NOTE: Original threads here:>>>/m/11958374Hi, I'm Ikazuchi.
I work at a military store and we sell military patches along with guns.
My boss was thinking of expanding his line of patches to anime themed ones. I know nothing about Strike Witches as I didn't watch it. However, I know a lot about Kancolle and Girls und Panzer. Since I'm the only one in the store who watches anime, the boss instructed me on doing some research. He wants to know if anime themed patches are profitable.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm going to bulk order either 1000 or 1600 patches. There will be 50 of each design, so 20 - 32 designs in total. I am still in the process of choosing a patch company to make the patches.
Second of all, I'm going to use Patch-kun's designs to make the patches. Here's the link: I tried contacting Patch-kun via email as well as Kickstarter, but I doubt he's going to reply back. Worst, I can't find a way to contact /ak/ scanlations (Patch-kun is from there, right?)
Third of all, I'm going to create a patch based on the Kancolle Logo.
Fourth of all, I'm also making patches based on the 6 schools in Girls und Panzer.
Finally, all patches will be EMBROIDERED and in 3.5x3.5 inches. Sounds good?
The store I work at is located in Canada. So if you're from the US, shipping will probably be $1-3 if you buy from us. My store also does INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING. I'm also trying to sell the patch for $6 each or lower.
I need a lot of feedback to make this work. I don't need Kickstarter to back me up. And I bet Indiegogo will suspend me if the project ever succeeds.
Please let me know if Patch-kun's designs are off. I'll ask my Graphic Arts friend to do the adjustments.