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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 75

No.25109135 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Because of my job, I've barely visited /k/ these past two months, and I'd just like an update on how things have been going with my second family while I've been gone... I've missed M00t leaving, and God knows what else.

>Has /k/ gotten better? As of January, it's been going to shit.
>Is Vladimir the candy-ass still shitting up the place or have new tripfags taken his place?
>/pol/ and plebbit still at it?
>Has Ivan Chesnokov returned? Please, for the love of god, tell me that Ivan has come back.

To keep it board related, I just bought a gun safe. What's the best way to dehumidify it?
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Eric Holder and ATF put spaghetti manufacturers worldwide out of business

!!yvm0QrHZZJQ No.25043560 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Latest development in the full auto case is in!

ATF's Sur-Sur-Reply to the Sur-Reply against the case being thrown the fuck out.

A translation for those who suck at reading legalese (perhaps one of the law bros can correct this if I'm wrong)


On March 2, 2015, the Court granted Plaintiffs leave to file a surreply brief in opposition to Defendants’ motion to dismiss or for summary judgment, and also stated: “Defendants may file a sur-sur reply on or before March 11, 2015.” Order, Mar. 2, 2015 [ECF No. 30]. In accordance with the Court’s Order, Defendants now file this brief sur-sur reply.

>Yeah, yeah, yeah. My turn to speak.

Plaintiff’s sur-reply brief adds little to the arguments before the Court.

>Dismiss everything they said, as none of it matters.

Defendants therefore rest on their previous briefs, and are prepared to address any specific questions the Court may have in a supplemental filing or at oral argument.

>Since everything they said changes nothing we've said, we're standing by it.

Accordingly, for the reasons stated above and in Defendants’ opening and reply briefs, the Court should dismiss this case or enter summary judgment for Defendants.

>Because none of what they said matters, and everything we said matters, you should throw this the fuck out.

Why would they say this? On the surface this look pretty damn stupid (and continues looking stupid after the sources are picked through a bit). Let's look at the sources they provided in this document.

(1/3 - hold on to your pants, they might fly on to your head here)
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No.25019060 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Conscription in the US

No.24991224 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would a Swiss-style concscription system work in the US? Every citizen would recieve weapons and military training.

Apart from getting people to be more respinsible with guns, it would also train the citizens in case the government needs to be overthrown.

I think it's a good idea.
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No.24945571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you guys think of the PTR series of guns? I just got the PTR-SCCR. Have yet to put it through the tests. Anyone have experience with these guns?
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Battle Rifle General

No.24907970 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Didn't see one in the catalog, so lets get this rolling. Show them ladyboys what a real rifle looks like.
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Melee Weapon General

No.24900135 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: we post our favorite real life melee weapons.
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No.24899945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im looking for pdfs of pictures of how to make improvised weapons and explosives, my prof is making us write an essay about them and was wondering if anyone had stuff on the matter
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CMANO thread

No.24708858 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
due to some recent threads where there has been wild butthurt over what would happen if a Carrier Strike Group were to come across a Chinese battle group, I have taken it upon myself to design the end all scenario.

It takes into account the complaints of many:
>the wider picture (JSDF/ROK participation)
>The impact of land based airpower
>submarines (SSGN/SSN and if it comes to it SSBN)
> Land based long range AA (SA-300PMU/THAAD/Patriot/Sky Bow)

So far I have pic related. On it is every airbase belonging to the USAF(nothing East of Andersen), ROC, ROK and JASDF.
The bases have the correct type of aircraft and are there in roughly accurate numbers (some doubt had to be made considering the varying size of a squadron).

>inb4 PRC shill

None of the sort, in fact I'm posting this here because I'd like to hear your opinions and facts regarding forces deployment in the pacific. This will help me build the scenario and make for a more accurate simulation.
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No.24668414 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
aa12 with a 8 32rd drum and usas12 with 10 20rd drum from upotte
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