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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 85

Lindybeige anyone?

No.20910581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been following him for a couple of years now and I've never seen anyone mentioning him here.

He seems to have some facts right and is actually a nice bud, I contacted him once to ask if he could help me with a Norse sword purchase and he helped me a lot!

This might be his most popular vid:

What does /k/ think of him?
I actually think his channel is pretty entretaining and educational
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No.14045137 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dunno if you guys want in on this, but we got some faggot doxed today. IP address, home address, Lat/Lon, everything.

dunno the whole story, i lurked through most of the thread.

from what i can gather, this autist pretty much rages at anyone who makes a comment on his shitty youtube videos. He's probably like 15 y.o and plays with Thomas the Tank Engine toys.

at one point, he got so mad at youtube commenters that he constantly said he'd kill himself and ended up trying to fake his death. Someone on youtube got wind of this and contacted that authorities getting the police to his house. His parents found out and i assume dealt with it.
>this is all explained in the video

today, this guy (tuckinator15) posted on /mlp/ posing as his father asking to have a rant video someone posted taken down.

butthurt ensued, and now /mlp/ wants him to see the error of his ways.

I just thought it'd be hilarious if one... or ten of you showed up at his house SWAT style and said that he got backtraced or some shit.
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Falklands War

No.22520652 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How did the UK win the Falklands War? From reading around it seems like an unlikely victory.

>The retaking of the Falkland Islands was considered extremely difficult: the main constraint being the disparity in deployable air cover. The British had a total of 42 aircraft (28 Sea Harriers and 14 Harrier GR.3s) available for air combat operations,[55] against approximately 122 serviceable jet fighters, of which about 50 were employed as air superiority fighters and the remainder as strike aircraft, in Argentina's air forces during the war.[56] The US Navy considered a successful counter-invasion by the British to be 'a military impossibility'.[57]
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BCM BFH ELW-F Release Date?

No.22213464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any of you nig nogs have any insider info on when Bravo Company is releasing thei BFH enhanced light weight fluted barrels in 14.5 middy.

i need to upgrade but dont want a standard barrel.
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No.22469390 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>The Law Enforcement Support Office, under the 1033 program authorized by the National Defense Authorization Act, helps local police departments obtain military equipment for use in their cities. As reported by The Detroit Free Press, over 8,000 participating agencies have taken advantage of LESO offerings from the U.S. military and DHS since the program’s inception:
>This law allows for the office to transfer excess Department of Defense property to law enforcement agencies across the United States and its territories.
>Since its inception, the 1033 program has transferred more than $5.1 billion worth of property.
>In 2013 alone, $449,309,003.71 worth of property was transferred to law enforcement.

Here's the list;

If you're running NoScript, you need to enable caspio. It'll still work if you don't, you just won't be able to separate by county and will have to sort through a hefty alphabetical list.
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No.22459520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
.......well guys..... your thoughts on isis?
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No.22368799 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Brooke Wienecke


Heather Meyers

mother Tammy Celeste Wienecke (sicilian)

father: Stanley Wienecke


9226 Orbitan Rd, Baltimore, Maryland

found some video links from another site:!txJxVBIb!_QQCSIiVhepXtgsDZkQCcEsx5ExPq1iR3pqkzsKsM1k

story: cheats on her bf, he takes her back:
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No.22429983 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Haruna Yukawa, PMC Japan's CEO has been captured by ISIS. In his interrogation videos, he claims to be a photographer; yet, his possession of a rifle and online pictures contradict that.
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No.22432873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright guys. Got a question for you.

I am about to get a Smith and Wesson M&P9 from work for $200 new in box from S&W. I dont really like the M&P handguns (Springfield>MP>Glock for me at least)

I am probably going to try and flip this or trade it down the road. Ive kinda narrowed it down, but have a interesting choice.

I can get a NIB Walther P99AS for $475, or a PPQ for $490. I LOVE the trigger in the PPQ, and used to own a P99 (Sadly a QA model).

Should I try to find a PPQ-M1 (to share mags with the P99) or just go for the P99?

Another choice would be to get a XDM5.25 and then put the PRP trigger kit in. But that would sit near $525 + 115 for the kit.

I would be using this gun mostly for range fun, and the occasional OC at work. I sadly have not shot the PPQ, or the AS trigger of the P99. I sold the old P99 because of the awful QA trigger. Recently shot a customer's XDM with the trigger kit and got the best groups of the night with it.
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Future/former military

No.22420398 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /k/. Didn't see any military shit on a personal level today. Let's talk about any future/former military experiences. Also:

>Branch of service
>why you joined/ chose said MOS
>what youre looking forward to the most/best experiences you've had.

Me personally:
>US Army
>11x (Infantry)
>I joined because I've always wanted to be in the military and being a paratrooper would be sick tits
>looking forward to camaraderie, adventure, and muh college benefits
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