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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 53

No.36309300 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the mostly manly holster I can get to prove to Jesus Christ our lord that I am not a cock sucker and totally love the poon
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No.38637252 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do you /gas/ in a shtf scenario? Average e10 gasoline has only like a 6 month shelf life, a year if its sealed. With added stabilizers, regulated temperature, and a sealed environment. It could probably last up to what, 4-5 years? Good for most short-term situations. But how am I going to be powering my genny 5-6 years in?
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No.40186171 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do people actually concealed-carry PDWs or Submachine guns?

Y'know, the semi-automatic versions of mp5s, mp7s, uzis, p90s, and so on.

It seems like those type of weapons would be impossible to conceal. But I've heard of a bunch of instances where people wearing normal clothing, actually conceal submachine guns. Like pic related.
19 posts and 3 images omitted

Encounter with actual range trap

No.40010583 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>went to range
>see cute girl loading a pmag
>shes wearing a cz on her hip tight bdu pants plain black t shirt and an operator hat
>long hair in pony tail
>setup in lane next to her
>she looks at me smiles and gives a friendly nod
>done shooting
>she starts to leave
>think fuck it why not
>run after her and meet her in the parking lot
>ask her if I can give her my number
>she blushes and says sure
>week goes by and I meet her at the range
>she shows up looking even cuter
>crop top tight black cargo pants tucked into boots aviators and the same operator cap on
>shooting for a while and all goes well
>decide to ask her to dinner
>all is well we eat get a little tipsy and decide to go back to her place
>fucking sweet ass house with her grandparents while keep to themselves
>entire upstairs is practically hers with a master room and full size bathroom
>well we get hot and heavy and make out a bit
>she stops me
>"I really hope it doesnt ruin the mood but I really need to tell you something..."
>"what is it?"
>"well..... I was born a male......"
>heart skips a beat
>/k/ memes hit me like a fucking ton of bricks
>she looks upset and I can see tears start welling up
>"I havent ever been on a date with someone that didnt know... Im sorry I didnt mean to lead you on like this"
>"hey no its fine Im not worried about it"
>tipsy wise Im like a 6/10
>never had a problem with traps before so fuck it
>she smiles we make out more
>we end up watching red dawn and I got a sweet handy
>still talk to her to this day
>never fucked but I did see a picture of her cock

Believe it or not they do exist and It blew my mind to find one. Couldnt tell in the slightest fucking bit
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No.40008170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why doesn't the us army just buy pic related
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German Police

No.35650617 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is this? is this a thing?
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Remove ork

No.39892549 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /k/, whats the best weapon to defend my hobbit hole from orkniggers? They keep raiding near the mountains and its only a matter of time before they come over here and shit up my neighborhood.
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No.39778671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any of you negros go hunting? I've always wanted to but I don't have time. I have memories of my great grandfather and my grandfather going hunting with muzzleloaders. It was the actual worst, honesty. I was young enough that even with earpro their muzzleloaders were literally the loudest fucking thing I've ever heard. So sitting next to an old man hoping a deer doesn't come by so I don't have to lose my hearing isn't a great way to spend your holiday. What sucks is my great grandfather was left handed like me, and had a muzzloader with left handed ergamomics. My grandfather sold it before I came of age however.

No.28099433 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the best way to fight a Canadian goose or a swan that attacks you? Certainly a pistol would be overkill, no?
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Favorite camouflage

No.39523019 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's up /k/. Having always been interested in weapons warfare, I've always loved camo.

I used to go to the surplus store with my dad as a kid and buy old medals and jackets at shit, we still hit them up occasionally to this day.

That being said, I've never delved too far into military/war history until now, as I'm going to be studying it in university starting next year.

What are your guys' favorite camos and why? If you don't mind posting the country and era along with your pics, and maybe a bit of background if you feel like it. Obscure shit is definitely welcome

I'm trying to learn more while gaining inspo for the next jackets I hunt down.
126 posts and 63 images omitted