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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
>get home from work >mom rolls up to me >do you know what the Crimson Caravan is? it sounds like something you do with those damn guns you have proceed to tell her that I'm not a terrorist. >is there something you have to tell me anon? >me: I'm not gay mom.
''China’s large state-backed military shipbuilders are approaching their Russian and U.S. peers in terms of the number of warships built. China’s large submarine and surface warship buildout will, in a decade, likely have it become second only to the U.S. in terms of total warships produced since 1990. More importantly, the ramp-up of China’s construction of large warships in recent years will mean the PLA Navy will likely be taking delivery of larger numbers of modern surface combatants and submarines annually than the U.S. Navy.''
We ask know the chain stores and they're great, but post you're favorite local gun shop. Maybe talk about your experience there and why it has become your gun haven
>diehard supporter of the second amendment >iq of 127 >believed the nra's stance on gun control was too weak >his fucking answering machine was give me liberty or death >loathed federal bootlickers and the atf
>In 1993, he drove to Waco, Texas during the Waco Siege to show his support.
>At the scene, he distributed pro-gun rights literature and bumper stickers, such as "When guns are outlawed, I will become an outlaw." He told a student reporter:
>The government is afraid of the guns people have because they have to have control of the people at all times. Once you take away the guns, you can do anything to the people.
>You give them an inch and they take a mile. I believe we are slowly turning into a socialist government. The government is continually growing bigger and more powerful and the people need to prepare to defend themselves against government control.
You can deny it all you want, but we all have a McVeigh inside of us /k/. While the measures he took were extreme, in a situation where the governent is passing and attempting to enforce draconian gun control restrictions, they are perfectly justifiable. Yes, children died. Yes, most people would view that as repugnant. But I believe the government truly learned a lesson in 1995. Don't fuck with our guns.
I live in Denmark, and despite having been an innawoods guy for more than 8 years, I've never really come across anything spooky. Nor have I heard anyone encountering anything spooky. Guess our woods are protected or something.
> Be collegefag > Have huge anxiety issues recently, had to leave class once last week because emotional wreck at the moment > Go schedule appointment with councselor, who is also an Air Force vet and licensed therapist > Tell her about how my insecurities (she says they stem from childhood trauma) are literally tearing up my friendships with my friends > "I invited one of my friends to go shooting at the range and they completely blew me off last week, they don't even get back to me to let me know if they want to go and they'll just leave me hanging." > Instantly realize I just came in to see a therapist because of my emotional issues and just told her I fucking own guns > Did I mention I live in nogunz California? > "So anon have you ever thought about hurting yourself? You have the means don't you, you own guns?" > I realize what I just said was the complete wrong thing to say > "I sometimes think what if's, but never serious. Never done drugs, alcohol, cut myself, or any other unhealthy habit to deal with my issues." > therapist's face unscrunches and goes back to normal > she immediately changes subject away from guns back to my relationship to my friends and says it's good I don't think about harming myself > advises me not to try talking to my friends about my insecurities because I pushed them away with my paranoia and should instead just forget about my issues and work on becoming more secure by finding more hobbies and meeting new people, even if childhood memories make that hard to do This went better than expected but now I'm afraid my counselor/therapist thinks I'm suicidal and crazy.
I have only seen 1 torture test video for the PTR-91 so i'm going to run mine through one and upload it to youtube.
What should the torture test consist of?
So far i'm going to do:
-500 round burn after wiping off all dirt, oil, lube, and gunk, firing the rifle completely dry with 25 loaded mags steel case tulammo
-let the gun sit underwater for an hour then shoot 2 mags
-encase gun in mud then shoot 2 mags
-drop out window of 3 story building with aluminum mag inserted and drop again with steel mag inserted
-let gun sit outside in the freezing cold overnight and shoot 3 mags the following morning
give me some more ideas of what you guys would like to see it go through, ill be posting the video on youtube soon and posting the link to it on /k/. and FYI, it's the GI model
What's up, /k/. Imagine a scenario with me, if you will.
Let's pretend that you're going to buy a handgun compensator and they're throwing in a crown engraving for free (pic shows what I'm talking about if you're not familiar). Maybe you have a 10mm or .460 Rowland and want to reduce recoil. Maybe you're building a race gun and want to ELIMINATE recoil. Maybe you have a threaded barrel and want something to keep on it other than a huge suppressor or generic thread protector. Maybe you just want it for shits and giggles. Whatever. it's your fuckin' gun. I'm not here to judge you.
So you're buying this thing and the website or machinist or whomever asks what you want to put on there. The only rule is that it has to fit on the face of the compensator.
What would you get engraved?
>Please be original and try something other than "real operators don't care about aesthetics therefore I choose to have no engraving."