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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 116

No.62876195 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Letter thread, include initials.
413 posts and 57 images omitted

## Mod No.5452214 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Please be aware that while it is OK to discuss politics on /r9k/, Global Rule #3 applies to this board, and therefore trolling and racism are not allowed. Please keep any political discussions civil and respectful.

Dear Tahlia, true woman of my dreams

No.62987044 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Each day I gaze out of my south window
and stare out at the trees, river, the sky
entranced by their majestic beauty
yet even following two hundred days
not once has this beauty surpassed yours.
Those precious day we spoke are now long gone
the memories remain preserved sweet
and gently bring me back to better times.
Sweet Tahlia, true angel and our queen
I there be no words, no performance
to demonstrate my never ending love
or deep devotion that I hold for you
but can you fault a man who shoots his shot
vainly composing words into the void
and wishing for the smallest interest
from such a godess as we know you are.
Sweet Tahlia, forever are my queen,
the dearest soul to ever touch my heart,
more beautiful than God's beloved sun,
more precious than one thousand morning stars
more pleasing to my eyes than any else
Oh Tahlia, girl tell me can you see
exactly what it is you've done to me?
I've lost my wit, my senses all are blind,
when every instrument I feign to use
and every compass needle points to you...
Without you I am chasing my own tail
unable to move on, or to escape
I'm drawn to you like ships to the whirlpool
or Jove himself who lusted for Io.
But you dear Tahlia, eternal, sweet
are more pleasing to me than any god
or godess whom the ancient greeks did know
and I respect you more than even Jove
for if I were given a chance to come
upon the shores of sandy Krete
I would abstain, I would do you no harm
I swear to serve you till my very end
and pledge myself forever to your love.
My love, Tahlia, I'd give it all to you
if only you would say "I love me too"
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No.63034180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wizchan is still down!

I don't want to spend another second here on /r9k/ with you sex obsessed normies.
This is like literally the worst board ever.
Are you guys supposed to be normies LARPing as incels LARPing as chads? What is the point of this place anymore?
Please come back wizchan I can't stand it here on 4cuck.
22 posts and 3 images omitted

No.63014372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Be honest and step forward, Canadians.
You know its the right thing to do.
3 posts and 2 images omitted


No.63010085 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Reminder that in another universe, your waifu browses and posts in /waifu/.
507 posts and 140 images omitted

No.62977897 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/Dating General/

Where are you from ? How old are you ? Say something. Hope you will find a girlfriends/boyfriends

I am from Poland i am 18 years old , was born in 17th october 2002. I look like 16 i am from east south Poland. I am looking for a girfriend who will love me. Any questions? Let s find love.

No.62967770 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>stalks a 17 yo to date her
>gets praised for doing nothing in their relationship
>does drugs with her because he's an addict too
>posts his own timestamps here and encourages her posting to 4chan
>financially insecure living with parents
>has average sized erectile dysfunctional penis so can't satisfy her sexually
>too old to be taken seriously in public with her

Why did this guy get supported and orbited so much by people here? The only reason I can think of is that he's a white boomer most of the losers here could self insert as and use to give themselves hope
10 posts and 3 images omitted

No.62059751 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why was there no effort to save her from this 40 yo boomer like with tahlia from brendio? they both sniped their egirls at 17 right before they became public with their relationships after them turning 18, but the lack of criticism for one pair is so stark

it hurts to think that someone let her get so underweight and didn't try to control her

No.62946408 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I miss her so much bros.... I want to be in the skype group again and hear her voice