Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
I fucked up, I fucked up bad. I accidentally deleted ALL (every last bit) of my homemade weapons folder. Can someone help me out? This is all I got left.
Has /k/ ever killed anyone? I killed 1 home invader and wounded the other in a home invasion back in 2009 and it still keeps me up at night sometimes. I just figured I'd post it here because others might be interested. I won't share too many location details because there are news stories about this and the last thing I need is to get Dox'd.
> Be me summer of 2009 > Live in house in small town about 15k population with GF (In the US) > Like guns, always have, keep loaded 1911 in my nightstand > One night, wake up hear shit downstairs >Assume its dog making stupid fucking noises, but I have to pee anyway so I get up to go to the bathroom > As I get up I notice my dog in the corner of my room > Panic.jpg > Grab 1911 > Head downstairs quietly > as I get down the stair case I turn right, into living room where I see a guy standing there he's looking at me, he has something in his hand but I couldn't tell what it was > Fired 2 rounds into his chest and he goes down > his friend comes around the corner, see's me, I fire off 3 shots, 2 missed, one winged him in the shoulder as he's turning to run > He hauls ass into the dark night > look back at guy I shot >Dog barking a fucking storm, GF comes downstairs with a Glock > Tell her to call police > Eventually the kid who got away went to hospital for treatment and got arrested
It was really surreal. It happened so fast and I don't even really remember hearing the gun go off, or even thinking about any of it. After I saw the first guy I was so scared, and it didn't even really sink in till the police got there. It turns out they were some fucking local junkie fucks who were just trying to steal some shit to support their heroin habit, so I don't really feel bad about it. It's just weird as fuck thinking that he had lived his own life for 22 years, with all his own experiences and shit, only to have it ended by some tiny pieces of metal in a matter of seconds.
Surprisingly, this is something the US is still only in the process of building. So, China's not behind at all, especially when seeing their fuck-fast speed of construction of warships. And this one seems to be constructed by civilian standards, which is even faster for China.
China designats this one the H1183 (-class?).
Anyway, China seems to be upgrading their amphibious landing capability with these MLPs, the continued construction of the 071 LDP and their Zubr Hovercrafts.
What: /k/ meetup full of guns, alcohol (not at the same time), good food, great people, a raffle, trading post (milsurp, gear, ammo etc) and who knows what else.
Email me if you have any questions or want to be on the email roster. For those that have already emailed me, I'm working on it. I have a couple hundred old emails to sift through to build the new email roster for NF and the CC.