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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 73

Recommended home defense weapons/General HD thread.

No.25827793 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, tonight, I had my sister's ex make death threats against my family and we called the cops, but I'd like to have a little extra protection just in case this psycho shows up. Pic related is what I've seen recommended a few times.
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Your collection

No.25792274 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your collections /k/ool /k/ids.
264 posts and 93 images omitted

No.25791276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why don't we name rifles in the way that legendary swords used to be named? What would you name your rifle (and what kind would it be)?
49 posts and 7 images omitted

No.25751335 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does the US Military have a plan against a nuclear/ICBM attack?
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Summer NuggetFest 2015

!BYe7HUHHLs No.25688790 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's that time again, Summer NuggetFest 2015. Most /k/ommandos need early notice to know when to take time off from work/school/military etc so let's get started.

Summer NuggetFest will be in Penfield, PA July 24th - 26th.

Same place as the Winter Olympi/k/s and 2014 Summer NuggetFest.

More information will be provided in the near future. A few things worth mentioning now
>New outhouses are being built
Not more shitty frozen broken down one
>The .50cal will be there again for you to shoot
Just need to pay for ammo which will be provided
>New range rules incoming
Nothing dickish, just a few changes to maintain safety
>More Tannerite
I enjoy watching things go boom.

Email me for access to the google doc to input your info and help me account for everyone that's coming. We had over 80 /k/ommandos last time in Pennsylvania from all across America and even from Canada. We're expecting at least 100 and upwards of 200 /k/ommandos for the Summer NuggetFest.

Everyone that had access to the previous NuggetFest googld docs, check your email. I've sent out new invites for the Summer NuggetFest document. Eventually I'll have a google form for /k/ommandos to reserve a tent space, on first to claim first to get basis.

Email me to get access to the google doc if you didn't get an email or are new and want to join in the fun.

[email protected]
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No.25624751 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Nobody touched their stores during the LA Riots...
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War Picture Thread (Rare if possible)

No.25630552 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Soldiers pose with Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4 (W.Nr. 5587) ‘Yellow 10′ of 6./JG 51 ‘Molders’, which crash-landed at East Langdon in Kent, 24 August 1940. The pilot, Oberfeldwebel Beeck, was captured unhurt.
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No.25565276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know this is technically vidya but I also know this a game that is heavily represented on/k/.
What is /k/'s thoughts on Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations? I really want to play it but I am wary of the $80 price tag. My questions are these:
>Does it have a lot of replay value

>Within reason, is it relatively realistic for a "simulator"?

>Will I leave with new knowledge about naval technology, tactics, and capabilities?
2 posts and 1 image omitted

No.20788714 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
been reading the book 'Free Fall' about a Russian sniper in Chechnya during the second war and he keeps mentioning that the insurgents were using lots of American weapons and supplies. How accurate are these claims? Did the USA really supply Chechen insurgents as a 'fuck you' to Russia even after 9/11?
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Range Horror Stories

No.25525647 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's go, I'll start

> be me, yesterday
> qt 3.14 new girlfriend drives up to see me
> anon, lets go to the range, teach me to shoot
> I'm in love already
> She's inna Navy, qualifies with a Beretta m9 annually
> She's a decent shot, knows her weapons safety rules forwards and backwards
> I was shooting shit-hot yesterday, looking like a pro
> Notice she is jerking the trigger, give her a few pointers
> She turns around to say something to me, pointing my loaded Sig right at my face from 2 feet away with the safety off and her finger on the trigger
> mfw

I was recording her shooting so I could show her how the front sight jerked down each time she fired because she was anticipating. Got a nice still of her 1/8 of a finger twich away from blowing my head off.

She apologized profusely and after the cold sweat was gone, we had some nervous laughs about it.
334 posts and 51 images omitted