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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 91

/k/ /lit/ thread

No.21156016 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Its that time again!

What /k/ related books have you been reading lately?
Have any recommendations for other /k/ommandos?

Fiction and non-fiction both welcome!

What I have been reading lately and what I recommend.
>Starfist series
Space marines (not 40k just marines in space) fight insurgents and later aliums. 12 or 14 books total including the Force Recon series. Im halfway through the last book.

>Bolo! (All)
Sentient super tanks (see pic) and their adventures. Told from both the pilot's and the tank's point of view. Lots of books. Both on paper and in ebook.

Share with your /k/omrades.
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No.21122368 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>never had a girlfriend

>not a single girl has ever shown interest in me

>never been kissed/hugged

>too scared to flirt with girls

>too scared to look at girls

>get depressed when I think about how I've missed out on relationship experiences

>get depressed when I think about how I'll never have a family

>don't know how to talk to girls

>feel pain in chest when I think about situation and how I'll be in the future

>hate when girls look at my face

>wouldn't be able to satisfy girls as well as other guys

>will die a proper virgin

feel with me bros, what's your guys' story?
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deep cover/casual cc

No.21121063 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, I normally roll with an IWB for my EDC at work and around town.

However; on nights or weekends, sometimes I don't feel like getting super dressed up when going out and just wear some sweatpants, which unfortunately do not support a belt, and by extension and IWB or OWB etc...

I've tried tucking in my waistband but that doesn't work well with sweatpants/fullsize 1911, I guess the waistband is too loose and the pistol too heavy for that to work.

I've also tried putting the gun into the sweatpant pocket; which i guess is more secure than the waistband way but the grip always hangs out of the pocket i guess because the mag is heavy?

How do I CC in sweatpants?

It isn't a super huge deal, I have normal clothes and holsters and stuff, I just want something for when I want to go out but don't want to change my pants from what I was wearing at home.

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No.21087109 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's in the box????
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No.21072173 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just found this buried under my lawn.

Any clues on what type of knife this is?
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Another US Marine shackled in Mexican prison on gun charges

No.21035519 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Prison authorities in Tijuana, Mexico, have shackled a decorated U.S. Marine veteran of two combat tours in Afghanistan to his cot in a prison infirmary, restraining each of his limbs, on charges of introducing outlawed weapons into Mexico.

The Marine reservist, Andrew Tahmooressi, 25, who is from Weston, Fla., outside Miami, drove his black Ford F-150 pickup through the San Ysidro, Calif., border crossing into Tijuana on April 1, carrying his worldly possessions, including three U.S.-registered firearms.

Tahmooressi, who suffers from what his mother calls “directional dysfunction,” got lost near the border after dark. He and his family say he took a wrong turn into Mexico.

Mexican prosecutors have slapped three firearms charges on him, and his fate has been clouded by an attempt to escape the La Mesa penitentiary April 6 that involved ninja-style scaling of a wall topped with coiled barbed wire.
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No.21016605 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Parkour dude video calling out /k/ and believes Moot was in a Mosque

pic related

>ParkourDude91 as a child

>Different thread
>Use the wrong picture and everybody loses their shit

No.20913335 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I currently own 2 AR15's (colt and bcm). I have been piecing together a third out of cheap parts i come across since sandy vagina.

Now i need a cheap mid length barrel, I have seen very cheap barrels but most do not have the FSB pinned on.

Are there any decent quality barrel assembly's for under $200? I have looked at DSA, del-ton and cmmg. Whats the best bang for the buck barrel around? looking for a 16" mid length i dont really care what twist or profile it has.
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No.20784322 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What do you call it when you shoot twice in the chest and once in the head?
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No.21016515 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Am I kinda late on this one?