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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 127
ITT post your gender, race, age and a picture of a human you would like to fuck
f white (half german half irish shitling genes) 19
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>>61530092 based and jermapilled
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>>61523643 who's dat? i've seen her before.
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>>61530950 Also Layne Staley.
>he thinks voting will solve anything
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>>60654015 Thank you for admitting that anarchism means a return to the stone age.
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>>60654642 >thinking they actually do anything aah the naive fools
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>>60651048 You're right, voting won't change anything.
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>>60654015 yeah, but it was anarchism WITHOUT FUCKING NIGGERS IN EUROPE
you're all fucking idiots I was here 6 years ago as a virgin and left because I became a normalfaggot. falling in love, and I mean genuinely falling in love, and losing them in by far the worst experience you will ever encounter. consider yourselves blessed you can't get ass than having to think about the love of your life getting railed by some worthless faggots. ruins your life. at least as a virgin you have no stresses, you can sleep till whenever, nothing occupies your mind because its empty stop being sorry for yourselves and consider yourselves blessed. I'd do anything to go back. women ruin your lives you are missing nothing
do you know why every song is about heartbreak? and sad? because it legitimately fucking ruins your life. I haven't slept over 5 hours in a year and genuinely nothing can make me happy
when you are a robot virgin fuck you are empty but you can feel ocassional happiness or feel no stress. I will never ever feel that
>>61499338 was this the girl elliot rodger had a crush on?
>>61499422 I got this except also the girl doesn't know me
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>>61499432 well thats cuz you've never had a romantic encounter and if you do you'll probably forget about her
but also your mind creates an idea of women which causes you to fall in love so fuck normalfaggots that shun you for falling in love with someone you don tknow
>>61499425 unrelated photo but thats her in op
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>>61499432 Yes. Monette moio. The first girl he has crushed on and was mean to him..
Can you imagine being white Gross
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>>61486776 >interact with white people and have white admixture for hundreds of years before you even see asians >community is obsessed with being lightskinned and straight haired just like every other place white people colonized like India >AYO we just copying asians mang cuz we buying outsourced weaves. It's truly a cruel joke that people as dumb as blacks exist.
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>>61481658 Are Twitter niggers truly incapable of self-reflection and grasping the concept of hypocrisy?
A blatantly racist post that claims that white people smell and these single-digited IQ amoeba are claiming that whites defending themselves are the racists in the situation.
Does this truly prove the IQ gap?
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>>61486827 Natural selection will pick those features over time. Especially so in low income areas without good healthcare.
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>>61484998 "I hate bootlickers but I will gladly lick a niggers jays for fucking my wife"
thanks for getting me banned faggot
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>>61483927 >blacks arent violent thats racist sterotyping >go say that to a black mans face and watch him kill you
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Spent all semester working in order to not go into more student loan debt. Only got half of what I need. Try to grind out as much work as possible. Fail 2/4 classes. Try to transfer to better school that has free tuition, can't send transcript because of hold. What the hell am I supposed to do bros?
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Studend loans are terrible nowadays. I hate them despite I thought it was the only possible option to get money for college. Then I figured out how bad they are because of high % and changed my mind to and the % is lower then basic student loan what makes me feel satisfied. I also started working to pay my debt faster and I hope I will acomplish that till February.
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Robots, can you help me understand the full story?
>>61157917 any more of these pics?? never seen these
>>61158036 >>61157917 >>61157878 Disgusting simps. Go back to onlyfans.
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>>61158046 >>61158036 she was definitely about to start doing onlyfans/amateur porn
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It wouldn't be a Monday morning on r9k without another Ciara thread...
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>mods hating their own site's culture wouldn't be a chan site if it wasn't full of faggots
Why dows janny range ban
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>>59982492 Because they are lazy cunts.
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hiro does it for profit
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im about to buy a 4chan pass to get rid of my range ban, give me reasons why i shouldnt do it right now
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becoming gookmoot's simp
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hiro might betray you one day revealing your history to the world, do you really want to pay to be fucked?
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He got rich by doing that, giving out fake bans to areas to reach a quota.
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Hey anons, I'm killing myself either today or tomorrow depending on when i can work up the courage. I have my dad's gun and i'm ready to cash out. Will a 9mm kill me for sure? I think so, right? I won't lie, I'm very scared to die. How do I ease the fear and just jump into the great unknown with confidence? Also is hell real? Is heaven? I'm afraid
>>61413918 If you do it will you live stream it?
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>>61413998 no, i dont want my laptop to be on when i do it, i have everything locked down so nobody sees the stupid things ive saved and written over the years
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>has a bf >feels alone cmon, just talk it out, you are not actually alone like us
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>>61413918 Thank you OP
Please don't hold back, tell him, you're carrying something around, which means it needs to be told
And don't give up on possible solutions, you still have some left
I hope things get better <3
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where do you live (country) and do you have a car ?
Is it better to have been in love and lose it or to never been in love in the first place?
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lost, because you still gain a lot of experience and lessons out of it. just don't let it destroy you when it's lost, let it clear space for something new
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imo its better to never be in love in the first place, cant get dumped if you never have a gf /shrug
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>>61411492 having been in both former and latter, its always better to have been in love
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>>61411492 I think that never having is better, 80% of the shit you see here are crying monkey brain morons because they had and got dumped, but if youre sad because you haven't loved yet, it can be a more crap situation