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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 32

No.55071756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give her a loadout /k/
16 posts and 4 images omitted

New cope just dropped

No.55083233 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Evgeny Buzhinsky, a retired Lieutenant-General of the Russian Armed Forces, claimed that the Ukrainian military is overflowing with American participants: “There are not only advisers, but specialists. I think that there are thousands of American advisers and specialists on the ground in Ukraine, they’re probably present in every unit.”
215 posts and 41 images omitted

Patch Thread

No.55005646 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Design, create, and discuss patches here.

Previous Thread: >>54950916

Newest seller list, actively updated

Newer but not updated, contains dead stores

Classic but severely deprecated, basically a museum piece

>Thread Theme
319 posts and 115 images omitted

/akg/ AK general

No.54899788 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
AK General /akg/
Rifle is Kino Edition
>Thread #1826

Old Thread: >>54886459
327 posts and 93 images omitted

No.54765312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>government has officially taken their move against orange man
>his supporters are seeing red and are talking about violent revolt
>MAGA schizo actually attacks the federales
>shooters are now part of every racial group and are becoming far more numerous

fuck, fuck it's happening anons, I-I'm gonna- gonna BOOOOOG
95 posts and 14 images omitted

Z-20 to be China's most-delivered military helicopter, multiple variants expected

No.48818863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nice helicopters:

China's latest commissioned and fully domestically made tactical utility helicopter, the Z-20, is expected to become the country's most-delivered chopper by entering service with not only the Chinese army, but also the nation's air, naval forces and armed police, with additional prospects of export sales, said the chief designer of the helicopter.

The Z-20 could play a role similar to the UH-60 Black Hawk in the US military and reach a similar number of deliveries as those for the US helicopter, analysts predicted on Thursday.
47 posts and 8 images omitted

/akg/ AK General

No.34630708 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
AK General /akg/
Bolt Face Edition
>Thread #363

Old thread here >>34620018
331 posts and 113 images omitted

Looking to the future

No.30414567 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /k/omrades.
As an avid gun enthusiast I often wonder: where do we go from here?
We reached a brick wall when it comes to engineering weapons, calibers, ergonomics etc... but, there is still so many issues with firearms to sort out as we go forward into the future.

It's easy to change around the laws to help stop violent shootings and restrict access to guns from irresponsible owners. But we all know that the results aren't that good.
As we all know Negligent dischargers, and guns getting in the hands of criminals can still happen.

What we need to do is apply new smart technologies to make guns more accurate, safer, and in the hands of a criminal, use heuristics so that it cant be used against another human. So that in case a criminal get's his hand on a Weapon, all weapons available in the wild will be amart weapons, and self defense will never be needed 99% of the time.

If these smart enhancements happen we will never need to infringe the 2nd amendment. When will we get to this point? How do you think we can accomplish this?
35 posts and 3 images omitted

No.39297225 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What would Rally carry now that short rails have been memetaxed north of $2k?
141 posts and 50 images omitted

No.54321999 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The AR in AR-15 stands for Assault rifle. There is nothing else that makes sense to fit there. Don’t give me that “ArmaLite” bullshit! They should be banned because they kill innocent people all the time. Don’t say “PeOPle KiLl pEOplE” argument. You’re just dumb for saying that. You just want people to die! I AM SICK OF IT. I hope the same people that do those terrible things do the same to you!
27 posts and 8 images omitted