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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 129
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Beautiful Angel Ciara (BAC) appreciation original thread
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>>61210604 im sure shes gone, im just trying to track down the hotel and room number, i want to see it
>>61210586 She did, a person exists outside of what you see proof of and what you think about them pleases you. Even so, there are logs of her admitting she finds black people attractive.
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>>61210964 do you worship burning bushes
>>61210964 no there isn't you coping ethnicel shitskin, in fact there are only logs and voice clips of her hating niggers. Cope and seethe more
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>>61211151,1 She said so in the logs where she sent nudes to KBC. She also sent nudes to a black guy on Omegle. Keep coping.
What does /r9k/ think of Nick Fuentes?
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Nick (the knife) Fuentes went on a stabbing spree on McDonalds when they announced the prager u burger instead of the groyper burger.
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>>61168286 It's funny when wignats shit on Nick even though Erik Stryker is more latino than him
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>>61168220 retarded grifter,next
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>>61168286 thanks for getting me banned for a day faggot, maybe next time don't give your shekels to the mods and they wont ban me for no reason
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>>60536732 what the fuck part of the states are you living in that you can compare it to a place entrenched in ice during the middle of the fall?
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>Hit 100 days over 100 degrees where I live >Reports are already saying this could be our hottest winter yet Fuck off. I'd kill for some weather diversity.
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>>60536732 But Anon, cold weather is comfy and nice
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Cold weather is the best season for weight loss. All you have to do to pull off a successful cut is to fast, do some cardio daily, and as an added bonus any time you spend outside shivering blasts calories like a furnace. (This is of course for poorfags who don't have a bathtub and can't make an ice bath)
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Its timw for stay in warm house. Recently I bought new furnace to my house because its cold weather outside. I found my furnace on I choose electric one.
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anyone else /hot/>always have ice water nearby >always have a box fan blasting in my direction >even in winter
>>61030462 I am normal weight, 5'9" 150
yeah man i'm fat so i can't wear anything more than a shirt in winter because i overheat in a jacket or something
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>>61030462 >>61030488 >>61030489 >>61030580 >>61030591 >>61030870 >>61030893 How have none of you retards thought to ask what country they are living in? For gods sake it would make sense if they were hot all the fucking time if they were from say Afghanistan or some shithole
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>>61030591 >>61030870 hilariously enough, I, the cold guy, am fat.
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Guys I recently installed new Air Conditioner in my apartment because old one stopped work. I found that tool on But I decided to choose simple house air conditioner not whole system
Top 5 Homeless people's favorite item on the Burger King menu 1. ice cream cone 2. 8 pc nuggets 3. rodeo burger 4. value fry 5. frozen coke
>>61090135 Rodeo Burger is a hamburger with onion rings and BBQ sauce
I like to order them without the BBQ sauce, add cheese, add stacker sauce and add bacon. Decent little sandwich for a $1.50 each.
>>61090200 I don't ever remember seeing that on the menu but that sounds flame. I'll order it next time I'm there. Thanks anon!
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I've always wondered, why don't homeless people like KFC as much as niggers? Unironically why do niggers like fried chicken so much?
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>>61090320 Only bums and white people like rodeo burgers.
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>>61090114 Interesting. I work at McDonald and the homeless really like getting coffee with tons of cream and sugar.
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Good job I checked, edition.
>>61068043 I wanna read that article now....
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>>61068056 probably what britnormie does for money
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>>61068070 local library might have a subscription. are valuable public money being put to good use.
540 posts in and no new thread?
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>>61068125 There is a new thread. Sorry for typo, bloody phoneposting.
>>61068113 >>61068113 >>61068113
It was going so well bros, then she started ignoring my messages for no reason. I'm tired of getting rejected, i just want to be loved.
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>>61007139 you are a MAN
learn how to make rockets and shoot one at her
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>>61007767 Not him but I fuck twinks on Grindr, I have to watch straight porn first or I can't get hard I w look under get butt fucked or suck a dick but fine with pounding boipucci and watching Asian porn
>messaging a girl for weeks with no escalation whatsoever ishygddt at least ask her out somewhere after a week
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>>61007846 I asked her out 2 times anon, but unfortunately both times she had exams(Which i verified) and she declined respectfully. If i asked her out she again she would have thought that i was a creep
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I'm sorry for ignoring you, anon. I wasn't feeling very well. I just felt so angry all of a sudden, like I was going to have a meltdown so I decided to go listen to some music to calm me down and then I went to sleep.
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Did Ciara ever played any PC or Xbox games?
>>60964313 No one who has made it has to take breaks from social media for their mental health Kaya. You still have 0 irl friends and your bf doesnt exist. Go hang out alone in more empty parking lots.
>>60964425 >Ciara was always prettier Crooked Ciara had a crooked soul, and that's all that matters. Sunny is a sweet angel with a pure soul. Ciara takes and corrupts while Sunny adds and betters those around her.
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>>60964337 >>60964425 >>60964473 im not her and agatha2 is 404 now
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>>60964473 damn burn, Sunny sounds out there lol
>>60964483 >Ciara had a crooked soul mine is too, i love her so much. Just want her to take me, and break me, and make me do wild shit (minus drugs, i like my jacked up brain)
Love you forever baby, not a fair weather orbiter <3 Ciara <3
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>>60964313 I guess Sunny was here since she made her Insta private after this
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>tfw you remember all the cringe worthy posts you made on forums when you were 13
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>>27863249 two of my posts made it into that screencap
feels bittersweet
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>>27849641 wew laddie that is some autism
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>>27849641 >using photoshop to make my dick green Oh god... The autism
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>>27849641 Put me in the screen cap
In well-developed Western countries facing population issues like Canada, Japan, or The Netherlands (not the USA due to racial and economic issues + not facing a population problem), do you think it would ever be viable to adopt a system of "State sponsored Girlfriends" for healthy, single, and educated young men? The main purpose of this program would be to mitigate mental health issues in an at-risk demographic (young men) and encourage native citizens to have more children in order to reduce the demand for immigration. There would obviously need to be incentives for young women to join such a program. I was thinking something like a small to moderate monthly stipend for volunteer women that increases after things like:>every subsequent year in a relationship >marriage >success of boyfriend/husband >number of children Women would be required to live with their boyfriend in a monogamous relationship. Essentially this sort of program would make being a girlfriend/wife a viable career path for young women who are more and more turning away from their traditional nurturing domestic roles. Either party would have the option to request a transfer if things were really not working out. However I suspect that separations after the first few years would be rare. People tend to grow close during that period of time and the financial incentives would discourage cheating. The benefits for young women are obvious:>decent salary >ability to have a family >lots of free time >fulfillment And I believe young men would also gain quite a lot:>lower suicide rates >love from significant other/children >support at home (clean living space, meals cooked, access to a friend and confidant, access to sex) >fulfillment from relationship/raising a family >virtual elimination of gold-digging/infidelity This program is designed to assist socially inept or overworked young men. NEETs, the profoundly disabled, and those not in gainful employment or education would not have access.
>>54224273 this, theres no negative to a declining population.
unless you lend money, employ minimum wage or seek rent, anything that requires unlimited people to stay viable.
>>54224379 its not just economics, the environment and our resources cannot sustain unlimited eaters.
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>>54224273 >>54224379 >>54224401 This doesn't really apply to the wealthy, industrialized Western nations that I was thinking would adopt this policy. Canada isn't significantly contributing to the global overpopulation issue. However it is these countries with falling native birthrates that rely on immigration to fill labour shortages. This large scale immigration leads to various social issues that I don't think I need to mention. A program like this would (in addition to remedying widespread mental health issues and all the problems that come with them) be an alternative to mass immigration from 3rd world countries. Of those that I listed Japan would benefit the most from this sort of program. they've already begun to heavily incentivize women to have children. This program would be the logical next step for nations that don't want to rely on 3rd world immigrants that are oftentimes damaging to social cohesion.
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>>54223258 testing dont replayyyyyyyyyyyyy
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oh yeah nothing like giving a bunch of autistic losers a maid they can impregnate now and then