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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 77

No.24567705 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Be strong. Be of good courage. God bless America. Long live the Republic.
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No.24571960 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>be me
>very much into guns
>shoot twice a week
>one problem though
>Be califag
>while I can still shoot and enjoy my Fienstein approved m1a, I have 0 friends to shoot with, and 90% of the people here are below tard tier when it comes to guns
>the only ones who like guns get their information from Call a dooty
>sitting at bus stop
>little grease ball from nearby middle school is waiting there too
> kid looks like he rubs pizza on his face every morning
>his hair is a legitimate fire hazard
>lets call him greaseball
>grease ball starts talking to me about his favorite videogames
>'battlefield is so hardcore'
>I pity this abomination
>I talk with him
>he asks if I do any sports
>tell him that I shoot a few times a week
>greaseball's eyes light up so bright Im worried his slimy flesh will spontaneously combust
>starts yammering on about he loves guns, that's so cool, yadda yadda yadda
>asks me what my favorite gun is
>profess my love of the nugget
>lol whats that?
> whatdidyousaynigger?.jpg
> want to tear this uninformed shit's head off but suppress the urge
>through gritted teeth I ask him what is his
>he blurts out the following sentence word for word
> "the p90 is the greatest weapons system ever devised!"
>"it has an ergonamic design perfect for close quarters operations"
>uhm... ok
>greaseball continues becoming progressively more cringeworthy
> the 5.7mm armor piercing ammunition is fired from a 50 round clip
>he actually said "Em em" instead of millimeter
>tell him it's overpriced, and the bullets are underpowered
>ok I got that... calm down kid
>begin to backaway slowly
>kid continues to repeat the same sentence with slight variations over and over
>not sure if tard or just codfag
>bus arrives
>kid hops on
>I dont
>start taking the number 232 ever since.

so /k what's the dumbest thing a nogunz has said to you?
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No.24531582 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Didn't see an AK thread so I'll start one. FINALLY finished my AK-74M. Spent a long time sourcing all the proper Russian parts for this build (about two years). I had to get many of the parts imported from Russia and other European countries into the U.S. to finish it up.

Since we can't 'import' current issue Russian firearms and parts (this is pre-sanction agreements) it took me a very long to to get this done and correct.
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No.24551304 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Be strong. Be of good courage. God bless America. Long live the Republic.
10 posts and 4 images omitted

No.24512161 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sooooo I have an obscenely small penis. I've already got a porsche but that didnt compensate enough, for you see my junk is near microscopic.
So what handgun will properly compensate for my... inadaquacy?
>Should i get the taurus judge?
>is their a bigger more compensate-y handgun that I dont know about?
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FB Radom USA

No.24461920 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>FB Radom starts its factory in Texas
>no more IO fucking up the quality
>new factory will start with selling 5,56/7,62/22LR versions of Beryl/Archer firles and the BRS-99 pistol

info and features of MSBS
-quick change barrel
-left/right ejection
-full ambi bolt release/mag release/charging handle/safety
-M16 standard pistol grip
-can be changed into a bullpup using a bullpup frame which will be sold in US
-different calibre kits
-feeds from standard AR15 mags
-cheaper than ACR
-lighter than ACR

MSBS has passed the army tests in Poland cause its going to be the standard rifle in Polish Army so its not some kind of Vaporware

Also after bringing the MSBS to the US market they will most likely bring also the Mag95/98 and its yourger brother the PR-15 which was co-developed with MSBS for the polish army

Also there is a rumour of VIS 1935 in 9mm and a bullpup sniper rifle made by ZM Tarnow the 308/338 Lapua Magnum Bor Rifle (inb4 its awesome rifle but its fucking expensive, but don't expect cheapness from a sniper rifle with milled titanium frame)

So Anon, on scale of 1-100 how hard is your dick?
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No.21929601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /k/. One of my friends seems hellbent on telling me that swords are generally more effective than guns. I've run out of "You're retarded" arguments, can you help me out here?
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No.24367366 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the legalities/practicalities in the way of under mounting a shotgun?

I don't want batfees or pickateenies busting in/off.
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/akm/ SUPER PATCH PROJECT - Creating SW, GuP, AC, and many more patches!

No.24335822 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
NOTE: Original threads here:

Hi, I'm Ikazuchi.

I work at a military store and we sell military patches along with guns.

My boss was thinking of expanding his line of patches to anime themed ones. I know nothing about Strike Witches as I didn't watch it. However, I know a lot about Kancolle and Girls und Panzer. Since I'm the only one in the store who watches anime, the boss instructed me on doing some research. He wants to know if anime themed patches are profitable.

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm going to bulk order either 1000 or 1600 patches. There will be 50 of each design, so 20 - 32 designs in total. I am still in the process of choosing a patch company to make the patches.

Second of all, I'm going to use Patch-kun's designs to make the patches. Here's the link: I tried contacting Patch-kun via email as well as Kickstarter, but I doubt he's going to reply back. Worst, I can't find a way to contact /ak/ scanlations (Patch-kun is from there, right?)

Third of all, I'm going to create a patch based on the Kancolle Logo.

Fourth of all, I'm also making patches based on the 6 schools in Girls und Panzer.

Finally, all patches will be EMBROIDERED and in 3.5x3.5 inches. Sounds good?

The store I work at is located in Canada. So if you're from the US, shipping will probably be $1-3 if you buy from us. My store also does INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING. I'm also trying to sell the patch for $6 each or lower.

I need a lot of feedback to make this work. I don't need Kickstarter to back me up. And I bet Indiegogo will suspend me if the project ever succeeds.

Please let me know if Patch-kun's designs are off. I'll ask my Graphic Arts friend to do the adjustments.
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No.23448991 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
im to lazy to find the wwii game desiner tiger tank thread, find it for me