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Is there anyone on /k/ who used to be anti-gun? I grew up in a very liberal area and used to be very anti-gun, anti-military. Though a few years ago I started to question these ideas. I took some courses about war and the history of war at university and it made me realize that war and fighting and killing aren't evil within themselves and sometimes necessary. And around the same time I started reading the Richard Sharpe novels who's main character is a soldier and I found myself admiring him and wanting to be like him. I've grown up with the message that guns are bad and all that but now I'm thinking about buying a gun myself. I've even considered joining the military, though I'm not sure that I would make a very good soldier myself.
All this feels really fucking weird cause I'm questioning a lot of fundamental truths I've been taught my whole life. Has anyone else had this experience? How did you deal with it?
All this feels really fucking weird cause I'm questioning a lot of fundamental truths I've been taught my whole life. Has anyone else had this experience? How did you deal with it?