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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 69

AR General

No.28188393 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Great news /k/omrades. I just got confirmation that AR-15 type semiauto rifles are legal in Croatia. This brings me great joy since I've wanted one for years now.

So in order to celebrate let's have an AR general thread. Post your beauties so I get some build ideas as well. I clearly have no pics of my own so here's this.
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Medal of Honor bullshit

No.18667508 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Retired Gen. David Petraeus recommended against awarding Army Capt. William Swenson the Medal of Honor, according to a published report. A story by McClatchy newspapers cites a Pentagon investigation into the disappearance of the Medal of Honor nomination for Swenson, who received the medal on October 15. Investigators from the Defense Department Inspector General’s office learned that Petraeus, then the top commander in Afghanistan, had “recommended downgrading the MOH to a Distinguished Service Cross,” according to the report.

>Swenson was honored for his actions during a fierce attack on a combined Marine, Afghan unit in Ganjgal in September 2009. Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the same battle.

Remember, this is after the Marines got called out on bullshitting to get one of their guys a Medal of Honor as well.
21 posts omitted

What is the difference between a regular laser pen and the Shadowhawk Laser Saber?

No.29044995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would really like to know because they market it as a Non-Lethal weapon.
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At last I truly see

No.29027076 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
K9 > kay nine > canine
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Furries on /k/

No.28623926 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are there so many furries on /k/?
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No.28801077 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So if I hold down the trigger, and just pull back the hammer quickly and release it like a revolver wouldn't it shoot faster?


No.28782011 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have shot the Glocks.
I have shot the XDs.
I have shot the M&Ps.
I have shot the Sigs.
I have shot the Berettas.
I have shot the HKs.
I have shot the CZs.
I have shot the Walthers.

But somehow/someway nothing feels more natural than a 1911 in my hand. It's like the 1911 is a gift from God made for me.

!!nyxwIX+QLW2 No.28786221 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
once again I'm proved correct, kart is a poopzikas cocksucker and his opinion is totally invalid, enjoy autists
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No.28525467 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
itt you're waifu
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