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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 114

daily NEET/HIKKI/LOSER thread

No.63161103 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
anoter day of doing nothing. this one passed particularly quickly. although i woke up at 3pm. having really weird dreams, which is cool. dreams are the most interesting part of my life. fantasy worlds where things I do matter and my subconscious leads me through fantastical paths.

now im just listening to music. just sitting here. just zombie mode. no thoughts. head empty.
438 posts and 84 images omitted

No.63324482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
trying to watch the edp445 shit but there's a girl in it and she's so cute i looked it up and we're the same age do you think it could work
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No.63300697 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Letter thread, leave initials.
530 posts and 38 images omitted


No.63312131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
One last thread for our beautiful angel? Today would have been her 21st birthday.
54 posts and 20 images omitted

for me its ciara

No.63308126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
shes literally everything a robot could ever ask for
heroin chic
give me one good reason you arent worshiping her
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No.63299180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I won't forgive her. I won't forget her.
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No.63283580 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What do you think of women who like much older men?
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No.63291126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw you will never get neetbux
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No.63248469 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how do robots feel your 'epic discord fembot waifus' are all fucking us /fit/chads behind your back
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No.63272495 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>have a friend who introduced me to this one guy
>he has a perfect gf, girl of my dreams
>black hair, big eyes, nice tiddies, small butt. dresses in a skirt and knee socks everyday.
>is interested in same things as me.
>listens to same bands, likes same movies, tv shows, likes cars etc.
>we start to hang out as a group
>become good friends
>feels nice to have friends
>talk about EVERYTHING with them
>after 3-4 months of hanging out almost daily, i start to tease each other with the QT
>they have toxic relationship so i think that its possible for me to get her
>after around a month i invite her over although she is still together with my other friend
>just two of us
>watch anime
>hangout the night and she is starting to leave at around 2am
>bf picking her up
>hear his car outside
>still laying in bed with her
>she gets on top of me
>kisses me
>she took my first kiss, just like that.
>she leaves and we decide to hang out next weekend too
>week later
>comes over, watch anime again
>start to make out for 10-15 minutes
>again, its time for her to leave
>she tells me she has liked me for almost half a year
>me too.jpg
>next weekend she comes over again and we had sex
>fast forward 4 months to today
>we have been having sex and hanging out and doing things that couples do
>they broke up about month ago
>after they broke up I realized how manipulative, controlling, lying, selfish fuck she was with him
>i even realized that she has lied to me, ALOT
i don't even know what to do anymore. should i just leave her for good. i haven't seen her now for few weeks because i think i hate her but i still have feelings. she even hangs out daily with her ex bf. she's perfect, but at the same time, she's so fucked in the head, a fucking nightmare. What do i do??
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