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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 86

No.22421025 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ISIS kidnapped a Japanese PMC soldier, his name is Haruna Yukawa.


Personal blog:

Apparently this guy is the CEO
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No.22373230 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any Missourifags wanna report in and give us a ground report of these riots?
How does it feel to be in an actual chimpout we only shitpost about? What does your location look like? your EDC/ HD setup? any fallback plans? Im surprised im not seeing more threads about this
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No.22376623 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I decided to go over to that other website to try and get some better Ferguson streams, and within five minutes I get dragged into a Zimmerman debate.

How the fuck can people be so ill-informed and staunch at the same time.
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No.22373431 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /k/ I'm thinking about picking up a baofeng. though I'm totally mystified by the fcc license. what do and do I not need an fcc license for? if I just wanted to talk to my buddy across town do I need one?
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No.22358449 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Upon review of all the parties’ evidence, the court seriously doubts that the banned assault long guns are commonly possessed for lawful purposes, particularly self-defense in the home, which is at the core of the Second Amendment right, and is inclined to find the weapons fall outside Second Amendment protection as dangerous and unusual.

First, the court is not persuaded that assault weapons are commonly possessed based on the absolute number of those weapons owned by the public. Even accepting that there are 8.2 million assault weapons in the civilian gun stock, as the plaintiffs claim, assault weapons represent no more than 3% of the current civilian gun stock, and ownership of those weapons is highly concentrated in less than 1% of the U.S. population.

The court is also not persuaded by the plaintiffs’ claims that assault weapons are used infrequently in mass shootings and murders of law enforcement officers. The available statistics indicate that assault weapons are used disproportionately to their ownership in the general public and, furthermore, cause more injuries and more fatalities when they are used.

As for their claims that assault weapons are well-suited for self-defense, the plaintiffs proffer no evidence beyond their desire to possess assault weapons for self-defense in the home that they are in fact commonly used, or possessed, for that purpose.

Finally, despite the plaintiffs’ claims that they would like to use assault weapons for defensive purposes, assault weapons are military-style weapons designed for offensive use, and are equally, or possibly even more effective, in functioning and killing capacity as their fully automatic versions.

-U.S. District Judge Catherine C. Blake
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No.22358633 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
debated putting this on /pol/ but fuck it, it's gun related.

Bombing now authorized in Iraq (simplified version because i'm too lazy to list ROE), what do you hit those towel heads with?
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Why We Fight

No.22350121 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why do you fight /k/?
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No.22356742 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Live in St Louis?
Better start loading some mags up.

treyboon and co. finally realized how stupid tearing up their own neighborhoods is.
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No.22333909 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
anyone live in St Louis? Is it really the great chimp out? the press seems to think so. dat no justice, no pees chant
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No.22332146 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /k I have a question. Do you HAVE to have a holster when open carrying? Also if you have a CCW? I live in Michigan if that makes any difference.
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