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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 76

You welcome and have fun

No.24193599 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
today is a day of a great glory and fresh underwear!

The President Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich signed the law and orders, which allow foreign citizens to serve in the Armed Forces of Russian Federation accord the international regulations, the laws of their homeland and laws of Russian Federation as contractors or volunteers.
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!HR7CNC4MoE No.21805731 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm getting tired of all these wars in places where the women are bad and off the menu. Why aren't we in the Ukraine and Crimea right now fighting the Russians and stealing their hot women? The last war we had with semi decent women was Vietnam.
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No.24102925 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
anyone ever loose a friendship over some gun grabbers views, because I just did
>long time friend comes home for winter break
>hes a very left wing, white guilted gun grabber and always reminding us
>you name any generic argument on guns and I can assure you hes used it
>know for a fact he reads things like the Huffington post because he's quoted them almost word for word in his own arguments
>don't get into debates with him, I hate politics and it never ends well
>this particular time hes going hard. talking about how bad America is, Europe has no crime and we need to be like them instead of worshiping guns
>fuck it ill argue
>"there should be a two gun limit in each household"
>what would that do? you think having more or less guns makes somebody dangerous ?"
>"what if somebody breaks in and steals them. 1 isn't as bad as 10"
>wont lie, I got taken back a few not good at debates but I hold my own
>"what about gun safes, and its not like that's the only way criminals get guns.
>"well, you cant hunt with an AR, it'll blow it to bits and if you need more than 5 shots youre a shit hunter and need you license revoked"
>try to say some do hunt with ARs, get laughed at by everyone whos like " what are you taking on an Army of deer with your 30 rounds?
>say how some ARs are made for hunting and an average hunting rifle is more powerful, but I don't think they hear me
>he says "well, we need some more regulations across this country, its disgusting how we are in this day and age with guns and crime"
>we're close to an argument that I don't feel like having, so we drop it
>back at his house I overhear him while I go take a leak
>"I love anon and all, but he seriously talks out of his ass sometimes, he doesn't know what hes preaching"
I don't want to be his friend now. We really aren't as close anymore anyway, so Im going to just let us drift apart now. Cheer me up /k/, I cant be the only one whos been here
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No.23362917 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Did anyone else want to see a muggle blast a smug wizard with a shotgun just once?
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No.23884061 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/k/ related art thread?
inb4 the /k/ube
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Non-AR .223s, sucka!

No.23889638 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's see what's happening in the crazy carbine club today, boys. If you gotta get one, what're you picking up?
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No.23807111 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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!!ogq552FXYuO No.23699272 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Live in rural Missouri
>like REALLY rural, nearest neighbor is 151`` miles
>usually don't give a shit about the dark, worst thing out here are coyotes and they're harmless
>walk outside, down driveway about 90 meters to mailbox
>grab mail
>start back
>hear a chilling ass fucking scream LOUD
>what the fuck
>try to pierce the darkness with adjusted eyes
>can't see shit
>see some kind of movement
>swear I see silhouette of a man about 40m from driveway, edge of woods on property
>it all comes back to me from /k/x/ threads
>oh fuck naw nigga
>book it back into the
>shitting myself
>grab a potroast out of fridge
>open back door and chuck it as hard as I can into the darkness to maybe satiate something evil
>grab mossenburg 500
>load it
>sitting here typing to you fags now with all the lights on in the house

Should I cal the cops? I really did hear a fucking loud ass humanish sounding scream and MAYBE saw a guy.
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No.23697997 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When the No guns faggots ask us how a bunch of people with rifles can stop an entire government what do you usually say?

I like to bring up the IRA. They managed to wage war against a superior force they have a land border with, in the middle of god damn Europe.
When people say "lel how you gonna resist the gubmint with your stupid rifle" you can always point them to the Irish. Some rifles and explosives coupled with relatively well educated and dedicated fighters was enough to give one of the biggest EU powers a pause.
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No.23663337 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey y'all! I just bought m'first rifle! Whatd'ya think?
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