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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 60

No.36361420 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"the sherman was NOT an EXCELLENT tank"

explain the size of this exit hole then, fucking wehraboo shits

Recommendation For a Homeless Guy

No.36360421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm normally posting on /b/ and /x/, first time on /k/. Basically I'm homeless and recieve ssi, and I need some kind of camp setup. Here in Western New York temperatures are below freezing so warmth is a top priority
So far I'm getting a tent, heater (not sure what kind yet), and a sleeping bag, along with anything else I need

Trouble is, I'm gonna need to be behind a building to use their electricity for an outside outlet. I wanna get a portable heater but I don't have the money to keep buying gas.

What do you recommend for me? How can I make it the New York winter in a tent?
Also what should I invest in? I just really need advice and guidance here
Strong winter tents I can get from Walmart recommendations heavily appreciated
Please help
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No.36288571 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Say you lived in a town with mandatory open carry. Any resident in a public place must be visibly armed.

What do you carry?
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No.36265342 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now that the Vz. 58 is defunct and has been replaced by the CZ 805 for a decade, and the CETME-L has been out of service for almost two decades, how many intermediate cartridge rifles are left in active service that aren't based on:
> AK (long stroke gas piston, rotating bolt, Slav)
> AR-15 (buffered gas impingement, 'murrika)
> AR-18 (short stroke gas piston, rotating bolt, not 'murrika enough so Europe adopted it and has cloned it like a boy from Brazil)

The FAMAS, FNC, and SIG's 550 series are all based on older designs unique from the big three listed above. Any others I'm missing?
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Did you make it to the range this weekend?

No.36196365 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What were ya shooting?

Pic related.
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.308 for HD

No.36197183 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What kind of damage can you expect inside of 5 yards?
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newfag here, looking for pistol

No.36195269 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
looking to buy a pistol, i want one thats good for home defense but also great in the field (these are dark times). i want one shot stopping power as itll be a last resort weapon. bonus if bullets are cheap. please list avg price and features alongside pic of gun.
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No.36185158 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's just the only 1 of 3 guns you ever need.
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I don't understand

No.33029901 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If capital ship can jump into and out hyperspace whenever they fucking want, why isn't ever space battle just spaceships constantly hopping into and out of hyperspace with a barrage of shots in between?

Why aren't Star Destroyers jumping into hyperspace every 5 seconds since no one can hit them in hyper space?

This is an important question.
114 posts and 28 images omitted

ShM-41 Gas Mask

No.35033596 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Right, so looking around for information about the ShM-41 mask, and I feel like there is a lot of misinformation being spread about, mainly because of the similarity to the GP-5. I'm thinking of doing Soviet reenactment, and I just want to know if during WWII the ShM-41's were able to mount the filters directly like the GP-5's or if the Soviets only issued them with tube and the rectangular canister.

Thanks /k/.