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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 87

Kalashnikov General

No.22312206 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You know the drill. Show off your combloc shit.
Give us a little background and type of the AK too.

>Arbitrary Point System for Fun:
>No obligation, feel free to just post your stuff.


Pre-Ban: +5 points (Polytech etc)


+0 for polymer
+1 for wood
+2 for bakelite

Barrel Length:

Original Arsenal Barrel (Parts Kit or Pre-Ban) +3
<16 inches (SBR) +3
>20 inches +2


Kobra Red Dot: +3 Points
Any Slav Glass (PU Scope etc) +2 points
Original Combloc Sling +1


Beyond this, rate the AK above you in a respective manner. Also offer one piece of advice for improving said AK.
310 posts and 102 images omitted

Vz-58/Vz-2008 thread

!!rEkSWzi2+mz No.20914482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /k/, so I recently acquired my Vz and I feel like a retard because I cant figure out how to fold the stock. Where is the release?? pic unrelated
10 posts and 1 image omitted

european gun owners thread

No.22249413 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>country you are from

>what gun do you own


pic related
304 posts and 53 images omitted

No.21608109 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

If you have not already seen this video, I recommend you watch it.
This version has English subtitling for convenience.

If you are curious to find out what ISIS is all about, I refer you only to this video. Upon viewing the video and its extremely graphic material, I suggest you reflect as I have done.

You may come to the same conclusion as I, that being this video should be mandatory viewing for every man, woman, child, and congressman in the United States.

Take note of their supreme organization brothers, this plague may come to your land some time soon. [Embed]
294 posts and 35 images omitted

No.22245115 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /k/, got any more pictures like this?

Sunken stuff just looks so spooky
368 posts and 136 images omitted

No.12742648 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thank you for the years of warmth. It's my 21st birthday, and I will no longer be nogunz at the end of the day. Just saying thanks for being a great board, and mostly good people
22 posts and 6 images omitted

Fact thread: Just the facts

No.22246887 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Glock makes the greatest handguns in the business

The AR is the only rifle anyone would ever need to own.
10 posts and 2 images omitted

No.22225268 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
HEy everyone! Shit is going to get bad soon so while we can why dont we have a good time, grab a knifegun and sit back and listen to some Out of Ashes!
Seriously, what do you have to lose, we're allg onna die soon!
1 post omitted

Military training

!YJgIPtFOx. No.22209561 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
'sup /k/. Iraqibro here. I have a question.
I want to join the army as an officer, but I'm from a sunni arab family, which would mean instant refusal to study at a military academy, even though I'm irreligious, don't pray nor fast. I want to study in a military academy outside of Iraq at my own expense, get my qualification, and apply to join the army here. Is there a military school that would accept me? I am well to do, by the way, so money wouldn't be an issue.
Have a sign I made for /int/ earlier, I'm too lazy to make a new one, but will make another if I have to.
81 posts and 7 images omitted

No.22144860 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm thinking about getting an archangel stock for my Nugget. Has anyone here used them? Does the butt pad reduce recoil at all and does the stock make the gun better for hunting hogs at all?

Also how much of better acuracy can you get by using non-surplus hunting rounds? I've read on here a couple of times that part of the reason people weren't have as much accuracy with their nuggets on here was because they were using surplus ammo and it wasn't as accurate.
195 posts and 19 images omitted