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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 46
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Your primary and secondary weapons if SHTF on election day
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>>47094728 lmao these people actually exist
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>>47099816 Based m1a loadout
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>>47100099 >vortex on a scar Memeing aside, how do you like the optic
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Advice needed In my state I can not buy a semi automatic rifle or handgun because of my age. I am looking for a cheap bolt action rifle with over 6 rounds capacity. Also I am left handed so that complicates things.
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Why this thread got delet? Fuck you mods fuck you jannies fuck you niggers kikes and commies. Oh yeah fuck trannies too.
African Armored Warfare Time The Battle of Lomba, 1987 South African light armor annihilates heavy armored forces of FAPLA by not fucking up; being professionals. "the Angolan 47 Brigade, which would be the defending force on 3 October, was somewhat stronger than the others in that it had, according to a Soviet source, a tactical group of 22 tanks (T-54s and/or T-55s).14 (In fact, after the battle, when the South African troops tried to reconstruct it among themselves, they actually counted 28 tanks in the Angolan force.15 This may, of course, be an exaggeration as some tanks may have been counted more than once.) To begin with, 47 Brigade and its Tactical Group was about 1 400 men strong.16 However, during September, the South African bombardments, UNITA action and natural causes – disease, desertion and the like – whittled the number steadily down. By 22 September, according to a SADF document (presumably based on the SADF intercepts of FAPLA radio communications17), the brigade had lost 270 dead and 200 wounded. In addition, it had lost two of its tanks."
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The final statistics of enemy equipment lost was sent to SADF and Army HQ a few days afterwards:54• 3 x T-55 tanks destroyed;• 18 x T-54 (four recovered, the others destroyed or rendered unserviceable);• 2 x tank recovery vehicles;• 26 x BTR-60 armoured personnel carriers;• 4 x SA 8 anti-aircraft missile systems (one recovered, three destroyed);• 2 x Surface to air missile carriers (one recovered, one destroyed);• 1 x Flat Face radar (recovered);• 3 x BMP-1infantry fighting vehicles (two recovered, one destroyed);• 6 x ZSU-23 anti-aircraft guns (four recovered, two destroyed);• 3 x D-30 artillery pieces (122 mm);• 83 x logistical vehicles (45 recovered, 35 destroyed).On 14 October, Igor Zhdarkin, a Soviet advisor with the FAPLA forces, jotted down fairly similar statistics in his diary, given to him by Soviet advisors with 47 Brigade: 18 tanks, 20 armoured troop carriers, four D-30 122 mm guns, three BM-21 rocket launchers, four Osa-AK anti-aircraft mobile rocket launchers, two Osa-AK transport cars, one P-19 radar station, and various other vehicles.55According to the Soviet commander-in-chief in Angola, General Pyotr Gusev, only, “several tanks, infantry combat vehicles and five anti-aircraft missile systems” survived.56
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When the shooting started, both forces had probably approximately 1 000 men on the battlefield. But this is misleading, as the real fighting at close quarters was done mainly by the less than 100 men in Charlie Squadron’s three troops and Bravo Company’s antitank platoon. In addition, 47 Brigade had in excess of 22 T-54/55 tanks and a similar number of other armoured vehicles. On the other side, the South Africans had a total of 20 Ratel-90 armoured cars. Of these, 12 started the battle, while another eight joined in the fight towards the end.Compared to the T-54/55 tanks, the Ratels were hopelessly outclassed. They were armed with an unstabilised, low-velocity 90 mm gun and protected by thin armour, designed to keep out small-arms fire only. The FAPLA tanks had thick armour and stabilised 100 mm guns. The Ratels’ superior mobility was nullified by the somewhat difficult terrain and, especially, the slow pace of the SADF’s advance.The South Africans did have superior artillery, which played an important role at decisive stages of the battle. But even when taking that into account, looking at the numbers only, it seems astounding that they could win. Moreover, they did not simply win; they completely knocked the stuffing out of 47 Brigade. However one wants to look at it, this was one of the most complete tactical victories in military history.67Ibid., pp. 240, 248.
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It must have been insane to be part of those 100 guys out of 1000 to do the majority of the initial fighting. You like to think that you and your 999 buddies are gonna be fighting side by side, but circumstances decided that nah, you're gonna fight with about a tenth of the strength of your force, against pretty much the entire enemy force. Those 90mm guns must have gotten so fucking hot from firing constantly.
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They still lost.
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Can any Australian shooters RP on how to get a Pistol license and Pistol in NSW?? Join shooting club + apply for license?? Anything anal retentive about the process I should know?
Come over and ask in the Aus General>46930702 >46930702 >46930702 There are multiple guides on getting a pistol license in OPs post.
Why does /k/ hate gun Jesus? Seems like a pretty intelligent and based guy to me
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>>46715074 >several It was one you mongoloid and it wouldn’t have happened had Japan just fucked off.
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>>46715032 bro do you really expect me to read all that shit redditnigger
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>>46713261 Ian tries to stay politically neutral so he can go to any gun museum. Some guy asked him about Boers being genocided one time he basically refused to get in a conversation about it. He's also friends with Karl who is a really fucked up freak who lets other people fuck his gf and does satanist LARPing and literally drinks jizz. As far as I know only Karl is an actual commie supporter, so it might just be one of those things where a guy you know ended up getting weirder over time.
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Posters hate him because newfags bought the "/v/ hates videogame" trend and assumed it applied to every other board. Since these faggots start on /b/ and /v/ and migrate here, they bring all the shitposting from those boards. Isn is obviously an invaluable source for learning about firearm history and functions. It's just a guy sitting at a table explaining guns. It's the least controversial thing we could talk about. Suddenly these threads are about satanism and communism and you can see where newfags leaked in.
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>>46714958 I want to kill them too.
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What happened to the tripfags of /k/
resistance is autism !!65XNEdwLf1z
>>46659127 >now that they're anonymous they're legends >these new guys are attention whores >implying that you miss them but only after they're gone >having cognitive dissonance over this anti-trip ethic You either liked them or you didn't. Pick one.
resistance is autism !!65XNEdwLf1z
>>46659200 >being fat makes you blind and ruins your grammar Anonymous
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>>46659242 >tripfagging ever Anonymous
>>46659205 No, dipshit. They were always anonymous, I'm not talking about reformed retards.
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>>46659277 >b-b-b-b-but you can't stick out or you're a faggot illogical facefuck alert
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>coworker brings up gun control
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I try to say something middle of the road like >I think there should be some sort of firearms license you have to get so that the police of other officials know who you are >as far as what you can buy like how much ammo and magazines idk about all that should be up to the states Then I try to look at a POC that may be in the convo to see if they can say anything because I know they only buy weapons because it’s so ducking easy to. Once you need a license to buy a gun you won’t see blacks and too many browns buying them. They usually just make a weird face and then I keep the convo going somewhere else
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>>46611423 >tfw eating the first ripe and plump strobry of the summer off of your little strobry plant on the balcony Anonymous
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>>46616449 >Nope, the ostrich is still taller >Bwak, manlet Anonymous
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>>46615627 Eat my ass, nigger. This thread is about strawberry
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>>46611423 I don't like strawberries
The Survivor
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You've all heard of it, practically all of you anyway, GUN CONTROL. "aarrrgghhh they're gonna take our guns and whatnot", but see, what they fail to realize is that this rule only applies to civilians. We all love guns here on /k/, so what I'm about to suggest should come as no surprise at all. If you live in a country that bans all firearms, yet you are DYING to get your hands on a firearm even for 5 minutes to feel what it's like, JUST ENLIST! Every country's military has firearms, there is not a single military in the world anymore that doesn't use firearms. You want to touch and use some firearms? Join the police force, join the military, join anti-terrorist task forces. They're all there, just call them and set up an appointment, "hello, my name is _________ and I want to join your line of work because I want to shoot some guns, but they're banned for civilians, SIGN ME UP NOW PLEASE!" It's that easy. You'll have all the firearms you want, and you'll use them practically as much as you want, you'll use them so much you'll get tired of using them, you'll even get bored of shooting high powered automatic firearms. Who cares about the firearm ban? JUST ENLIST ALREADY!!!
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>>46607210 Because they grasp at any sort of argument and don't understand what gun ownership is about or entails.
As for OP, I literally shoot more rounds in an average single range session than I did in entire years in the Army.
>>46607218 And neither do Marxists. Most major Marxist thinkers now refuse to actually consider what Marx wrote and rather go for an analytical view of what he meant, ie they just read whatever the fuck they want into it.
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>>46607218 Stop getting butthurt over nothing, it's a shitpost. I'd call you a dumbass over not getting it, but that wouldn't be constructive.
>>46607226 truer word are seldom spoken
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>>46607482 >>46607226 >>46607218 Total morons. I wonder how the hell are you able of using the internet, if you've never read anything in your fucking lives?
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You are teleported into the world of the last anime/manga that you watched/read as the protagonist of the series with only your EDC. How fucked are you?
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>Touhou Project Okay, I'm fucked. Between psychopath armpit miko, fascist Lunarians or pedo half-ghost.
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>>46414471 It's okay, you're getting issued with Mauser and trumpetah.
>>46422266 Also interesting to me was the ratio between action-orientated series and CGDCT.
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>>46424317 I like both "genres" so I really can't comment. No furryshit tho.
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>>46421991 >he doesn't know
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this thread glows lmao
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Well anons, this shit has motivated me to draw a spurdo meme. It's going to take 10000 hours on paint and it will look awful.
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Magic thread boys This wins 1000000 internets
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You are sent back to the middle ages. What weapon do you take?
120lbs of pure gold bullion
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Science and engineering books in Italian, German and Greek.
>>46360129 Good luck carrying that and getting a fair price on anything as a strangely dressed, weird-speaking foreigner. If you aren’t immediately robbed
>How much is that beer and a room at your inn? >No less than a bar of gold stranger! Anonymous
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>>46360159 Obviously you immediately cache it somewhere smart and just take a little at a time, start small at a money changers or pull the old philosopher's stone scam to get yourself in tight at the top, and since you can continually produce gold in suitably impressive ways, you eventually pull all the strings and take charge