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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 82

No.23119982 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
is there any rifle in the foreseeable future that can compete with or displace the ar15 in terms of sales?
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No.23058968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post omitted

The truth about gun grabbers and 4chan

No.23032686 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm very sorry to spam this board, /k/, but I think this is important especially for you.

Gawker Media is antigun and (like every other Kind of liberal media) opresses free speech.
Seriously, they only post one sided opinions and they own 4chan.

Be careful: all other boards became shit now due to the new tyrannical moderation, they might come to /k/, too.

No.23002364 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Every year I go up to Alaska for salmon fishing, and seals are a huge issue up there. I need a firearm that is semi auto and that will shoot straight into water. Ideal somewhat low maintenance, but resistant to the salt water. Help me /k/
42 posts and 5 images omitted

No.22987345 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Daily reminder that it was better than the Abrams.
30 posts and 4 images omitted

PSL Pistol 7.62x54R

No.22939187 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Works great, but not finished yet, it is only a single shot until I get a longer barrel and get the gas system working.
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No.22916297 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/k/ local fun shop has nuggets for $189. What should I be looking for? Pitting n shit?

38 posts and 4 images omitted

No.22884198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is there so much censorship on 4chan these days? :c
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What the fuck /k/

No.22883067 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This maybe isnt /k/ related, then again it sort of is.

Alright seriously what is going on these last couple days? I know the ride never ends, but this week seems to have been particularly rough.

>Thread couple hours ago about OP's friend who got that letter from VA
>This whole shit with those threads we cant talk about and gets people B& that has to do with vidya
>That shooting in florida today
>That dude facing death penalty in Texas after btfo'ing those cops
>Maple Snake II that reeks of false flag (determined identity via SS card yea fuckin right)
>Moots newest/current employer
>The list goes on

Also, am I fucking banned or something? I tried posting this thread once earlier today from my phone on a break at work, then again from my phone a few minutes ago. Both times I typed captcha, it started uploading, then I "lost network connection" even though I was on wifi whilst watching a movie on my laptop at the same time. Now I am trying from my laptop. Maybe its just because I got IOS8 and its shitty or something.

Im not big on conspiracy theory, but if there is one/multiple to subvert our 2A rights it seems like whoever is pulling the strings is getting desperate as fuck lately?

Or have I just not gotten enough sleep the last couple of days?
61 posts and 10 images omitted

No.22867956 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You realize /k/, that this board is dead?
225 posts and 42 images omitted