>>27834759I command a tank company. I assume you're American?
Anyway, I don't think being a tank crewman is absolutely terrible, but it's nothing like you think it is. Honestly, driving the tank is pretty fun, but you don't spend that much time actually doing it. You're mostly either doing maintenance, retarded "details" (menial tasks), or maybe in a simulator. Promotion rates in the MOS (19K) are terrible, but that might not matter to you. There's also a small but significant chance that you'll never see the inside of a tank again after you graduate your initial entry schools for a variety of reasons.
By the way, whether you start as a driver or a loader is a crapshoot, but being a loader isn't that bad a job.
Still, if you're looking for a change of pace and are willing to give up a few years of your life it's probably not a terrible idea. Being a tank driver might not be that great, but having been one is a pretty interesting thing. The main thing is: are you really fucking sure that there's nothing better you could be doing for the years you'll be enlisted?