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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 99

Daily reminder that you all really "hunt" for animal pussy

No.18527714 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We're well aware of what you hunter are doing in the woods all alone.
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No.14930771 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/k/, I need your help! I'm trying to figure out the VSS trigger system and this is the only picture I can find. I really want to get this part right, but after several hours of searching I have come up empty handed. If nobody can find anything I'll just go with plan B and make a VZ-58 style trigger assembly from scratch. (The two are very similar, but I would have to just guess how the safety works, not a problem, but not authentic either.)
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No.19521717 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
good evening /k/ we have a present for you
sincerely /b/

No.19517868 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A friendly reminder to /k/ from /MLP/
>we love and miss you with all our hearts.
Having /kmlp/ threads not the same with out you.
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No.19029324 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I turn 21 in a few days and I'm looking for a hadgun. I figured a full size in either 9mm, .40, or .45. I'm looking at the under $400 range since I'm poor and in college

I've been looking at the RIA 1911's, the Canik TP-9, Canik 55 Shark, S&W SD series, a police trade in Glock or M&P, EAA, Ruger P series, or a Tristar T100 series.

The main uses of this gun would be
>target shooting
>winter/cold weather CC

Anyone here have experience with any of these? I've got experience shooting all three rounds, and have handled the P series, tp9, Glock, SD series, and plan on handling an M&P soon.

I also have no access to a shooting range, the closest one to me is an unrealistic two hour drive and closed to new members.
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Knife crime in US and UK (England & Wales)

No.19487885 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It has come to my attention many of you claim there's a greater likelihood of being a victim of knife crime in UK than in other countries, particularly America, product of the substitution effect generated by gun (firearms) control.

To test this claims, first I obtained the number violent and sexual offences involving a knife or sharp instrument recorded by police in UK, currently 26,146 for the financial year 2012/2013 and covering the following: attempted murder, threats to kill, actual bodily harm (ABH), grievous bodily harm (GBH), robbery, rape and sexual assault.

Then I proceeded to identify comparable crime categories being recorded by American police. Namely robbery and aggravated assault committed with knives or cutting instruments, totaling 146,868 offenses corresponding to a rate of 54.7 per 100,000.

After excluding 274 sexual offences involving a knife or sharp instrument from UK data (given the impossibility of comparison) and assuming a population of 56,567,800 for the year 2012, I was able to calculate UK's knife crime at 45.7 per 100,000.

As you can see, once again, gun owner's claims are unsupported by evidence.
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No.19480350 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's heat it up a little:
favourite flamethrower
have you ever used one?
tried to make your own?

No.19466086 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
could a low intensity long term insurgency similar to the troubles in northern Ireland ever happen in murrica?
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discreet body armor idea

No.19467586 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Take a 3a soft armor vest. Add some flaps, velcro, straps and buckles to it. So you can convert it into a back pack. So during the day you can carry your armor with you in places like school or the office, with out having to be sweaty and odd looking from wearing the armor under clothes. When you you hear gun shots you can undo a few straps and flaps and throw it on over your head.
2 posts omitted

No.19438412 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Jew York General. Anyone staying in the state after last weeks ruling? Anyone going? Anyone planning poorfag rescue operations?
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