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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 93

No.18433518 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /k/, I've some questions regarding mace/pepper spray. Not a regular here at all, but I checked the sticky and the board and saw no relevent information or threads, so I'm making this new thread.

I work on a state-run college campus, and my building/facility is also open to the public. We've had a huge number of thefts lately, a number of them are suspected to have been done by a group of ~10 juveniles that like to hang out in my building. Various compositions of this group have been disruptive enough to be asked to leave the building (being noisy and distracting students), and have also begun to harrass our sadly inadequate security staff, who they do not respect or feel threatened by. I suspect that the next time they need to be asked to leave and I call security to do it (security is completely unarmed) that I will have a violent situation on my hands, and depending on timing, may also find myself a target as well.

My question is, would pepper spray be a viable or smart means of self-defense in this situation? What kinds and amounts am I allowed to carry? Should I not bother as it could cause an unpleasant escalation? I've not been able to find laws/policies regarding their use by college staff either in my state's laws or our campus policies. Any advice or help regarding this situation as whole is welcome too.
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No.20709166 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have a Ruger American in .270 Win. and I like the caliber but am looking to upgrade to a little nicer rifle in the same caliber. Willing to spend between $1000-$1500. Pic is what I have, just not my actual rifle. Figured /k/ would have some suggestions.
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No.14436112 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /k/
Been thinking about joining the royal marines a lot lately. I'm nearly 20 and I'm very fit for my age but I'm not 100% convinced I should join. I'n two years I'll have a degree that will take me nowhere although I do have a very small chance of getting a career going in professional fighting. Of course I will lose the opportunity for this if I join the marines but The lifestyle of it seems to really suit me.
What do?
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No.20677158 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.20642005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

A KAC video with SCARs and a SLICK. This should be wonderful.

No.20664098 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What advantages does the silver paint of some fighter jets have?

I know that the F-22 also has is somewhat, as well as older 2st generation jet fighters.
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Stephen King risks wrath of NRA by releasing pro-gun control essay

No.14430770 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Gun<wbr> owners<wbr> have<wbr> a<wbr> wide-eyed,<wbr> white-knuckled<wbr> grip<wbr> on<wbr> their<wbr> guns,<wbr> for<wbr> fear<wbr> if<wbr> they<wbr> let<wbr> go,<wbr> the<wbr> country<wbr> will<wbr> flip<wbr> onto<wbr> its<wbr> back<wbr> and<wbr> sink<wbr> into<wbr> the<wbr> sea.<wbr> They<wbr> wrap<wbr> themselves<wbr> in<wbr> the<wbr> flag,<wbr> and<wbr> have<wbr> crowned<wbr> themselves<wbr> as<wbr> the<wbr> chosen<wbr> defenders<wbr> of<wbr> the<wbr> Constitution.<wbr> To<wbr> doubt<wbr> them<wbr> is<wbr> to<wbr> be<wbr> an<wbr> unpatriotic<wbr> American.<wbr> The<wbr> more<wbr> horrible<wbr> and<wbr> bloody<wbr> a<wbr> shooting<wbr> spree<wbr> is,<wbr> the<wbr> more<wbr> nonsensical<wbr> is<wbr> their<wbr> argument.<wbr> But<wbr> worst<wbr> and<wbr> most<wbr> damaging,<wbr> they<wbr> lack<wbr> the<wbr> self-awareness<wbr> to<wbr> see<wbr> that<wbr> they<wbr> are<wbr> not<wbr> just<wbr> a<wbr> part<wbr> of<wbr> the<wbr> problem<wbr> -<wbr> they<wbr> are<wbr> all<wbr> of<wbr> the<wbr> problem.<wbr><wbr>/25/stephen-king-gun-control-essay-amazo<wbr>n-nra<wbr>;

And<wbr> we<wbr> lost<wbr> Stephen<wbr> King<wbr>
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No.20625208 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is anyone else getting that vibe . . . ?
"Some restaurants who used to pay anywhere between $4 to $25 for a case of limes are now having to pay $100 per case."

>Russia suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years.
>Antigovernment riots in Ukraine. Russian troops invade. . . .
>Argentine currency collapses after adverse court ruling on debts.
>Venezuelan government opens fire on rioters.
>Mexico narco-terrorist conflict escalates. Lime harvest ruined. . . .
>Russians mass on borders of Baltics and Poland.
>NSA spying revelations cause Germany and France to leave NATO.
>NATO dissolves. Lime prices skyrocket.
>United States stands alone.
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No.20603734 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, anyone else hustling to unload their AK74's now that surplus 5.45 has been banned and demand for commercial 5.45 is going to send prices through the roof?

>pic related, 25 pages of AK74s listed today.

Feels bad man.
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No.17985672 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Is this stolen valor or the real deal?
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