Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Hey /k/, I have a question. I'm going to get a customized balisong/butterfly knife made in Batangas and they've given me a bunch of choices of how to customize it and I'm not really sure what I want. I've been using an old swiss knife my father gave me when I was 7 for the longest and I think it's about time I got something better.
Now for the question: Given the following choices, what would you get for a custom balisong/butterfly knife and why?
Blade Material: Bearing Steel Mulye Brass
Type of Blade: Tanto Bayonet Double Blade Debuyod Razor Type Rambo Type
Canadians get in here! lets take a break from our hockey and donuts and talk guns! >Guns we own. >Guns we want. >Guns we can't have. >Guns we should have. And yes, OP is a faggot.
I finally did it, /k/. I found a sexy ass Nugget with a hex receiver. All matching numbers except for the floor plate on the magazine, which is force matched.
An ex-Dragoon made in 1927 by Izhevsk, can't wait to shoot it tomorrow
soo, a big milestone is comint to k. soccer moms, nuggets, aliens, swords, and the past years have let us get to here. so, what was your favorite thing here?
>At work >In full uniform, wearing Bat Utility Belt with duty pistol >Enforcing laws >Or, more accurately, just saying hi to people and making sure that one kid doesn't climb in the dumpster >Walk into headquarters to check in >Woman in birkenstocks and white girl dreadlocks is looking at brochures >Can tell by looking at her that nothing she has to say will ever be important >Reeks of pachouli >She notices me walking in and smiles and starts to ask me something about the map on the wall >She freezes before she even gets the first syllable >Points at my hip and says "that's a gun!" >"Um, yeah?" >"There's no guns allowed here!" >"What?" >"There's no guns allowed here! There's a sign on the door!" >Guns are allowed and we even have an unofficial shooting range, but you can't carry inside the HQ because of bullshit federal law, so there's a sign on the front door >"Ma'am, I work here." >"But you can't have a gun here!" >".... I WORK HERE." >"But guns aren't allowed here! You aren't supposed to have one!" >"Ma'am, I'm law enforcement." >"But the other rangers don't have guns!" >"They're interpretive. I'm law enforcement." >"You're not a real cop! You're a ranger! Like Yogi Bear!" >Stare in a churning mire of confusion, amazement at the depths of human stupidity, and loathing >She shifts awkwardly from one foot to the other, then clutches her brochures to her chest and scurries out the door >I watch her trot through the parking lot and climb into a Prius and drive off into the woods. >A Prius. >Of fucking course.