Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
I am missing just one video from my Elliot collection, lads. I want this one, but with the original audio. Anyone got it or know where I can find it? I have a lot of rare Elliots, some exceptionally rare, including fanmade Elliots that got pulled from YouTube really soon after being uploaded if you want to exchange.
So... Women are fishing for attention here by mentioning their gender at every opportunity. Some anons are calling themselves f*manons as bait. I say we join them. I'm a femanon, you're a femanon, we're all femanons here. Guys don't even exist here. You see what I'm getting at little anon? If we're all female, nobody is female. It robs any foids of their opportunity for attention. Can't beat em, join em. Femanon up.
Uh shit guys I fucked up. I was jerking off and decided to put my jizz into the microwave but I left it in too long and burned the jizz and pantyhose. The who house fucking stinks and when my parents come home tommorow from vacation they are going to know I microwaved my jizz again. Last time this happened I had to go to counseling and they put me on Risperadal and I gained like 50 lbs. I really don't want to go back on medicine. How the fuck do I get rid of the smell it is in the carpets and sofa. It smells like burnt hair and plastic,.
Where does someone even go from here? I'm not into traps or guys. I'm in my physical prime too (23) so I'll only get worse looking from here. What the fuck is someone supposed to do at this point? Any anons experience this?
idk what to make of my tinder expiriance, I sometimes (like once a month) match with girls that are like 5-7's and we talk and I usually say something dumb and turn them off but I never match with fatties or even really ugly girls, its weird, fatties are more picky than cute girls?