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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 81

/thg/ Treadhead General

No.23368616 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The last thread was K-Killed by a direct hit from a JDAM.

Bollywood Presents Saving Private Patel Edition

> What's this thread about?
As usual this thread is for the discussion and pics of tracked and wheeled AFVs of all kinds from MBTs to supertanks to self propelled AA guns. Please keep it civil and cite sources for statistics.

India first started experimenting with an indigenously produced main battle tank in the 1970s with the first prototype of what was to become the Arjun unveiled in the mid eighties. However the program was plagued with financial and development issues from its inception. It was not until 2004 that the Arjun was presented to the Indian Army where it still had multiple issues and delays. Today, the Indian Army uses a large number of T-90Ses and T-90Ms supplemented by the Arjun. The tank has not seen combat and it has been criticised for an unfavourable power to weight ratio and compromising design flaws.
The Arjun recently underwent an extensive product improvement program, dubbed the Arjun mk. 2 which was unveiled this year and set to go into production in the near future, and reportedly has significantly improved performance on all counts.

> Gun
Rifled 120 mm (Indigenous Gun)
> Dimensions (l w h)
10.64 x 3.86 x 2.32 m
> Weight
58.5 tonnes
> Engine
1400hp turbocharged diesel
> Speed
72 km/hr
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Jim Fuller - AK Armorers Bench

No.19877685 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
PSA: Jim Fuller - AK Armorers Bench is being seeded again.

If you don't know what that is, just ignore.

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!!Hgc9ZL3hOFG No.18594847 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Allright, /k/.

I like 1911's and CZ's. I carry cocked-and-locked. I cannot stand the DA/SA and decocker on my duty Sig, but whatever.

The only .45ACP pistol I own is my great-uncle's Colt M1911 made in 1918. For obvious reasons, I don't shoot it much. But I've fallen in love with the caliber and want a new pistol in .45 that fits my personal preference: cocked-and-locked. I also want something more modern than a 1911 since I have one of those and I want more boolits in my gun.

I've settled on the HK USP 45. Only issue is how damn expensive they are; I can either afford an HK, or I can afford to eat for a month.

Sell me on the USP. Should I get it, or no?
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No.23333328 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well, Hickok45 sold out.

He's officially sponsored by Bud's Gun Shop.

R.I.P. Hickok's channel
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No.23267922 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Writing a paper on the effect weapons technology had on war strategy in WWI. Any suggestions for good books, sources?
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2015 Winter Olypi/k/s aka Winter NuggetFest

!BYe7HUHHLs No.23215910 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Thread #12 Winter Olympi/k/s thread
I'm still alive /k/ommrades, but college is a bitch. Moving on!

If you're just finding these threads I suggest you start here
and here

Most recent thread:

Archived threads.

>tl;dr we're having a big ass /k/ Meetup in Penfield, PA on 53 acres of private land
in the woods from Jan 2nd - Jan 4th, 2015

>everyone is welcome and many states are carpooling, just look at the map


>I don't want anyone to steal my shit
It's been brought to my attention that a few /k/ommrades are concerned about bringing their guns and gear for fear of theft. This will be my 3rd NuggetFest I've hosted and I can say that we did not have a single problem with the last 80 NuggetFest attendees or their hundreds of guns, thousands of boolets and plenty of gear.

However, if you'd like a little extra security you have two easy options.

#1 Bike lock/rifle cable. Run the cable through the trigger/magazine well, etc of your firearms and lock them together. It's pretty fucking hard to stealthily walk off with 2 Mosins, an SKS and an AR all chained together.

#2 Small Luggage lock. The small locks people use to lock their suitcases and luggage at the airport will work fine for locking the zippers together on your tent. That way only the you, the keyholder, have access to your tent and the weapons/gear/ammo inside.

Remember, these are merely for you peace of mind. We have NEVER had an issue with integrity at NuggetFest.

If you want to be added to the mailing list and the google document please email me
[email protected]
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No.23229449 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In this episode:

A while ago I saw a pic in an operator thread that showed two guys standing on a mountain top, wearing ponchos and looking cool as fuck. Something tells me they might have been British (possibly holding L85's)... Anyone has it?

Also, can somebody tell me what's the name of the uniform in pic related?
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No.23222916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>daily reminder that the germans encircled at stalingrad could have broken out if they had learned the appropriate moral boosting angler fish dance in highschool
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Avro Arrow

No.23182119 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Did the Yanks fuck over the Canucks when it came to the Avro Arrow, or is that just Canadian hype
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Taurus CT9 G2

No.23185664 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I've had interest in a pistol caliber carbine/PCC for awhile now. I'd like just a general PCC that is fairly durable/reliable and that I could easily get a few thousand rounds through without having to replace tons of parts.

I have always been wary of Kel-Tec (plus their Sub 2000s are fairly rare in my area).

I would rather not go on a journey across space and time to get a Camp 9 or Camp 45 or Ruger PC9 (although I'd love to have any of them).

Also, I've looked into the MechTech Glock carbine upper, but from what I've seen they are really range toys and not built with the best material choices for certain parts to last through rigorous use.

Also, Beretta CX4, looked into it, but not much, isn't very available in my area.

From what I've seen, the Taurus is available and (if the reviews are at least somewhat true) actually a decent gun. Bad news: 10 round mags and no plans for domestic production of any higher capacity. Also, thumbhole stock (easily solved, though).

>> Long story short, anyone have any actual experience with one of these? Recommendations?
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