>>22378806Again, that's not the point.
>22378828Irrelevant, racists supported Zimmerman simply because they hate blacks more than other minorities. Same goes for /pol/ and /k/, something about the enemy of my enemy
>>22379227 It is when I try to understand your strawman. I suspect OP is racist not for believing Martin started the fight, but for his intolerance of other views that do not outright condemn him.
>my problem is that you racists can't tolerate the same leap of faith from people who sympathize with Martin.>>22378832>Why would you need to bring up a distinction that is irrelevant?Because I think it's relevant obviously, the fact you say contrary doesn't make it so. Why can't you respect other people's opinions and childishly demand everyone to conform to yours?
>To Zimmerman, there was no difference.I'm not speaking in the name of Zimmerman, I don't know why what purpose you keep pointing this out, you are not demonstrating anything
>No, in this thread.Thread is also in you heart
>You cried "racist" without any reason except for the fact that Trayvon was black, as if that invalidates ANY of the points made here.I already explained my reasons, you purposely choose to ignore them (or fail to understand them) and demand me to accept your version of my reasons. Why does it bother you so much? Do you also spring into defense of people who are called liberals, leftistsf or niggerlovers for disagreeing with the verdict (as is often the case) or you do so exclusively with people called racists? Is it because you identify with them?
>In a way, absolutely.He deserved to die, had he survived he deserved to be shoot again and again.
>I'd rather kill someone before that someone manages to permanently disable or kill me.That is clear, not killing an attacker is not an option for you. Shooting then asking questions, right?
>You implied people who defend Zimmerman are basing that opinion on Zimmerman's side of the story, which is wholly untrue.Nowhere I implied that either, what I SAID was "unless you want to take Zimmerman's word for it but you can't demand other people to do the same" That's all there is, I was specifically talking about the ambush, my supposed implications exist only in your head. I wonder if your problem is reading comprehension or that your feelings cloud your ability to reason when discussing this topic.
>>22379794 The only thing that got recked tonight was your mom.