It's Done! All in all over 200 images and 6 stories were submitted to the art pack. The Donation page will be up soon. Check the thread for updates and details.
In this thread we contributed to an art pack in response to Derpibooru's recent censorship. The purpose was to promote free speech. Anypony was welcome to join and all media forms was accepted. A lot of the art pack features Aryanne due to the her ban on Derpi, however this was not a requirement to be included.
Why the name?
Marenheit 451. A reference and parody of Fahrenheit 451
How much will it cost?
It will be a donation and will be pay-what-you-want.
What charity?
The money will be split between Days End Farm Horse Rescue and The Comic Book Defense League
Does the pack contain NSFW?
Both SFW and NSFW stuff are included.
What skill level was required?
Any and all. This project is about community involvement.
Donation Link:
Will be linked at
Thread Doc: Ideas: List: Archive: thread: