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The final statistics of enemy equipment lost was sent to SADF and Army HQ a few days afterwards:54• 3 x T-55 tanks destroyed;• 18 x T-54 (four recovered, the others destroyed or rendered unserviceable);• 2 x tank recovery vehicles;• 26 x BTR-60 armoured personnel carriers;• 4 x SA 8 anti-aircraft missile systems (one recovered, three destroyed);• 2 x Surface to air missile carriers (one recovered, one destroyed);• 1 x Flat Face radar (recovered);• 3 x BMP-1infantry fighting vehicles (two recovered, one destroyed);• 6 x ZSU-23 anti-aircraft guns (four recovered, two destroyed);• 3 x D-30 artillery pieces (122 mm);• 83 x logistical vehicles (45 recovered, 35 destroyed).On 14 October, Igor Zhdarkin, a Soviet advisor with the FAPLA forces, jotted down fairly similar statistics in his diary, given to him by Soviet advisors with 47 Brigade: 18 tanks, 20 armoured troop carriers, four D-30 122 mm guns, three BM-21 rocket launchers, four Osa-AK anti-aircraft mobile rocket launchers, two Osa-AK transport cars, one P-19 radar station, and various other vehicles.55According to the Soviet commander-in-chief in Angola, General Pyotr Gusev, only, “several tanks, infantry combat vehicles and five anti-aircraft missile systems” survived.56