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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 83

No.22872538 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If your dick was a bullet, what caliber would it be?

>2mm pinfire. Underpowered. Also unused.
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No.22850424 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I used to support "reasonable" gun control proposals like subsidized training, mag bans over 30 rounds, "universal" background checks, and bans on full autos .

However, today I watched a video on YouTube and it made me realize that while I personally may think small regulations are sufficient many others if not most are playing the long game and are trying to take away gun ownership incrementally

I can't believe it took me this long to realize it. I simply brushed it off as a logical fallacy but they really will take a mile if we give an inch. If you look at the history of similar movements to destroy cultures and practices it becomes clear

Video in question

Not really related to guns in particular but is related I the tactics gun grabbers use

Now I understand why you guys want no gun control at all. I'm scared to vote dem now
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No.17879672 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone heard of this store before? I'm working really hard to find a decent pencil barrel, and they're one of the few places that seem to have them?

pic unrelated

Kenichi Sonoda CZ-75

No.22654205 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As many of you know I posted pictures of this bad-boy a while back and I'm curious as I'm retiring this pistol. I'm half tempted to sell it as a package deal with all of the Gunsmith Cats Burst copies I got signed. How much do you think it would be worth?
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Plate Carriers

No.22827018 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know of any comfortable plate carriers to run in? I own curved AR500 plates and I tried a Crye JPC. Since my chest is bigger than my stomach it smashed the plates into my chest and sternum and made running in it hell on earth.

I've been looking at the Beez plate carrier. Looks comfy based how low the shoulder pads attach to the plate pockets. Pic related.

TL;DR recommend me a comfy plate carrier.
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No.22812477 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we have an Arizonafags general thread and celebrate the beautiful gun laws that our state has?

Also, I want to go camping in Tonto National Forest in late November and wanted to know how cold it gets so I could plan accordingly.
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You can only have 3 guns

No.22784317 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Basically every gun you have is about to be taken from you. A swat team will fucking search every nook and cranny, dig up your back yard just to find any gun you have. BUT there's good news.

The government is allowing every citizen to have 3 guns. These guns can be any gun you want. Illegal or military. They'll renewed if they break but you can never change / trade these guns. What's your 3?

What guns do you choose?
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No.22771825 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Glock VS Sig Sauer.

Argue away.
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No.22724321 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /k/ think of the likely future CVW for the Nimitz-class?

-2 VFA squadrons of 12 F-35C Lightning II
-1 VMFA squadron of 10 F-35C Lightning II
-1 VFA squadron of 10 F/A-18E/F (Advanced) Super Hornet depending on whether the upgrade is ordered
-1 VAQ of 5 EA-18G Growlers
-1 VAW of 5 E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes
-1 HSC/M of 19 SH-60 replacements (combining the roles of the R and S)
-1 VRC of 2 C-2A Greyhounds, which will never be retired
-1 VA(?) of 6 of the UCLASS winner

What would /k/ change about it? Add/remove?

Pic tangentially related.
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No.21828010 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>A group of Russian companies united under the Armata project, futuristic platform for Russian tanks and other armored vehicles, has developed a new type of steel that combines the strength of a knife with the flexibility of a nail , according to the manufacturers website Russian arms Novosti VPK . This is possible thanks to the brand new fine grain steel 44S-sv-Sh, developed by specialists Steel Research Institute, part of the industrial engineering group Tráktornye Zavody. Steel was created by Custom Uralvagonzavod, the largest manufacturer of Russian tanks and the main contractor of the Russian Defense Ministry to create the futuristic Armata platform , to be applied to a new range of military equipment. use of this new steel, which appeared in Russia for the first time about 30 years ago, will allow Armata 'lose' several hundred kilos. Though steel hardness 54HRC reach their plastic characteristics are maintained at the level of production of steels with hardness 45-48HRC. In other words, the characteristics of this steel are similar to those of the famous Damascus steel . Precisely this combination reduces the thickness of the shield by 15% (and therefore weight) without 'sacrificing' security features and survival at low temperatures. The first prototypes of tanks Armata will be shown on Day parade Victory in Moscow's Red Square on May 9, 2015.

Backward thinking faggots, why would you call something Damascus steel when Damascus has already fallen? They should've called it something like Dorcestershire armor or Chokham armor.

Also this is the same steel that can't protect 3 persons side by side inna tank when hit from the side. LOL
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