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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 84

No.22686600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can a 747 land on a aircraft carrier?
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No.22665549 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bonglanders, Eurofags, and other /k/omrades who have to suffer in lands without fun, what do you do to promote funloving in your societies?

I'm a tour guide for a vacaton company in the Alps. One of my guided walks takes customers by big huts on stilts - these are deer blinds used by hunters. While passing by I talk to them about how widespread shooting is in Austria and Europe in general, including experiences repping in Switzerland where I was sharing train carriages with 50 assault rifles, and yet the violent crime and murder rates in these countries is substantially lower than in the UK. By the time we've turned the corner and I start talking about silage production in grassy meadows I've hopefully put it into their heads that the gun bans threw the baby out with the bathwater.

What else can be done to persuade people to reassess their opinions on guns in societies where they're still taboo?

retard stories thread

No.22661628 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>selling 1 month old rifle, magazines, and some ammo
>asking $1300 total
>put in the ad I would take a trade with a tree fiddy sebun magnum and cash
>guy texts me "I have a s&w 66 and 19-4 with custom work from "
>ask how much he is looking to get for them
>"the 66 is worth $850 and the 19-4 is $1300 including $250 for the customizing"
>Google fu revealed the 66 was worth $850 brand fucking new and the 19-4 was worth $575 to $750 used depending on condition
>text him back my findings and tell him he's retarded if he thinks I'm paying msrp for a used gun and that some custom bullshit automatically hikes up the price 150%
>hasn't texted back

Why are people so stupid /k/?
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No.22660335 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since most conflicts today are against kebabs, why don't Western militaries use more demoralizing tactics to dissuade them from getting rowdy?

Kebabs believe, for example, that touching pig's blood with bar them from entry into Paradise. Why don't we soak our bullets in pig's blood?
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No.22617750 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /k/, I've been convinced for a while now why guns are essential liberties and whatnot, but there's this grossing concern of mine that I've been afraid to voice until now:

should someone with several moments having a great urge of blasting my head off get a gun? I'm afraid one night I'm just going to off myself if I have a gun lying around, I don't trust myself at all.
I don't want to die but fuck do I want to die. Luckily everything else scares me like jumping in front of a train and putting my head in the oven, but I feel like having a gun would just tempt me to grab it and blast my head off like how people get the urge to jump off tall heights when they look down from extremely places.
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No.22588763 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we discuss gun laws?

Particularly the new Initiative in Washington that makes it a felony to touch any other guns that aren't your own. I-594.
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No.22586291 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /k/, Montanan here, I live in Missoula and as some people from Montana might know Missoula is a very liberal city for a mostly republican state. As many Montanans may know, Missoula has the Poverello center, a place that houses and feed the homeless. Apparently it is a beacon that attracts the homeless, like a moth to a flame. During a run yesterday i was *almost* assaulted by a Hobo, if there hadn't been others people around things could've ended badly. Today a lady that was running near me was chased by a different hobo. What i want to know is what is a decent gun that packs a larger punch that is accurate up to and maybe more that 50 yards.
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No.22564187 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Celebrities with guns
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No.22567340 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone else ever disappointed when they found out their brother or sister wasn't as pro gun as you thought they were? Family is over for a few days for Labor Day cookout.

>doing some minor adjustments and attaching new sling I got to my AR.
>Adjust it to my torso size
>Brother walks in
>"uhhh is that real?"
>"why do you need that?"
>"Its not about needs bro its about freedom"
>"I still don't understand why you need that"
>"Well why do you need a smart phone? Why do you need a fast car?"
>"Well I use those all the time" says my brother
>"And I used my rifle all the time"
>My brother is mentally shaken and prepares for massive damage control
>I say "You know why you have those things? Not because you NEED them, but because free people have those things, just like free people have guns"
>My mom over hears and shes pro-gun just like me.
>She says to me "You're just like your grandfather anon"
>I idolize my grandfather
>That hit me like a brick wall
>I shed a single tear

Damn /k/ I am disappointed. Hold me.
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No.22567668 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Which rifle would you fire?
107 posts and 51 images omitted