STALKER Online is a free-to-play MMO based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Roadside Picnic mythos, produced by Russian indie developers. You scavenge for supplies, battle mutants (and fellow players), explore dangerous anomaly fields, and squat around campfires.
The perspective is currently third-person only, but a first-person option is in the works. There are still inventories, anomalies, weapon attachments, and artifacts, just like the original games. The game also features a day/night cycle and has weather. The game world is divided up into "Maps", which are incredibly massive sections of the Zone, with each map having different environments to survive in and locations to explore.
>English Client<wbr>mp;amp;amp;lng=en>Unofficial Mirror>Wiki>Steam Group is the official /vg/-endorsed clan™. All bros welcome, pig disgustings bandits will be terminated. Ask in the Steam chat for an invite, and hopefully someone with priveleges will be around. We don't have a base yet, but will attempt to capture one this Saturday.
Pig disgusting Last Light bandits are the current enemies and they resort to spawnkilling while we at Cheeki own them everywhere else