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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 122

No.12275493 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /k/ check this out. Just wanna know what /k/ thinks. Yeah the pic is me. No I'm not gonna time stamp it cause if you doesn't really matter if it's me or not.
193 posts and 46 images omitted

No.12191582 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This might be a repost, but I give zero fucks.

Pic motherfucking related.
58 posts and 8 images omitted

No.12909794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Spyderco Chicago - made for Chicago knife carry laws.
Spyderco UK Pen Knife - made for UK knife carry laws, 2008.
Spyderco Pingo - made for Danish knife carry laws, 2012.

Which jurisdiction should Spyderco attend to next to give the most knife they can within the laws?
1 post omitted

No.12801442 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I need your help, /k/.
So a guy wants to fight me over a girl problem that happened a week ago. Just for laughs, I told him to meet me at a movie theater that was over 30 minutes away and he actually went. He brought 3 of his friends and I had them wait for over an hour while I wasn't even there. I just pissed them off even more by telling them I knew Gorilla warfare.
He then sent me my address in a form of a text, which means he knows where I live. I am currently waiting by my window with my Glock 30 with hollow points that I thought was cool a long time ago and my nugget. I have 5 days till I ship out to Basic training, but these guys are sending me death threads. Pic related, they just sent it to me. what do?
163 posts and 25 images omitted

No.12688737 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's say the only thing I give a fuck about is gun rights.

Who do I vote for, /k/? Educate me.
92 posts and 13 images omitted

!!XluVQNIACns No.12629055 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, /k/, took the WASR out today for the first time. Bought 60 rounds last night just to hold me over until I got the shit I ordered online in.
She shoots like a dream, about 3" groups overall. That G2 trigger is also much nicer than expected. I tried some bump-fire, but I could only get two off at a time, sadly. I shall practice, though.
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No.12505871 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/k/ no longer has to worry about Mitt Romney position on Gun Control.

He has my vote. How about you /k/?

>"This is not a matter of the weapon that's used," he declared. "It's a matter of the individuals and the choices these people make. And we have to understand how to prevent those kinds of choices from being made. I don't think gun laws are the answer."
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!!yvm0QrHZZJQ No.12202761 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So /k/, I'm planning my suicide. I want to know, how many helium balloons does it take to lift a 25oz pistol. Furthermore, how far will the balloons travel before landing.

My plan is to shoot myself in the head with the gun then let the balloons carry the gun away. I plan on doing this in ghetto to make it look like a murder, to make it look like a white on black crime.
150 posts and 23 images omitted