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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 58

US Special Forces Footage Released by ISIS

No.37031036 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ISIS released headcam footage of the Special Forces soldiers killed in Niger last October

What could you even do to survive in this situation?

What would you have done?
362 posts and 52 images omitted

Retarded shit /k/ did as a child/teenager

No.33450071 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Preferably weapon related but doesn't have to be.
>be 13
>dicking around with airshit revolver
>it was the type that little plastic faux casings that you would put airsoft pellets in to shoot
>get an idea
>had been playing Black Ops that day
>was at that level in the campaign where you were playing russian roulette
>decide to put the casings in the cylinder and put one pellet in only one of the casings
>spin the cylinder/action and pul the hammer back(it was spring loaded)
>put the barrel to my forearm because I was smart enough not to put it to my temple
>pull the trigger
>it clicks but I feel nothing besides a puff of air
>am tempted to do it again because it gave me an adrenaline rush
>cock the hammer again and put it to my arm
>pull it
>suddenly feel a horrible sting
>squeal but cover my mouth to keep my parents from hearing me and taking the gun away
>tear up as I feel like my arm was stung by a mutant hornet from fallout or something
>place was bruised but surprisingly was not bleeding
>you would think I would learn from this but i didn't
>friend comes over the weekend after that
>we play halo and shit
>ask him "Who would win, Master Chief or Captain America?"
>I say Master Chief but he says Captain America
>we go back and forth about who is better for about thirty minutes
>get an idea
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Infographics to wreck antigunners

No.36842016 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
As the title implies, I am currently in an argument with some ignorant little shits that need to see the light, but my infographic game is not what it could be. Hit me with your best pics, preferably ones which include sources, basically the exact opposite of pic related.
192 posts and 48 images omitted

Patch Thread

No.36798949 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Trade, create, and sell your patches
>Previous Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Thread Theme
361 posts and 113 images omitted

No.35074204 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Will this be a successful product?
63 posts and 8 images omitted

Special Forces to Adopt .264 USA???

No.36570201 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
28 posts omitted

No.36525034 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> Be me
> work second shift
> get off work and stop in local pub for a burger and a beer
> have CC
> can't carry in bar
> clear it and leave it in the truck
> talking to QT bar tender sipping the rest of my one beer
> random out of town guy starts trying to talk to me, make nice and talk to him
> walks away
> 5 minutes later, runs up to me and tries to drag me over the bar, starts talking shit bar patrons drag him to the other side
> don't move from the corner of the bar, don't say a word, just watch him walk around as he's still talking shit
> bartender tells him to shut the fuck up or get out
> proceeds to not shut the fuck up
> gets tossed
> yells "I'll be waiting for you outside im gonna blow your fucking head off"
> milf says she sees someone/people creeping in the alley
> call sheriffs department, catches them and arrests 5 guys that were waiting for me to walk out to my truck while I was unstrapped

> fast forward
> tell friend story
> your a pussy for not fighting them


self defense scenario thread
126 posts and 17 images omitted

Removing rodent

No.36528074 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is gassing rabbit holes a viable option /k/?
199 posts and 38 images omitted

No.36478855 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
58 posts and 8 images omitted

No.36478205 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>join the air force
>a few years pass, i got a degree so that i can become a jet fighter pilot
>too tall to fly a plane
>i'm only 6'1
>tfw threw away 6 years of my life

so this is the end of the tunnel for me huh... the only time i hate being tall and it'd crush my dreams . just wanted to put a smile on my parents face when im up there in the skies because both of my grandfathers were pilots in ww2

any of you lads got stories to share on your journey to fly?
6 posts omitted