I realised I don't actually want to get arrested. I like the idea of having one available, but not somewhere its gunna get me easily busted. The only thing that comes to mind is getting a air-tight, strong box and burying it. Ideally in the garden, but if that's too stupid, maybe somewhere away from home. Any ideas /k/?
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>>13033865 This was to be my suggestion also. Don't know if they do dry wall or plaster and lathe but a small hole, a bit of carpentry inside the wall between the studs and a patch job and you'd have a hidey hole. It should be somewhat accessible in an emergency.
I'd oil it and put it in a GOOD ziplock or other air tight bag for storage. So the plastic can conform to the weapon and minimize space.
God speed anon. Why not run for Parliament and sort your laws out. Brits are bros.
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>>13034011 you know 'lolbannedinbritain' only really exists in /k/s head(s) right?
in reality the law has alays been clear and the police generally are fine as long as you stick to actual self defense and pass on the vigilante bullshit
>>13033222 Kill yourself. Use a 22/45, actually...
Hipster !!XluVQNIACns
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>>13034696 Can I at least use a .22 that I don't hate dealing with? One of my friends has one and I hate the damn thing.
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I must be going mad, a thread about guns in th uk and only one mention of lolbanned in britain. my suggestion OP, go down the legal route and toss that thing in a river. No point in being raped by the police if you are caught.
Come at me /k/.
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>>13019596 >2 indians with single shot rifles no match for the MOTHERFUCKING AFRIKA KORPS
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>>13019382 You're probably the hairiest girl I've ever seen
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>>13019596 thos rifles look like dicks
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>>13019596 those rifles looks like penises.