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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 52

No.39785994 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Berry Punch getting so tipsy she starts accosting you at the party, eventually leading to hardcore pelvis breaking rape. You cannot live with the shame of being a mares toy but you know her drunken fits will lead to more physical harm.
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No.38321154 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Aye, O. Lets go!
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Trans Pony Thread

No.39796697 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post cute trans ponies!
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No.39791548 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>it's been 9 fucking years
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>CLOP: Save the Bird Edition

No.39759879 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>39734793

Current meeting place for the newest edition of >CLOP, a decade old browser game about building nations, geopolitics, and oppressing ponies. Join now and start making connections.

Still in a test server for the sake of quashing bugs and making sure everything's running as it should. Whole thing may or may not be reset at some point, but unlikely. There might be a poll in the future. But given how far we've come and how invested people are, very unlikely.

>Link to the game itself

Link to the test server. This has 30minute ticks. Every tick is a war tick, and no travel time. Feel free to make multiple accounts there, and experiment with the war mechanics

>So why'd the game die the first time around?
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No.39782123 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is /mlp/ like this?
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ACRacebest's Bronies React Series: Tier List

No.39781149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's a tier list to rank ACRacebest’s Bronies React series! I’ll explain my personal rankings below.

Teens React to MLP: S Tier - Absolutely hilarious and perfectly executed. They critiqued the video well while also not taking themselves seriously at all and providing a bunch of hilarious lines. This series could not have started off better.

Derpy/College Humor My Little Brony: C Tier - Mainly just a discussion about these topics. Cool time capsules and the guys made good points, but besides that not much interesting or comedic here.

Cupcakes: B Tier - Only first few minutes are reactions to the actual video, which were hilarious. The rest of it is just a discussion about it. Pretty fun overall, especially Saberspark’s disgust.

Season 2 Finale/Season 3 Premiere: A Tier - First couple episode reactions, and very fun. I wish they were longer and they feel rushed. However, that is understandable since these was the first ones, and its really cool to see all these guys react first time to such old episodes

Season 3 Finale: S Tier - We have now hit the sweet spot in the pacing of the episode reacts. Has enough reactions so that everything interesting is covered without feeling rushed but few enough so that it doesn’t drag on and is very rewatchable. AcRacebest’s theories and how he edited those segments were the highlight here. The gold standard to follow for these.

Equestria Girls Trailer: A Tier - Really good mix of comedy and serious discussion on the topic at hand. An interesting variety of takes, with a good overall message about how the drama was overblown and the best solution was to wait and see if the movie would be good.

Equestria Girls Movie: S Tier - Once again, great pacing for an episode react, and since this movie is so easy to make fun of they had great material to work with. And BlackGryph0n literally skydived on video just to complain about Flash Sentry. Nuff said.
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ACRacebest & Bronies React is Based

No.39777500 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You guys have any thoughts on ACRacebest? This guy has been a fan of the show since 2011 and has not relented since. He brought other awesome people together to make the hillarious Bronies React series. Although I was not a fan of the direction the later reacts took (overly long and not as funny and rewatchable), the earlier ones have provided me endless entertainment over the years and rival the show itself in terms of my enjoyment.

And on top of that this guy has done entertaining vlogs for every brony convention he went to over a decade, making for amazing time capsules for anyone who wants to get a feeling of what that scene was like during the golden years of the fandom. And has been almost completely non-controversial and non-political. He just makes videos of him being his authentic self. Can we all agree this guy is beyond based?

Also, every one of you needs to watch the 3 below videos this second. They are ACRaceBest interviewing drunk people in Las Vegas about MLP. It is hillarious.

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