Quoted By:
>Previous thread: >>35619267
>Marenheit 451 art pack is out!
>Pay what you want or donate $14.88 to a horse charity for the memes Over $6k was raised in the first few hours.
Recent events:
TSP talking on Twitter, still no response on his own site.
Fimfic turned out to be supportive or at worst neutral on this whole matter.
New rules proposal was floated, not yet voted on by mods, if at all.
>Previous summary (still mostly true):
>Not much else to do while we watch TSP burn his site down and now the new moderation staff is trying to calm down everyone, Luna(Luna von Rainy in the chat log) is being a TSP 2.0 and changed the account to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna(nebbie in the chat log) try to be the reasonable one. Get comfy, it’s out of our hands now.
>Old happening:
>>Totally "fair" private poll from the moderation team to say what should be deleted. Everything is calming down https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/rule-0-policy-refinement-feedback-thread
>>Result of the private polls https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/results-of-staff-polling-on-borderline-content-and-rule-0
>>Public poll(already invaded by twitter): https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/poll-on-the-direction-of-the-current-proposals
>>Mods are trying to bait Rule8 bans by asking to post the leaked logs as "proofs", so be careful to not get baited
>Also the mods are trying to change the rule 0 in a very questionable way and failing in every try because the changes keep affecting their precious ACAB fanarts
>Moderation log chat
>Marenheit 451 art pack is out!
>Pay what you want or donate $14.88 to a horse charity for the memes Over $6k was raised in the first few hours.
Recent events:
TSP talking on Twitter, still no response on his own site.
Fimfic turned out to be supportive or at worst neutral on this whole matter.
New rules proposal was floated, not yet voted on by mods, if at all.
>Previous summary (still mostly true):
>Not much else to do while we watch TSP burn his site down and now the new moderation staff is trying to calm down everyone, Luna(Luna von Rainy in the chat log) is being a TSP 2.0 and changed the account to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna(nebbie in the chat log) try to be the reasonable one. Get comfy, it’s out of our hands now.
>Old happening:
>>Totally "fair" private poll from the moderation team to say what should be deleted. Everything is calming down https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/rule-0-policy-refinement-feedback-thread
>>Result of the private polls https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/results-of-staff-polling-on-borderline-content-and-rule-0
>>Public poll(already invaded by twitter): https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/poll-on-the-direction-of-the-current-proposals
>>Mods are trying to bait Rule8 bans by asking to post the leaked logs as "proofs", so be careful to not get baited
>Also the mods are trying to change the rule 0 in a very questionable way and failing in every try because the changes keep affecting their precious ACAB fanarts
>Moderation log chat