Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
As a 24 year old guy that hasn't had sex, is it more pathetic to hire a female prostitute, or fuck a twink from grindr? On the one hand the prostitute is the gender I'm actually attracted to, but on the other hand I have to pay for it, whereas I don't with the twink.
ITT: showing normies the true meaning of the superior mobile operating system
>Be me >Seducing women on Tinder >End up finding a random roastee 6/10, huge tits, clearly into me >One night stand material >We agree to meet up at my house >Watch some boring ass comedy, long story short she ends up giving me head >Driest blowjob I've had in my life >Her """personality""" isn't much better >She begs me for my phone number >At this point I just want her to leave so I give it to her >She pulls out her phone >It's an iPhone >Disgusted beyond belief, suppress my urge to vomit >She texts me to make sure I gave her the right number >"Wait Anon, why are your bubbles green, do you have an Android?" >Well yes I d-" >Before I even finish my sentence she says that sinful phrase >"Haha eww gross" >Combat mode engage >I knock her iPhone out of her hands >Watch as it lands on the couch and breaks into a million pieces >Pathetic. >I turn to face her >"Wtf Anon what was that for???" >I karate kick her leg >Hear a bone break >She is screaming in pain >Pull out a stack of tendies I had stored in my pocket specifically for this occasion >Shove them in her mouth >She is still mumbling for help >Spits them out and tries to limp away >I'm faster >Catch up to her and body slam her with my 400lb tendie fueled samurai body >Proceed to do the final atomic blaster super combo >She is gargling on the floor, coughing up blood >I pull out my 50-inch samurai sword with the Android logo embroidered on it >Slice her head off and put in my collection >Dump her body in a dumpster behind my house labelled "iPhones" Another win for the Android gang.
Not long ago I discovered ciara horan and I want to know more about her, through a few archived posts and pages full of ads I gave a superficial idea of this dead girl, but I want to know her story or at least something more concrete than what is there outside, I only know that she posted here a few years and died, about her father, drugs and a guy from discord I have nothing clear, I would like to know her full story because in my opinion of beauty she almost touches perfection, it's a shame that she died, if posting about her is not allowed, make an exception with this post, I can't find specific information anywhere, photos of her are welcome where her pretty eyes can be seen