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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 112

No.63733416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey robots
On a scale of 1 to 17, how much have you missed me?
3 posts omitted

No.63726096 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just really like feet
20 posts and 16 images omitted

BAC forever

No.63710177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
BAC thread forever she will never die.
17 posts and 11 images omitted

No.63709235 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Favorite fast food place?
What's your order?
54 posts and 17 images omitted

No.2824782 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Fat feminism or fat-positive feminism is a form of feminism that argues overweight women are economically, educationally, socially and physically disadvantaged due to their weight. Instead of losing weight, fat-positive feminists promote acceptance for women of all sizes and oppose any form of size discrimination. Fat feminism originated during second-wave feminism, and has not met mainstream acceptance. While very closely affiliated with the fat acceptance movement, fat feminists focus on women who are discriminated against because of their size."

No.63681560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just want someone to love me
I know they wont though
39 posts and 14 images omitted

No.63672404 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Lying in bed
>Bored and horny
>Trying to score on Omegle
>Add every tag I can think of
>Match with someone with MAP
>She is only 15
>Nervous but kind of interested
>We move to Kik
>Chat about favorite hentai and kinks
>She is into all of it
>Super excited
>She sends face pic
>11/10 wtf shes so cute!
>Get idea
>Say the pic wont load
>Ask her to send it via email
>Recieve pic
>Check metadata to find her location
>Open Google Maps
>Can hardly wait to see her
>Its a police station
>Consider situation
>Get greater idea
>Tell her how cute she is and ask to meet
>Tell her how into pizza delivery guy porn I am
>She agrees and gives me the address
>Go time
>Call pizza hut in her area
>Tell them to give it extra sausage
>Next month
>Watch To Catch a Predator
>See pizza delivery man being interrogated by Chris Hansen
>Goes through all the fucked up shit I said
>Says hes one of the worst people hes ever met
>Feel proud of myself for once in my life
>Wake up from dream
>Cry while masturbating to the memory of her
2 posts and 2 images omitted

I cannot love my Black niece

No.33323985 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I have a niece. Her mother, (my sister), fucked some criminal junkie Nigger. I cannot love the girl.

I will always be there for her. But mostly cause of a sense of duty and pity. I feel sorry for her for being Black. She never asked to be born to those sort of parents. She is a victim. But I cannot love her.

I am sure I'd love her if she was Caucasian. Does this make me evil? What should I do?
222 posts and 58 images omitted


No.59183661 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
last edition

What are you fucked up on today, anons?
517 posts and 89 images omitted

No.63240817 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Haven't checked this cesspool in 10 years, don't even know if this is the right board to post it, but figured i'd come back so say hi and sum up my shit life
>be me, around 20 years ago, 13 at the time
>Not the king of the school or anything, but have a nice group of friends
>First day of 7th grade, doing the standard greeting everyone
>"Anon, did you see the new girl? She looks like a loser, and no one's talked to her yet"
>Look at the corner, cutest girl i'd ever seen
>"Oh sure i'll go talk to her"
>She's reading in the corner of the classroom, doesn't even seem to bother trying to talk to people
>"Hey there, you're the new chick right? Nice to meet you, i'm anon"
>She looks at me and mumbles something under her breath,
>"I could hear you, mind saying it again?"
>"I-i'm femanon"
>Immediately realize she's one of those kids that go to the library during break, probably wants to be left alone
>"So, what do you like to do?"
>She awkwardly murmurs "b-boys hehe"
>Assume it's a joke and laugh, she smiles
>"See you around femanon"
>"Y-yeah you too"
>Year goes by, end up becoming her friend and introducing her to my groups
>Hang out with her, get more into reading and end up going to each other house's to do it
>8th grade, she's still socially anxious as usual but at least she speaks to me and some other kids
>ffw to my birthday, having the party at a pizza place
>"H-hey anon i thought you'd like this, since we had fun watching it at the movies"
>Hands me over the LOTR trilogy box, 50 year commemorative edition
>"Wow! Thanks femanon, this looks really good"
>Give her a hug, she goes red and makes some weird noise
>Another year passes, 9th grade now
>Final year before high school, mix of people freaking out and being excited
>School trip to a historical city in another state, pretty much everyone is going
>"H-hey anon do you have a partner already?"
>I actually did, but i went against Bros before Hoes just this once
will continue in the next post
38 posts and 6 images omitted