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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 52

No.39420850 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"I'm sorry she isn't real Anon"
>"But I am!"
>"Brush my mane and pet me! Let me give you a warm mare hug!"
126 posts and 37 images omitted

/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - Thread 7: Hot cocoa Edition

No.39360927 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - Thread 7: Hot cocoa Edition
Discussion regarding Banned from Equestria (Daily) by Pokehidden, aswell as the community efforts surrounding the game and concept.

Banned from Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click clop game where the objective is to get with as many mares (and stallions) as you can in the span of three days.

BFED Player (Ruffle) -
Translation Repository -

Previous efforts included engine re-writes aswell as original stories made in the style of BFED.

Previous thread >>39236779

(Game and resources links in anchor post)
336 posts and 58 images omitted

No.39417966 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are there now more shitposters on /mlp/ than genuine people actually discussing the content for its own sake and enjoyment?
1 post omitted

No.39406645 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>>39406244 got deleted for trolling.
Are you faggots really that fragile that criticism of anon is considered "trolling"?

My Massive Pony

No.39098855 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the My Massive Pony thread!
Underhoof edition

Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.
Check out our slowly growing ponepaste:

Previous thread: >>39015074
506 posts and 211 images omitted

No.39374266 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>oooh, anon! Rarity won't be back for another hour. We have the boutique all to ourselves...
32 posts and 7 images omitted

No.39377958 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What the fuck happened to /mare/con? There was supposed to be a thread right after Thanksgiving.
137 posts and 27 images omitted


No.39365871 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Explain your love for Marble. What made you realize she was the one? What admirable qualities do you see in her? What is generally misunderstood about her? Let it all out, share your favorite marble content, I want to see it.
173 posts and 103 images omitted

Mind control thread 13

No.39350208 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread 39239301

What is the Mind Control thread?
Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)
496 posts and 72 images omitted


No.39368763 View ViewReplyOriginalReport