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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 97

discreet body armor idea

No.19467586 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Take a 3a soft armor vest. Add some flaps, velcro, straps and buckles to it. So you can convert it into a back pack. So during the day you can carry your armor with you in places like school or the office, with out having to be sweaty and odd looking from wearing the armor under clothes. When you you hear gun shots you can undo a few straps and flaps and throw it on over your head.
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No.19438412 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Jew York General. Anyone staying in the state after last weeks ruling? Anyone going? Anyone planning poorfag rescue operations?
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No.19450481 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, I noticed we've had a bit of a problem with /pol/ lately. I think they're here because of the casual racism on /k/. Hear me out. I know that most of the time it's done in jest but sometimes it's not. I think if we stopped with the "fuck kebab/muslims" and "fuck redguards/niggers" the climate would be much better around here and we wouldn't attract so many /pol/acks.

I know it's "/k/ culture" but at the end of the day it's harmful to the board because it attracts an unsavory crowd. So even if it's in jest, let's dispense with it, shall we? In doing so we would improve the general health of this board and keep out the fringe elements. And hey, at the end of the day, Muslims and blacks are just like us. I've known responsible black gun owners. They're no different from us. Show /pol/ shit like this is not alright.

Thanks, /k/.
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The Liberal Gun Club

No.19411671 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are your thoughts on this, /k/? They started out in California. Is it a genuine club that's pro-2nd Amendment, or another trick of the progressives to divide and conquer the gun community?

facebook/ LiberalGunClub

Pic related. Californian "gun owner"
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No.19407384 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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In the market for one

No.19345812 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Help me decide between which on of the Ak platforms would be the best choice

ak-12, ak-74, ak-47

what you like about each one, pros and cons, range stories with them, which manufacture is the best in your opinion,

inb4 googlefu
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!u6tAaiBI.s No.19325656 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
People of /k/,

Many of us have realized that the content of our boards are illegitimate and have been manufactured by bots to harvest more replies. There have been multiple threads addressing this issue recently, mainly on /pol/, /int/ and /x/. These bots are using various tactics described in the OP image ( to control the flow of the boards, in order to hide or promote an opinion about a certain matter. Threads are being duplicated and posted on numerous boards at the same time, along with the same posts being posted in these threads at the same time. We have compiled evidence of these bots which can be viewed here (

Threads that discuss this matter have been deleted across all boards. You can view the old threads here:

Links to other threads are included in the above ones.

Why are people doing this? What have they to gain?

So what now? What can do about it?
1. Do NOT post in identified bot threads.
2. If you see a bot thread, or a bot post, screencap it and post in one of these awareness threads.
3. Join the IRC, as noted below.
4. Inform all you can about this.
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Mr. Kalashnikov - RIP Comrade

No.19273061 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dont usually go on this website, but I wanted to offer my condolences to the Kalashnikov family for the passing of one of the greatest weapons engineers ever. RIP my god man, you did well, comrade.

No.19269425 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just ordered my limited edition lower Carnik Con lower?.

>MFW guy on the phone said one dude ordered 5

It is 2014 - .01, why haven't you ordered your Carnik Con lower yet?
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No.19264384 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm interested in getting a sword, mostly as a keepsake and to trick my future children into believing I'm a retired monster slayer. But I'm not sure what would be a keeper, I've seen many swords from different parts of the world and they all look stunning.

Are there any sword enthusiast/collectors that recommend a good starter?
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