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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 74

Denton Tactical

No.21608610 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, looking to convert my old Saiga into an AK103, but don't have the tools nor do I trust myself to do it properly. I started looking online for smiths that would convert it and found one in TX called Denton Tactical. Their TAT is very good and prices aren't bad either. I can't find any reviews of them or anything online though, so I was wondering if anyone has experience with them and can give some advice. Thanks.
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No.25478088 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well that's about it /k/ I need a firearm.

I'm surrounded by sketchy types and I no longer feel safe in my apartment.

I have $1300 coming to me in a tax refund in the next few weeks and can afford a cheap pistol. I've fired my dad's .22 pistol before, but it is a very small model and not comfortable.

Can I expect to get a reasonably sound firearm for around $600? Something with stopping power that I can aim at a leg to incapacitate?
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No.25452922 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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HKfags assemble

No.24964875 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Everyone knows that...

>best striker fired 9mm
>best DA/SA 9mm

But, which one is the BEST 9mm handgun, in general? My vote still goes for the VP9, better more consistent trigger. Better trigger than even the P30 LEM which has by far the best hammer trigger in a 9mm pistol.
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No.25404763 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

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!OudrPWaUDQ No.25351224 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

synchtuDOTbe /r/ kstream
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No.25267924 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Standard barrel DS Arms SA 58 or the Medium Contour Barrel SA 58 and why?
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ISIS vs. DPR/LPR separatists

No.25199333 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here are the conditions:
ISIS suddenly teleports into Western Ukraine and starts a fight with DPR/LPR separatists. It's summer, so ISIS won't freeze to death. Both sides gets support from their backers in terms of money and supplies. Both sides have the equipment they have now.
Who would win?
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Dune coon shenanigans Part 2

No.25198469 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So yesterday I started a thread and completely forgot about it so let's do this again my children. Let's go full haram and watch Islams Fuck it up
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Swiss Gun Owners

No.25138698 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone going to the general meeting on the 11th of April 2015?

I'm thinking of going there and listen to what they have to say.