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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
1) The dogs were annoying. 2) It actually made me like Rarity LESS despite being an episode dedicated to her. 3) Rarity manipulates Spike into helping her because she's aware of his obvious infatuation with her. 4) The sum-up of the show was something along the lines of "Just because a pony is a lady doesn't mean she's weak." -- If I recall, Rarity "won" by bitching, moaning, and twisting words up to the point where the Diamond Dogs couldn't stand her anymore. Is that supposed to be a GOOD thing?
I honestly can't find a redeeming factor in this episode and is probably the reason Rarity is my least favorite.
Alright, something I've been meaning to post ever since it first came to mind upon watching the Season 5 premier of MLP... Oh, that reminds me: MAJOR spoilers for MLP's Season 5 premier episode (aka "The Cutie Map", originally to be titled "Cutie Markless", I believe) ahead!!! Now that we have that message out of the way, onto my rant! X3 It wasn't just upon first seeing the episode that I've been brewing these thoughts, though. I've noticed the implications upon seeing the previews of the episode beforehand, with the creators of the show explaining Starlight's intentions and plans and whatnot. And also since then, upon looking around DA and YouTube, a lot of people seem to think that Starlight Glimmer's town society (which was never specifically named, by the way) was run under communism. As a communist myself, I can without a doubt confirm that Starlight's society is NOT communism. Not in the bloody slightest. I may or may not be the first one to point this out, but I still feel a dire need to say it. Too many people are confused by this brutal mistake... even the writers of the episode itself.
>What is the 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup? The 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup will be the thirty-seventh official 4chan Cup tournament and the ninth iteration of the Autumn Babby Cup series. The tournament will feature a mixture of teams that are relegated from the 2020 4chan Summer Cup, teams that failed to advance from the 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup, and teams from the 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers.
>Who’s playing today? 17:00 UTC - /d/ vs /mlp/ 17:40 UTC - /s4s/ vs /an/ 18:20 UTC - /w/ vs /bant/ 19:00 UTC - /v/ vs /mu/ 19:40 UTC - /jp/ vs /trv/ 20:20 UTC - /tv/ vs /n/ 21:00 UTC - /fa/ vs /p/ 21:40 UTC - /gd/ vs /r9k/
I developed a tulpa a while back but it's not a normal tulpa, it's just screaming constantly in my head. Like whenever I stop and touch my subconscious all I get is this endless horrified scream. basically the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA meme I guess. The only time it's gone away in the last three years or so is when I'm so stressed and busy I can't think. When things start to improve, aka anywhere above "eat a bullet" tier it's back. It's really starting to concern me. Normies don't know about tulpas, but I know my fellow bronies and pegasisters know what I'm talking about. What do/help/adv?
P.S. I miss you. I haven't been around since we got banned from all the other boards. :'(