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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 128

No.61252409 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone else here think its absolutely FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that the only time in life that matters is between ages 15-26. fucking 10 years. maybe not even that long thats pushing. fucking 10 years. 10 FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!


you spend 90% of your life being a child incapable of doing anything and a retard and being a literal rotting corpse just getting shittier by the day. FUCK GOD AND FUCKING GOD ROBBED ME OF MY LIFE AND MY FUCKING PARENTS FUCK GOD
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Women Are Entirely Fucked Thread 2

No.61166895 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I had to get my car inspected, but I'm back. Oreganoally.

I used to be a robot. I'm incredibly autistic, can't wrap my head around most social concepts. Eventually I learned to understand what's going on underneath women's heads thanks to some select book (How to Make Friends and Influence People is a fucking meme. So is the PUA shit, because it doesn't actually teach you what's going on inside their heads).

Women aren't worth it. Robots got fucked out of a bad deal. You get to the point where you could have pussy at any time and just choose to be celibate because you'd rather not indulge a hole. Know that joke about women being the worst combination of a nigger, a faggot, and a kike? It's true, unironically. There's a reason every great man who ever lived DESPISED women. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, (these three should tell you that something is wrong with holes) Confucius, Napoleon, Kant, FUCKING QUEEN VICTORIA, Freud, the list goes on. They all hated the nature inherent of women.

That robot last week who said "women are mini niggers" or whatever was absolutely on the money. Women are vain, self-centered solopcists, and even studies on female brain activity reflect them as being nearly identical to that of pathological liars. Manipulation is as easy to a woman as cold honesty to an autist. This is because they're so used to lying and ignoring uncomfortable truths that they don't even realize they're lying.

Robots, pussy isn't worth it. It really isn't. I have a couple female friends (real friends) and each one of them has something seriously wrong with their brains. 2 are autistic, and all have math degrees. You still have to be on the lookout for shitty behavior. Even if you find that 1 in 10,000 woman that's honest, she's not worth the time, nor the effort, nor the money to keep around. The sad part is that love is a one-sided affair and always has been.
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No.61346928 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I still love her bros
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No.40830485 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
cocksucker buttfucker


No.61309486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can you even be ugly as a guy without trying or being deformed?
if you are naturally chad then you arent ugly to most women.
if you are naturally feminine just shave and diet and you'll be cute af.
most guys just dont care.

pic related; my idol.
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No.61218856 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>friendless loser
>start new Minecraft realm
>spend countless hours making really cool shit
>have no one to show it to
anyone wanna play Minecraft with me?
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No.61229265 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why don't incels just try being confident for once in their lives?
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Favorite YouTubers?

No.57824513 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For me Its gotta be general sam, twomad and someordinarygamers
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Stupid Drama

No.45362972 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /r9k/. Apologies for the interruption, I can't get this across anywhere else. I know some anons still think I'm speaking to Michael/Mantras. I'm not, and he's not my boyfriend. I don't really have an interest in associating with him any longer. I'm also not doing any drugs, actually stopped taking Zoloft because it was making me a bit more suicidal.
I don't think I'll be coming back to the /r9k/ or 4chan community because it's taken up a lot of my time and really was more of a negative than positive experience. I'll no longer be on any of my previous accounts, and I'm replacing my current Discord soon. I'm being forced to be apart of drama and it's incredibly stressful. I thought it was over, but it's not, so I just have to remove myself completely. Thanks to all the anons who were kind to me. I won't forget you. And thanks for making my life a bit more interesting, I guess, even if you were one of the anons who weren't kind to me.
And to Michael, stop involving me. Give up on this useless rampage of yours, it is absolutely pathetic and it's only hurting yourself and everybody around you. You can insist Ciara is bent on destroying your life, but currently she is freaking trying to improve her life and they were right in reporting you. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. In every way imaginable you really did break the law. I don't hate you, and I hope you don't hate me. But please think about this.

Thanks, anons. See you around.

No.61222704 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey anons, I have a challenge for you:
Justify your hatred for trans people using actual arguments and no stale, overused attacks on my character(dilate, 41% you will never be a woman etc.). Prove that you have actual valid reasons to be so angry, other than that trans people make you uncomfortable
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