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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 25

No.59865262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are armored fighting vehicles such a female dominated area of interest? Why don't guys seem to want to get into them?

Earlier this year I presented my orders to Ukraine and NATO: TAKE TRANSNISTRIA

No.59596854 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
NATO ignored my orders, so now, I will present my orders to Russia. Here's the battle plan, the only way to win. Link up with Transnistria and take Odessa. Otherwise NATO and Ukraine will bomb Sevastapol into dust. Then, have the Transnistrians vote to become part of Russia. Another feint toward Kiev will ensure that they redeploy, leaving the current line and allowing easier movement of troops and assets along the DPR / LPR land bridge. Ukrainian and NATO commanders will have to decide whether to defend Kiev, Odessa, or the line.
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Launchpad for what?

No.59748824 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anybody who can tell me what the fuck this is used for!?

Here is the story... A friend of mine found this today next to a public access hallway at the Davos Congress Center im Switzerland. Chained to a concrete bench. Yes i talk about the highest city of the alps where the old retard Klaus Schwab does his bullshit World Economic Forum every year trying to screw over the whole world. Where coincidentally i grew up. And that Centrum is the actual Spot where the meeting is held... So it is really weirding us out. Its seems like a Launchpad for "something" and looks ready to go. It could be a fake to troll ppl but doesnt make really sense cuz not much ppl come by there... Anybody got any clue what the hell it is?
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For me it's the Fairbairn-Sykes and its variants

No.58351008 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Absolute peak of fighting knife development.
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No.58732976 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone here into swords? What’s your favorite one that you own?

Just received this replica and am displaying it in the name of the emperor. Next one will probably be a condor naval cutlass or apoc survival longsword.
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No.47037662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What sword would you say is just good at everything, a good balance between utility and offense?
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No.55365851 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
machetes not sure if this belongs in /out/ for being an outdoor tool or in /k/ for being a weapon, I've used them as both
>be me
>florida raw land surveying grunt
>cuts perfectly straight trail in the brush
>uses alot of machetes
anything under 22 inches is a manlet, and you will cut your hands on brush
anything marketed as a "survival" or "zombie" machete is generally dogshit
anything with a "sawback" serrations is a liability and seems good in theory but is shit in practice, have never found a good use of it
too thick of a blade is its bulky and tiresome working all day, too thin and the blade degrades
I end up losing machetes or hitting them on metal so anything too expensive is also a no go
ITT machete reviews
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No.59332266 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>better in every way than the m4
>never adopted because 'muh american' patriotism and HK not failing for the scheming american politics
Your excuse?
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No.48481670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m really sad, anon, cheer me up with military stories, please, it doesn’t matter if it’s your stories or screencaps.
6 posts and 4 images omitted

Is this a raid or some shit?

No.59491548 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post guns dwarves would use
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