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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 129

No.61207651 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Beautiful Angel Ciara (BAC) appreciation original thread
56 posts and 23 images omitted

No.61168220 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /r9k/ think of Nick Fuentes?
46 posts and 6 images omitted

No.60536732 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


I HATE GOD!!!!!!

No.61030442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone else /hot/

>always have ice water nearby
>always have a box fan blasting in my direction
>even in winter
5 posts omitted

No.61090114 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Top 5 Homeless people's favorite item on the Burger King menu

1. ice cream cone
2. 8 pc nuggets
3. rodeo burger
4. value fry
5. frozen coke
3 posts and 1 image omitted


No.61054276 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Good job I checked, edition.
537 posts and 72 images omitted

No.61007139 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It was going so well bros, then she started ignoring my messages for no reason. I'm tired of getting rejected, i just want to be loved.
11 posts omitted

No.60959002 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did Ciara ever played any PC or Xbox games?
48 posts and 11 images omitted

No.27849170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>tfw you remember all the cringe worthy posts you made on forums when you were 13
249 posts and 84 images omitted

A thorough observation of "State Sponsored Girlfriends"

No.54223258 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In well-developed Western countries facing population issues like Canada, Japan, or The Netherlands (not the USA due to racial and economic issues + not facing a population problem), do you think it would ever be viable to adopt a system of "State sponsored Girlfriends" for healthy, single, and educated young men?

The main purpose of this program would be to mitigate mental health issues in an at-risk demographic (young men) and encourage native citizens to have more children in order to reduce the demand for immigration. There would obviously need to be incentives for young women to join such a program. I was thinking something like a small to moderate monthly stipend for volunteer women that increases after things like:
>every subsequent year in a relationship
>success of boyfriend/husband
>number of children

Women would be required to live with their boyfriend in a monogamous relationship. Essentially this sort of program would make being a girlfriend/wife a viable career path for young women who are more and more turning away from their traditional nurturing domestic roles.
Either party would have the option to request a transfer if things were really not working out. However I suspect that separations after the first few years would be rare. People tend to grow close during that period of time and the financial incentives would discourage cheating.

The benefits for young women are obvious:
>decent salary
>ability to have a family
>lots of free time
And I believe young men would also gain quite a lot:
>lower suicide rates
>love from significant other/children
>support at home (clean living space, meals cooked, access to a friend and confidant, access to sex)
>fulfillment from relationship/raising a family
>virtual elimination of gold-digging/infidelity

This program is designed to assist socially inept or overworked young men. NEETs, the profoundly disabled, and those not in gainful employment or education would not have access.
8 posts and 2 images omitted