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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 98

Airsoft Gloc- err, FMG-9

No.18813087 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Okay /k/, here's my idea.

Remember Boris and his fucktastic airsoft Glock with the Marigold 3 frame? If not, look here:

That's the Marigold 1 frame, but the Marigold 3 frame is a smaller, more airsoft friendly frame.

Alright, now hear me out.

KWA makes the FPG9, a complete exact to size and detail copy of Magpul's FMG-9. It uses the internals and slide of a KWA Glock 17, which is dimensionally the same as a real Glock 17.

Also, it's made of a strong fiberglass reinforced nylon: same things as Glock's. see what I'm suggesting?

With the airsoft guts taken out, a Marigold-3 kit dropped in the plastic frame, and a real slide and barrel added: this thing could be our one shot at getting an FMG-9 for real.

You could take the stock off/ use a 16" shroud attached to the barrel too while you wait for your tax stamp from uncle sam, or you could just paint it/sticker it up to look like something else, so nobody notices it and doesn't give a shit....

I don't know about you guys, but I'm doing this when I get my hands on one.

>will be dumping pics of the airsoft version now

I've been thinking this through a LOT in the last few months, ask any questions you want, I'd love to share.
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The BattleComp is Bad and BattleComp Enterprises Should Feel Bad

!7QM/I8.tPs No.19707836 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone use one of these? How does it feel knowing they are confirmed shit tier mallninja scam?
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!CN8WwNqRfw No.19682251 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the fuck could this be? Maybe the golf club I ordered? A LONG ASS DRAGON DILDO?! Is it even /k/ related? Let's find out!
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They never thought it would be like this

No.19631741 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>After a grueling day of work, you come home at the evening, go to the fridge to open your favorite beverage and turn on the t.v.
>Fox News is blaring about hostile relations and a falling economy. So what. Same shit different day. CNN, MSNBC, local news are also having similar pieces.
>Turn it off, decide to get a bit toasty. Not too much you understand, there is work in the morning.
>Go to fridge, there's some leftover Chinese food. Open pantry, you have a couple cans of food.
>Go on 4chan, the whole site is a madhouse. Posts upon posts of porn, weird drawings, news articles and Ron Paul pictures.
>Must be another raid.
>Go on /k/, pandemonium. Meet up locations, infographs everywhere, greentext stories.

Turn off computer, had a bit too much to drink. And fall asleep. Outside you hear a couple sirens going off.

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No.19626526 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/k/, a guy I'm talking to is implying that gun owners = racist. Tell me why that ain't true.
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No.19599436 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
After following the SHOT coverage over the past two days, I have to say that this is the only pistol that excites me. It's also the only pistol I plan on buying in 2014.

Anyone else like STRIKE ONE?

Here's a good overview by a guy from Arsenal:
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No.19582408 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If the new Remington R51 is well made... it's pretty much over for Glock, S&W, Kahr, etc. They might as well just stop making their subcompact guns because nobody will buy them anymore.

Seriously, think about it. Thin, unlike a G26. Full three finger grip, unlike a G26 or Shield (while being shorter than a Shield). Easy to rack slide, unlike a Shield (and maybe either than a G26). Lower bore axist compared to a G26 and Shield. The potential to erase the possibility of most limp wristing malfunctions. All metal and made in America, unlike the G26 and Shield. Good looking, unique, and revolutionary, unlike the G26 and Shield.

Last but not least, affordable.
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2hu custom patch

No.19545201 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How many people on /k/ will be interested in some custom touhou patches?
The first batch's is prob gonna be the EET/Eientei just like pic depicted

in the meantime, ill dump my /ak/ folder
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No.19528262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/k/, what is this?
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No.19558290 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I had an epiphany
I can't believe I overlooked this all this fucking time.
/k/ is serious
They really are that guy who brings a gun to a regular fight between men
They're that guy who ruins everything
I know I know
>muh I will almost definitely die if I get punched! My head could hit the floor! Use lethal force to counter any threat of harm, no matter how trivial! Look, I'm not saying don't kill in self defence, but there is a foggy ass grey line that you guys pretend doesn't exist.
I've fought people before, and never have I thought to kill them like a coward. That being said, if someone is trying to kill or brutally maim you and you haven't got the option to safely retreat, kill them. Robbing you? Kill them. But for gods sake, men fight. If you have contributed to the escalation of the argument, i.e. "fuck you mother fucker" or "get of the phone, asshole" or "put out that god damn cigarrette!" Then you do not have some moral high ground.
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