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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 80
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Hey, /k/. Hickok45 here. What do you think of my videos?
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Do you really thing they would let him teach 7th grade in a gradeschool if he had a face known in civil court? Doesn't sound like a deputy sheriff to me..
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this is a fake guy! fuck you man
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You are so wrong you shit heads
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I had Kinman as a teacher in 7th grade. He was a literature teacher. He is a great guy and his personality in his videos is exactly that that it was in the class room. I don't ever envision him saying something as stupid as "you are so wrong you shit heads"
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blank/traumatic weapons thread pic related, stalker 2918 (zoraki)
>>22995332 is it fully auto?
>>22995335 I actually like the 925 - for the niche applications where a small, full-auto PDW is called for, the 925 would fit the bill pretty nicely if it had a slightly lower RoF (no higher than 800rpm - the video makes it look like it's much higher than that).
>>22995372 It's supposed to be. It's an MP5 stand-in that I'd originally found on a gun manufacturer's website ages ago (~2008'ish?) that popped up on IMFDB when I went to get pics of the Zoraki.
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>>22995390 Yeah, the maker is Akdal/Ucyildiz Arms A.Ş. The same ones that make the 1919 AR-style shotgun. Their website is offline, so, I don't know what's become of them.
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>>22995390 how are things in USA, are they top firing?
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hi does any one know if i can get any service parts ie firing pin,springs,and a magazine for a blowcrazy mp5 thanks rob
Josh (Hallway Guy)
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Good evening /k/ommandos, I got my hands on a very rare and unique find today. I consider myself a purveyor of fine optics in the gun world, and I particularly like to collect Trijicon products. When I saw this item available, I promptly shit my pants, and had to have it immediately. It is a TA41 ACOG, or TA41-NLAW-CW, more specifically. It is a 2.5x20 compact ACOG, which is the dedicated sight for the NLAW anti-tank missile launcher. This weapon is only in use in Great Britain and Sweden (according to wikipedia). To the best of my knowledge, Trijicon has never offered a 2.5x20 ACOG for sale in the US in any form, nor to civilians anywhere else. The source I got this from says he got a handful of them from an unclaimed freight auction in Ohio. I paid $679 for the unit, and $12 to ship it. That puts it just a hair below cost of even the least-expensive ACOG offered. It was brand new, and he even threw in a Trijicon MM07 mount. Despite the 'unusual' application of this ACOG, it luckily takes their "special ring" mount found on some of their other compact ACOGs. Honestly, if he had put a '1' in front of the price tag, I probably would still have had to buy it. There is no substitute for fine glass, at any price. ACOGs are nearly indestructible, made from a forging of strong 7075 aluminum. They are type III hard-coat annodized for further toughness. Their optics are exceptionally fine, allowing for nearly as perfect a percentage of light transmission as possible, and scratch-resistant lenses. The dual-illumination means that the reticuel is almost always appropriately lit in most circumstances. "Hick's Law" (look it up, wikipedia again) most-certainly can apply to firearms utilization and gunfighting, and in my heart of hearts, I know that Trijicon's offerings of dual-illumination products are the simplest to use. A few more pics to follow!
Josh (Hallway guy)
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>>22873404 It is really that bad? I thought the Browe had an auto-off after it hasn't detected movement from a MEMS gyroscope after a certain duration of time? Of course, there is always passive drain, but still...
>>22864859 If you want 1x magnification, the Meprolight M21 is bomb proof. I had one on my AR, and that thing ran like a champ. It felt like you could use it to break rocks and hammer in nails with it and only scratch the finish. I regret selling it.
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>>22875583 I hear the Leupold Prismatic is good too, though it's battery-illuminated.
skeletors phone !!TAk2qXwm40L
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>>22864305 >buying an xcr outside of canada Nigga. Whatre you doing
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Guys I have a TR41-NLAW-CW if anyone is interested. Make me an offer via email, I'm UK based but happy to ship to the US if needed.
[email protected]
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Is there a specific name for these type of handguard's? And don't say donkey dick.
>>23395337 Go back to B, kid
>>23395567 Fyi, it's called /b/ not B.
>>23395592 Fyi, i dont care isnt it time for you to go to school like a good kid
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>>23395600 Actually I'm at school right now. I'm on mobile.
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mfw your all faggots
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>>12399471 Context helps a lot.
He's not saying anything about the glorious government keeping us dumb peons safe...he's saying that if you're dumb enough to fuck around with unregistered machine guns you're gonna get what's coming to you. He's not advocating gun control in any form, he's just saying that since they ARE so tightly controlled, you'd have to be an idiot try and skirt the law.
>>12399471 Your paraphrasing is horrible.
"I had one of these for 10 years.... like this one... legally registered of dont ever wanna mess with any firearm that is illegal. you know that is just stupid, you hear about people doing that occasionally and that is just dumb. they deserve to be in prison if they are messing around with class 3 firearms without proper licensing and all that kinda thing."
Go fuck yourself.
>>12399604 I agree with you. I think he was referring the fact that the ATF will kill you and rape your corpse, not that gun laws are great.
He also talks about the Brady campaign in some videos and how it is silly. But most of the time he tries to avoid talking about politics.
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>>12399807 >But most of the time he tries to avoid talking about politics. OH GOD I love this about him.
Seriously...the few political pokes he makes are usually really broad and hard to disagree with regardless of political leanings, just general 'politics, eh? Am I right or am I right?' type of jests. Refreshing considering how many gun owners just can't fucking leave the politics out of shooting.
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So I have my bag relativly ready for central florida climate, but I wanna check if there is anything that looks useless or missing from my kit. SKS and belt with 2 canteens and knife nor present.
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>>20443274 It's a novel approach to the BOB issue. If you have a guitar case for experimentation and pics, I think you could definitely get a thread out of it.
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>>20443921 Dude. I see the hoboes doing their filthy ninja routine in a college town. In my area, it's really hard to tell the students and the hoboes apart.
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>>20443921 Fuck greeks. Frats are the lowest of the scum
John Moses Browning
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Dutchko is livestreaming now You know, Dutchko, she made multiple female soldier drawings. Pretty /k/ related
>>23435363 it's iPhone 5S 16G.
>>23435391 I have one of those cases. Anyone else have the issue of it getting longer when it heats up from the phone?
John Moses Browning
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>>23435417 No
But it's fairly cold here. Where do you live?
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Is "Humanity Fuck Yeah" still welcome here? I know we had a bunch of threads in the past that in some cases even spawned great OC.
Ma'thok aftermath, part 2.1(...)
Lisa Escher turned off the monitor showing the ceremony. She still had work work to do after all. At the end of a narrow and cold corridor, she entered the interrogation room, dropping her bag on the desk, sitting down in an accentuated calm manner; “Greetings Commander Kra'taah, do you think we could make some progress today?” Kra'taah remained silent. She knew it wasn't any kind of language barrier, the former vice-director of the Go'aari intelligence network being one of the very few of his kind who spoke English fluently, although with a weird accent. But given his anatomy, it was rather surprising humans could make out any of the sounds leaving his mouth at all, that is if he decided to speak. After a few minutes spent on asking relatively harmless questions and getting no answers whatsoever, she left the room. This would lead nowhere. Go'aari had a strong mind, they could not be broken by any known methods, they would only cooperate if they actually wanted to deep down inside their souls. If Kra'taah wouldn't start giving answers soon, he would most likely be executed, or just vented into space. That's when it dawned on Lisa. Kra'taah wanted to die. The rigid social structures of the Go'aari wouldn't allow him to return. Most likely, he was facing a death sentence for failure in service already, before Gold Team abducted him. No matter what the humans would do with him, most certainly the fate that awaited him in his home world would be worse. This realization is exactly why Lisa was tasked with interrogating the alien in the first place.
Ma'thok aftermath, part 2.2(...)
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>>23437794 At only 22 years of age, the swiss-born woman was already considered one of the smartest humans alive. She was a brilliant analyst, probably the best UEF intelligence had to offer. Her logic was flawless, her conclusions down the point, her long-term strategic thinking unparalleled, her ability to predict actions of alien races astonishing. She went off to her quarters, as she would need some time to think about the idea that she just had, think about possible scenarios. If it all played out right, this would be the game changer that decided the war.
>maximum teasing that's really all I have for now. some of the next chapters will include some operating (tm).
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>>23434614 But chinks and nignogs are people too. Aliums aren't.
Cock gargling mod I hope you burn in hell.
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>>23438326,1 Agreed. Fucking cunt.
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Hey everyone, take a seat and grab some popcorn, cause I got some bullshit right here for you all to see. My friend Tito got suspended from his libtard-filled high school for posting a picture on a few social media sites of him and his girlfriend holding guns. The catch? Their fingers weren't on the triggers, they had mock mags in, and the guns weren't even real. Copy pasta here: "This young man by the name of Tito Velez was suspended along with his girlfriend in regards to this photo that was taken at his house. The guns in the picture are airsoft guns and the photo was taken by his father and posted on his face book. The school is now threatening to ex-spel him and in ten days he will go before the School Board to have a decision handed down. This is a clear violation of this young man's rights and we need to make this viral, I tried calling the school but they refuse to comment, The School in question is Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School. Regardless of how we may feel especially cause there was just a school shooting, The Punishment comes after the crime and having a photo that contains someone holding a gun is no damn crime! In my interview with tito this is what he told me "we were taken right before the Cross Country states meet. We were asked, “why would you post something like that?” when we tried saying something, they told us to be quiet and they separated us. I was sent to a room and my bag was searched, along with my clothes and locker. The school called the police and they had a cop speak to us without reading our rights and without our parents permission. We had no say in what happened and we never got a chance to defend ourselves.""
>>23399757 Your an idiot.
I'm wrong for not listening to assholes teach all day.
And so is someone who spent a fortune paying to listen to different assholes all day.
Go to the library, it's free!
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>>23403239 guaz, the world isn't ending, this shit is nothing new, its just the political climate of over-lerbrul areas.
I graduated from high school only 5 years ago in southern Ohio. It was a pretty conservative school all-in-all, I also used to talk /k/ related things with some teachers and the police-liaison officer who was bragging to me about his laser-sighted sig sauer and his AR at home. My school even had a rifle club. None of the shooting occurred at the school but they had their trophies and shit on display and pictures of them at matches hanging in the hallway. We even had an airsoft club now that I think about it, they didn't get their own room and trophy case like the rifle club but they were an official school organization and pictures of them in full regalia at a convention are in the year book.
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>>23402949 Shut up kike
/pol/ is always right
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>>23402730 Just telling you why I went to catholic school, I was in second grade at my local public school and I was way ahead of my classmates because I could read and follow simple directions and they werent teaching it because "some of the children just arent ready to read yet" enjoy receiving a second rate education because everything at your school panders to the lowest common denominator
>>23403136 > dat jesus Yeah, religion class was kind of a waste of time
> latin Was optional, I took german for my language but we had spanish and french as well
> priests There was only a few there and most priests are actually good guys
And unlike "Christian" schools catholic schools teach real science, not "muh jesus 5000 years ago" bullshit
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>>23403358 >I'm the kind of guy who uses words wrong while insulting people >I'm super cool for ditching school to smoke weed and fuck sluts because my parents didn't raise me well. >And I'm sooo much more unique than people investing in their future because college is like, totally beneath me brah >Learning at college is too mainstream and why would I spend 4 years studying one of the many fields of engineering, science, medicine, business, or education when I can read Schopenhauer at the public library and mooch off of my college-educated parents until I'm 30 ftfy again, pls proofread.
So /K/ are you training your kids to be ruthless killing machines?
>>23391712 that's pretty messed up bro, also why the fuck do i have a boner?
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>>23391813 I don't know. I had mine before watching the video.
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>>23391712 Damn....meh seen worse.
The worst things are on furry sites honestly. I'm a furry and just looking up some porn is like running though SilentHill, Teeth, Tusk, the blob, ext...
Ones you see people wanting to be absorbed into a cock or transformed into a outhouse so they can forever swallow shit, all why'll there crying for death and only met with "so hot" "gunna cum" "wish this would happen to me".
That's not even in the top 25 fucked up thing I'll never forget.