I used to support "reasonable" gun control proposals like subsidized training, mag bans over 30 rounds, "universal" background checks, and bans on full autos .
However, today I watched a video on YouTube and it made me realize that while I personally may think small regulations are sufficient many others if not most are playing the long game and are trying to take away gun ownership incrementally
I can't believe it took me this long to realize it. I simply brushed it off as a logical fallacy but they really will take a mile if we give an inch. If you look at the history of similar movements to destroy cultures and practices it becomes clear
Video in question
Not really related to guns in particular but is related I the tactics gun grabbers use
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=996Y-uRYWOkNow I understand why you guys want no gun control at all. I'm scared to vote dem now