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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 89

!nBkoZiTdrE No.14994556 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/k/ thread

All things /k/ related.

Post your gladiator swords, arrows, guns, flamethrowers, P51 mustangs.

>pic related
/k/s gf
229 posts and 67 images omitted

No.21624684 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Texas police officer executes handcuffed prisoner; Your daily reminder that the police are not your friends and will murder you and lie about it rather than inconvenience themselves.
314 posts and 27 images omitted


No.21260591 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Shooting the Sig Sauer P229 is like covering a Mexican wrestler's nipples in gold leaf and then reading Yeats. It's just natural.
161 posts and 49 images omitted

No.17023779 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>White Americans have an average IQ of 103 (tied for 5th highest globally)

>White Americans score 7th highest internationally on PISA reading comprehension test.

>White Americans have an average income of $55,000 (9th highest in the world)

>White Americans have a adjusted Disposable Income of $39,000 - the highest in the OECD (even when adjusted for the benefits of the welfare state and government healthcare).

>White Americans have an unemployment rate of 6.6%

>White Americans have an average net worth of $110,000 (2nd Highest in the world after Australia, higher than Switzerland and Norway)

>White Americans have a murder rate of only around 3.5 per 100,000 - equivalent to the European average.

and finally...

>White Americans have a gun ownership rate of 44%, well above blacks and hispanics and by far the highest rate in the developed world.

If one simply looks at the white population of every nation, White Americans are arguably the most developed in the world (when a range of indicators are examined). This is all the more impressive because there are 200 MILLION of them and they are surrounded by 100 million non-whites dragging them down.

White Americans truly are the Master Race.

Even the British acknoledge American superiority.
6 posts and 1 image omitted


No.21454005 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
383 posts and 56 images omitted

!ZF41dz6F/Y No.19412765 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fedoras with guns thread.
203 posts and 84 images omitted

No.21147609 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do you remember that episode of MythBusters where Adam and Jamie test out the myths behind Homemade BodyArmor?
I recall the episode vaguely but wasn't there a segment where they do
-Body Armor plates made from Bathroom tiles and Concrete
-Phonebook body armor to stop knife attacks
-Newspaper body armor

Were any of those actually legit? I know the Phonebook one is actually used by prison inmates but not sure about the other two.
427 posts and 127 images omitted

No.17354331 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I remember seeing a thread on here a year or so ago about a retarded/inbred kid appearing in one of iraqveteran8888's videos, and included a picture of aforementioned product of possible incest in the background behind pic related (eric) shooting a nugget. anybody remember or hear anything of this?
229 posts and 76 images omitted

No.21354845 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fact: Human homeworld Sol 3 has such extreme climate conditions (such as planetary axis tilt over 20 degrees towards and away from their star) that even humans themselves can suffer significant radiation burns from exposure to their starlight. And at the same time, humans on the other side of the globe can suffer frostbites.

This axis tilt changes from one polar area to other roughly every 0,7 standard cycles. This causes fast periodic mini ice ages where snow and ice cover significant area of planet, only to melt and be replaced by heat waves and droughts just a half a standard cycle later.

These conditions are considered "normal" by humans, and they have adapted to them.
105 posts and 56 images omitted

Summer s/k/ool /k/lass photo thread 5

!dCodef2d72 No.21353522 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
316 posts and 100 images omitted