>>30369872Just found a way to respond months after the thread 404'd. I doubt you'll ever read this but if you do;
I think it's important to commit to learning the host language of any country you live in. I was in fire support, used to have to be certified to call in the AC-130 and direct your fire. Even then, I had to be proficient in close air support, artillery, mortars, rotary wings as well as being able to fight directly alongside the infantry. Loved it. While on base at work, I typically trained, practiced or studied, took care of a squad. Off work but on post, there is plenty to do at Ramstein but by now, you know. If you can, work out when you're low on money, get into hiking.
As far as meeting the women; learn the language, be honest with them and take them out. Take them to the city, go hiking, take your pick. Germans are pretty cool, just be friendly and mellow around them and they'll do the same.
Hope you find this. Have a good time. You might love the place so much that you decide to stay or you might be glad to go back to the states, but it's what you make of it.