Quoted By: >>64238225 >>64239129 >>64239155
>be me
>happily single volcel since last relationship ended in 2014
>post on /r9k/ daily
>innocently enter a fembot thread
>a fembot's discord deets drop
>begin to develop feels
>start talking to her
>initially she replies back
>eventually she stops replying
>now feel like there's a huge whole in my life where this fembot used to be
just don't do it bros, you're gonna get killed.
>happily single volcel since last relationship ended in 2014
>post on /r9k/ daily
>innocently enter a fembot thread
>a fembot's discord deets drop
>begin to develop feels
>start talking to her
>initially she replies back
>eventually she stops replying
>now feel like there's a huge whole in my life where this fembot used to be
just don't do it bros, you're gonna get killed.