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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 68

No.29755601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw hitting slide release gives you tinnitus

Guess which gun

You gotta be kidding me!

No.29751933 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This old son of a gun lives across the holler from me.
> I just found out
> watched his utube for 2+ years
> heard gunfire for yeaaarrss
>never fuckin knew
I live down the road from a legend!
> fuck you I'll brag if I want to
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No.29746438 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the hell were the Iraqis trying to accomplish by burning the oil wells?

Seems kinda counterintuitive to obscure your vision like that when the enemy has good thermal imaging and you have none.
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No.29731599 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Got this from pol for whatever reason and it actually got a good debate.
I'd like to hear from /k/s view as well
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No.14892604 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know of where I can get smoke smoke grenades? I'm looking for M-18 style pull ring grenades not some light the fuse firework. I know they are hard to come by because of the ban.
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Meme Help Plz

No.29661816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>help me /k
My school is having this weird normie meme competition and the winner apparently gets the title of "meme lord" and it's due in like 2 days. We get a T-Shirt and get to send the "meme of the week" (end me pls).
>has to be related to World Geography
>can't be gore (am cri)
>send the dankest stuff you got. If your meme wins the comp I'll gib succeroonis.

No.29662863 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I'm lurking the /tg/ general Shadowrun thread, and the topic of hackers fucking with your guns came up.

Essentially the world is 2070's with magic and fantasy races. Everything is connected, including firearms. The fluff reason is that guns in a network receive ballistic charts and -calculations, up-to-date weather information down to the second, positional information and such, so they're more accurate when connected. There are also Smartlinks, which is essentially a Halo-esque HUD on your goggles, contacts or cybereyes. An implanted version is available that lets you feel the gun as it was an actual part of you, change firemodes and even fire the gun with a thought.

Now the downside is that enemy hackers can crack into the computer of your guns and make it stay on safe, eject magazine or even brick it, making it completely useless. Now, the character I'm designing is a Bong mage living in Chicago. He essentially worships murderkube. He views guns as something holy, so any chance of an enemy gaining control of them is too big, so he would be looking at disabling all on-board electronics of his guns.

So what I kind of want to ask you people is:
>how would you feel about your gun being connected to omnipresent internet?
>would you be disabling the electronics, or at least the wireless compatibility, of your gun if you had such a gun?

Picture kind of unrelated.
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Anti-Poaching Squad Update

!!MMUpmp4PVDM No.29539177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here is update #4.

The NPO paperwork was filed in South Africa. It turns out that starting an NPO in South Africa is a lot cheaper and easier than doing it in the U.S.

As for the U.S. non profit. We're doing some more research as where we'll incorporate. It's down to Delaware and Nevada. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. We're also doing fictitious name and trademark searches. We really don't need some name or trademark troll suing us and shaking us down of our vital anti-poaching funds. Non profit status in the U.S. is two steps. First we have to incorporate, then we can file with the IRS to get 501c3 status.

My brother in law has both 4x4 Nissans running and road worthy. They just need paint and logos, which will come later when the graphic design work is done. I got the Nissan Patrol trucks pretty cheap (the dollar is really strong right now) and they didn't need a ton of work. So I'm into the vehicles for less than $5,000.

I've had a lot of /k/ommando reach out to me and express interest in the project. I've put up a temp website that has some more information as well as an interest form that makes it easy to keep track of who is interested and what they can offer the program.

I think that about covers it for this update.
Most common questions answered here:


No.13333658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /k/ think of this knife?
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cooking of cosmoline with chef comrade horsehead

!EFkj5wKGbg No.29443722 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am giving hello. Welcome to living property. Today I am of receiving very excitable package. Beloved cosmoline has arrived! However idiot of idiots son shipped loved cosmoline in gun. The pain of salvage is my ass. So to extract cosmoline like clever worker bee I have fix.

We am cooking gun until it goes away.
321 posts and 129 images omitted