Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.

Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 142

The End of Derpibooru part 11

No.35624107 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Previous thread: >>35619267

>Marenheit 451 art pack is out!
>Pay what you want or donate $14.88 to a horse charity for the memes Over $6k was raised in the first few hours.

Recent events:
TSP talking on Twitter, still no response on his own site.
Fimfic turned out to be supportive or at worst neutral on this whole matter.
New rules proposal was floated, not yet voted on by mods, if at all.

>Previous summary (still mostly true):
>Not much else to do while we watch TSP burn his site down and now the new moderation staff is trying to calm down everyone, Luna(Luna von Rainy in the chat log) is being a TSP 2.0 and changed the account to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna(nebbie in the chat log) try to be the reasonable one. Get comfy, it’s out of our hands now.

>Old happening:
>>Totally "fair" private poll from the moderation team to say what should be deleted. Everything is calming down
>>Result of the private polls
>>Public poll(already invaded by twitter):
>>Mods are trying to bait Rule8 bans by asking to post the leaked logs as "proofs", so be careful to not get baited

>Also the mods are trying to change the rule 0 in a very questionable way and failing in every try because the changes keep affecting their precious ACAB fanarts

>Moderation log chat
683 posts and 154 images omitted

EqG/Humanized Edits Thread

No.35564152 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread: >>33988632

Welcome to the official Equestria Girls Edits thread. The primary objective of this thread is to create, share and ultimately dump decent vector edits of the girls. You can post your own edits, take requests from anons lurking or either make your own requests in hope some editfag takes it and doesn't mess it up.

Contributors are welcome to join and collaborate.
By the way, please consider these tips before posting:
>It is encouraged to create 2 versions of every pic: one with the girl(s) in underwear/lingerie and another naked.
>Post here the one with underwear and upload the naked one to imgur or catbox
>Links to imgur should be direct. Don't link to a imgur page, use the direct image link.
>Use some vectoring software like Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop, Gimp, etc. Avoid using Paint.
>It is not required to make the edits barefoot. By the way, every good work is much appreciated.
>Requests are marked with a "/r/" in the post subject.
>If you tell someone you're willling to take some request, finish the job you lazy faggot.
>Your first edit will probably suck. Don't give up. Listen to the comments and keep trying.

Tip for requesters:
>Be patient. It takes a while to complete a picture.

Post, share, edit and enjoy!

Imgur Album:
439 posts and 171 images omitted

No.35601733 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How often do you cuddle your plushies?
517 posts and 127 images omitted

Derpibooru Alternative Thread #13

No.35572418 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT, let's discuss the future of art preservation and boorus.

The long version:
After recent events, doubts have arose about the continuance of Derpibooru as the premiere image archival site for the fandom. Derpibooru recently went through a period of banning content they didn't agree with. This was brought on by accusations by journalists and twitter posters. Only after thousands of posts against the new policy and dozens of popular artists threatening to boycott the site were the changes reverted. While the offending policies have been removed, it is important for there to be competition in order to both ensure that Derpi is kept in check and that alternatives are available into the future.

There's other options.
-Right now Rainbooru is a good alternative to Derpi. (
-In the near future we can also look forward to TwiBooru, based on Philomena (from Twifag)
-ZizzyDizzyMC is working on ponybooru based on Philomena. (
-Another Philomena based booru. (

Specialized Boorus:
- (foalcon)
- (fluffy ponies)
- (plushophilia)
- (SFW, no shipping, no non-pony anthro, no translations)

Latest Developments:
-Improvements to Rainbooru, too many to list ^:) (
-Twifag and Zizzy making progress with Philomena
-People are looking for alternatives
-Derpi staff overhaul
-Rainbooru and Ponybooru are (almost) fully operational.
-Tools available to import images from Derpi

This is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts relevant to booru development. (>>>/mlp/derpi)


Previous thread: >>35562142
521 posts and 64 images omitted

Derpibooru Alternative Thread #12

No.35562142 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT, let's discuss the future of art preservation and boorus.

The long version:
After recent events, doubts have arose about the continuance of Derpibooru as the premiere image archival site for the fandom. Derpibooru recently went through a period of banning content they didn't agree with. This was brought on by accusations by journalists and twitter posters. Only after thousands of posts against the new policy and dozens of popular artists threatening to boycott the site were the changes reverted. While the offending policies have been removed, it is important for there to be competition in order to both ensure that Derpi is kept in check and that alternatives are available into the future.

There's other options.
-Right now Rainbooru is a good alternative to Derpi. (
-In the near future we can also look forward to TwiBooru, based on Philomena (from Twifag)
-ZizzyDizzyMC is working on ponybooru based on Philomena. (

Specialized Boorus:
- (foalcon)
- (fluffy ponies)
- (plushophilia)
- (SFW, no shipping, no non-pony anthro, no translations)

Latest Developments:
-Improvements to Rainbooru, too many to list ^:) (
-Twifag and Zizzy making progress with Philomena
-People are looking for alternatives
-Derpi staff overhaul
-Rainbooru and Ponybooru are (almost) fully operational.
-Tools available to import images from Derpi

This is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts relevant to booru development. (>>>/mlp/derpi)


Previous thread: >>35552873
613 posts and 118 images omitted

No.34439255 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post and 1 image omitted

Pony Preservation Project (Thread 55)

No.35582876 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
TwAIlight welcomes you to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

This project is the first part of the "Pony Preservation Project" dealing with the voice.
It's dedicated to saving our beloved pony's voices by creating a neural network based Text To Speech for our favorite ponies.
Videos such as or have proven that we now have the technology to generate convincing voices using machine learning algorithms "trained" on nothing but clean audio clips.
With roughly 10 seasons (9 seasons and 5 movies) worth of voice lines available, we have more than enough material to apply this tech for our deviant needs.

Any anon is free to join, and many are already contributing. Just read the guide to learn how you can help bring on the wAIfu revolution. Whatever your technical level, you can help.

We now have a working TwAIlight that any Anon can play with: (Training) (Synthesis) (Guide)

>Active Tasks
Create a dataset for speech synthesis (
Synthbot working on story tagger for voiced greentexts (
Researching alternative vocoders
Looking into an animation dataset, animators needed
Anon transcribing books and comics
Making AI creations (>>35364097)

>Latest Developments
Free TPUs from TRC
AI singing
Master file 2 contains BGM and SFX
Groundwork for video generation

>Voice samples

>Clipper Anon's Master File 2.0:!L952DI4Q!nibaVrvxbwgCgXMlPHVnVw

>Synthbot's Torrent Resources

>Cool, where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project!?
You're looking at it.

Last Thread:
522 posts and 86 images omitted

The End of Derpibooru Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

No.35579453 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread:
1190 posts and 270 images omitted

Pony Preservation Project (Thread 54)

No.35514662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
TwAIlight welcomes you to the Pony Voice Preservation Project!

This project is the first part of the "Pony Preservation Project" dealing with the voice.
It's dedicated to saving our beloved pony's voices by creating a neural network based Text To Speech for our favorite ponies.
Videos such as or have proven that we now have the technology to generate convincing voices using machine learning algorithms "trained" on nothing but clean audio clips.
With roughly 10 seasons (9 seasons and 5 movies) worth of voice lines available, we have more than enough material to apply this tech for our deviant needs.

Any anon is free to join, and many are already contributing. Just read the guide to learn how you can help bring on the wAIfu revolution. Whatever your technical level, you can help.

We now have a working TwAIlight that any Anon can play with: (Training) (Synthesis) (Guide)

>Active Tasks
Create a dataset for speech synthesis (
AI Training/Interface/Refinement
Synthbot working on story tagger for voiced greentexts (
Researching alternative vocoders
Looking into an animation dataset, animators needed
Anon transcribing books and comics

>Latest Developments
We had a panel in /mlp/con (See FAQs for links)
Anypony can train on Google Colab
Research into free TPUs from T.R.C.

>Voice samples

>Clipper Anon's Master File 2.0:!L952DI4Q!nibaVrvxbwgCgXMlPHVnVw (torrent)

>Synthbot's Torrent Resources

>Cool, where is the discord/forum/whatever unifying place for this project!?
You're looking at it.

Last Thread:
509 posts and 117 images omitted

MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.35422877 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rainbow Roadtrip special
Written by Kim Beyer-Johnson

924-25: The Ending of the End - Part 1 & 2
Written by Nicole Dubuc (part 1) & Michael Vogel (part 2)

926:The Last Problem
Written by Josh Haber

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Storytimed here!: >>35337448

Download link
Get a physical copy

Just how much has Pinkie Pie learned since she started working with the Cakes? Her chores at home didn't really seem to include baking, but her first party had cake and such, so there must have been a book or two around the house. Still, even then, there's probably a reason she struck out with her new living arrangements. And however long she's been in Ponyville, she's been spending at least part of that baking and/or watching Sugarcube Corner.

Previous thread.
567 posts and 287 images omitted