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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 41

Antifa defeated with red spray paint/defense spray.

No.50285051 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So this just happened in Norway, what does /k/ think about defense spray, particularly the red kind, it looks effective against Antifa.
68 posts and 15 images omitted

Italian Guns

No.49414243 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why, despite their flaws and shortcomings are italian firearms considered the most exotic and desirable?
111 posts and 22 images omitted

The White Race 2021

No.49126207 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Vietnamese female veterans of the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war

No.45386161 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Accounts of veterans of Vietnamese all female militia units who fought in 1979 against Chinese. The women are in their fifties or sixties now.

All female Vietnamese militia unit C3 - 103 of the Logistics Department of Military Region in Hòa An distrct, Cao Bằng province which fought against the Chinese on 17 February to 5 March 1979.

There were 93 Vietnamese women in this unit and they served as logistics before taking up arms to fight as a militia unit against Chinese men. They were led by Vũ Thị Kim Liên a 19 year old woman and they killed dozens of Chinese men in battle. 19 year old Lieutenant colonel Nguyễn Thị Tuyết was also part of the unit.

The Vietnamese female militia of C3 defeated Chinese men several times in battle repulsing them each time with dozens of deaths and each of them had to bury four Chinese corpses as they took captured Chinese weapons from the field to use themselves. The first battle lasted 2 hours.
500 posts and 152 images omitted

/pfg/ Poor Fag General

No.50109510 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A place where the financially challenged can post budget gear and solutions

Previous >>50088656
275 posts and 125 images omitted

No.50051481 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Banging another guy's wife in HIS house

>Not carrying

He deserved it more than she did
369 posts and 39 images omitted

Indian military power against Pakistan

No.49686577 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

The Sunni Muslim Afghan Pashtun Sultan of the Sur Empire, Sher Shah Suri defeated the Indian Hindu Rajputs under Puran Mal. The Afghan Pashtun Sunnis who had war elephants slaughtered the Indian Rajput Hindus including Puran Mal. The surviving Indian Rajput Hindu women and children were enslaved, among them were 3 of Puran Mal's nephews or sons who were castrated and became eunuchs so that their family line would not continue while Puran Mal's daughter was enslaved as a dancing girl as were other Hindu girls who were captured.[70]

The Turkic and Iranian Persian Twelver Shia Muslim royal family ruling the Oudh (Awadh) state in India obtained their eunuchs (khwajasarais) through crushing Hindu rebellions by their Indian Hindu subjects that they ruled, massacring Hindu men and enslaving the Hindu women and children with the South Asian Indian Hindu boys being castrated and sent into the harems for service as eunuchs. Jawahir Ali was a eunuch of Oudh state who was born a Hindu. The rulers of Oudh (Awadh) state were Twelver Shia while Rajput Hindus made up most of the local cultivator landholding rajas. The Hindu Rajas of Khairabad rebelled since they refused to pay taxes to the Twelver Shia district administrator Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan so Nawab Muhammad Ali defeated the Hindus in battle and the Muslim historian Muhammad Faiz Bakhsh recorded in his book Tarikh Farahbakhsh that Muhammad Ali sent "hundreds of unbelievers (Hindus) to hell", enslaving their children and women and castrated the Hindu boys among the children. Adult Hindu women, Hindu girls, and Hindu boys like Jawahir Ali were enslaved by their Twelver Shia ruler. One Hindu boy died from being castrated but the rest of the Hindu boys including Jawahir Ali survived the castration and entered Muhammad Ali's service as eunuchs.
21 posts and 15 images omitted

No.49897275 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Be on your best behavior, /k/. We have esteemed members of the media in attendance today.
229 posts and 71 images omitted

/ak/ Thread - Ave true to Caeser Edition

No.49850982 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Image Limit Reached
>Last Thread>>49832528

All profligates will be crucified
326 posts and 163 images omitted

/ak/ thread - Cute [sbr's] edition

No.49825810 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Image Limit Reached
>Last Thread: >>49807891

All haters of [sbr's] should be tied down and given a forceful [sbr]job
368 posts and 220 images omitted