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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 92

No.20919460 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is there anyone on /k/ who used to be anti-gun? I grew up in a very liberal area and used to be very anti-gun, anti-military. Though a few years ago I started to question these ideas. I took some courses about war and the history of war at university and it made me realize that war and fighting and killing aren't evil within themselves and sometimes necessary. And around the same time I started reading the Richard Sharpe novels who's main character is a soldier and I found myself admiring him and wanting to be like him. I've grown up with the message that guns are bad and all that but now I'm thinking about buying a gun myself. I've even considered joining the military, though I'm not sure that I would make a very good soldier myself.

All this feels really fucking weird cause I'm questioning a lot of fundamental truths I've been taught my whole life. Has anyone else had this experience? How did you deal with it?
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No.17179928 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's have a shit knife thread, share with you your opinnions on shitty knives.

A heads up to anyone thinking of buying Mykel Hawke knifes, they're utter shit.

Got my Harrier and harier elite today, by far the dullest knifes out of a box I have ever owned, and I have bought gerbers.

The Harrier elite was saveable but the plain Harrier is dented to the other side and I am not sure if I want to put all of my time into reworking the dent.

And it's annoying to sharpen up as well due to the blade shape, still trying to get it to have at least some sort of an edge on this waste of money.

The tip of it is actually pointy, and you can stab boxes and whatnot with ease, but any sort of cutting and batoning feels liek dragging a round steel rod against wood

Bottomline, only good for stabbing stuff, can't cut for shit and a pain to sharpen.
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ATF Thread

No.20875180 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>check catalog
>no ATF thread

Bout that time eh chaps

What is /k/ drinking, smoking, and shooting?
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No.16637744 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

My nugget is trashed, or so it seems.
I was cleaning the barrel out with strips of cloth I cut folded together when they got stuck. I thought, it's just cloth so I'll push it out with a rubber hammer. Big mistake. Somehow it got incredibly caught in there and I actually broke my wooden mallet trying to get it through.
Then I made an equally bad mistake and tried to pop it out the other end with a wooden American flag. It shattered into the barrel. So I pushed a screwdriver in there and tried to push through that (I was pretty flustered at this point and apparently not thinking clearly enough to get it out before trying). It also became impossibly stuck in there and I broke the handle off of it trying to hammer it back out.
So then I put a socket wrench back on the cleaning rod side in the breech so it could hook on. I whacked it with my hand sledge and actually have caved in a socket.

tl;dr I fucked up my nugget barrel, where can I sell the rest for parts/get access to some machinery capable of pulling this shit out?
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animal abusing bitch

No.20803759 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any /k/ommandos from Australia, near Kempsey?

Marlissa Thaidy
73 Lachlan Street South Kempsey NSW 2240
Phone: (02) 65621406

fb /marlissa.edwards.3

Bitch beat up some dog. People are shitting all over FB. May interest someone living close to her.
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Barry from IV8888 Gone for Good.

No.20000419 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This may be old news but I finally found something on what happened.


>Eric's Facebook said that he would not be returning to the channel and is likely going to jail while also facing medical problems.

This was posted Yesterday.

Eric also saying on Youtube that he was out the door and it wasn't his decision and also stated some shit about legal issues.


I know /k/ loved IV8888 a few years ago before Eric got tied up in Moss Pawn and became shit and actually did home gun smithing stuff and reloading whatever but now with Barry gone which was one of the main reasons IV8888 went to shit IMO will Eric change styles or will he just stop the Youtube thing in a few months?

I hope he can go back to being good. Most Youtube gun channels are shit now and are mostly advertisements and paid off dickbags if they are popular or if they are not popular they don't have much to put out that is decent info.

Mugshot btw.
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No.19993611 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it true that DNA evidence linked Barry to the rape and murder of a 5 year old girl in 1990?
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No.20776170 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>spawned outside elektro
>run towards it
>get shot at by 8 snipers
>get shot once in the leg
>escape them and bandage up
>run into elektro and find a dead guy with an m4
>every atachment on it and 60 round mags
>go back to the snipers
>kill all of them and get infitine loot
post ur story anon
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No.20757218 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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/k/ creates a setting

No.20738671 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So we do this thing on /tg/ where we get together and create a new fictional world.

I'd like to try something like that here, using innawoods to make some nice pics to help flesh it out.

The setting is post apocalyptic, following economic collapse and years of conventional wars, followed by a full nuclear exchange. Society as been destroyed, and is now being rebuilt.

I've done a little prep-work with some new factions rising in the continental U.S. Let's see what you all can come up with and add to it, if you're interested in helping create a setting.
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