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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 134
>fembots ree >incels lmao it should not matter who we are. we all are alone and suffering in our own ways. whether it be addictions, shitty parents, mental illness, coping with abuse, a whole number of things. I think we should be kinder to each other and not so quick to bully, troll, harass or put down people here. Thanks for reading I hope you heed my words. We are all fucked unless we help each other.
>>60093869 Would you forgive your abusers if they had truly grown as people, realized their faults and blame and had deep sorrow over what they did?
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>>60093913 depends on the abuse. if sexual, no.
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>>60093869 that would all make sense if women didnt play on easy mode
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Do fembots have nice asses?
My mother watched me have sex for the first time.>grow up in super religious house >in their cult, you're supposed to have arranged marriages and have children as soon as possible >finally turn 18, which is legal age to get married in my state >mother shows up with another girl from my cult for me to be with >we can't marry yet as she's only 17 >I really want to nope out of here, last few years I found out how fucked up this cult shit was and was waiting until I could escape >a few months later, I'm looking for a job so I can leave behind this life >the girl also wants to get out of this and she's not too happy about any of this >mother wants to know if I'm trying for a child >I lie to her and say that I am >she doesn't believe me as my "girlfriend" is hardly here and she isn't pregnant yet >mother leaves the room to make a phone call >an hour later the girl and her mother come over >mother violently grabs me and we both get brought to my room >both my mother and her mother are watching >she tells me to have sex with her >both of us are extremely uncomfortable but she eventually starts to take her clothes off and go on the bed >I then follow, as awkward as this can be >my mother has seen me naked many times before but this was going too far >I can't get hard as I'm too nervous >mother says she's not leaving until we do this >girl tells me just to do it >I eventually get hard enough to go in and it takes a really long time of me awkwardly moving my body >eventually I decide to fake it and pull out >both of our mothers buy it >I get out of there after another 2 months and I bring the girl (now 18) with me
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>>60092136 Wow. What the fuck even is this cult? I hope you two at least like each other and live happily ever after together
>>60091981 >Yeah well your grammar sucks Quality rebuttal shit ass.
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>>60092194 No I'm the guy, idiot
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Brendio talks about 'The Woman Problem'. Do his views stack up?
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>implying I'll watch that shit time to end the fat spic pedo (in minecraft)
>>60007714 Shut up Tahlia rofl silly cunt
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>>60007907 >Tahlia I'm a man.
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So I watched tahlias video and supposedly this toastedaryan guy is her stalker that has been bullying her. We need to stop this evil orbiting coomer and all people that hurt sweet precious innocent girls like tahlia. This despicable peice of shit needs to be brought to justice for hurting and deceiving her. That pseudo chad no balls king too.
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>>60011807 She is known as warhammer ork boss tahlia (WOBT)
>thread about random bitch >gets 500+ replies This place needs to be nuked
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>>59998578 jfc
i swear all anyone wants is for her to get help
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>>60012230 uhhh it's Queen Tahlia, not some "random bitch"
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>>60012230 its all laughing at her. why are you so upset at people being happy? Do you get upset when 3 people really love some sort of weird food? If it makes people happy, let them do it. she is a lolcow, and we are doing it for the lulz
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Lets try to get these useless wastes of space to finally end it already. Nobody wants you arent, just do it already.
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>>59967063 probably is a tranny so maybe, but at this point theyre never gonna get a dick in them whether theyre a tranny or not
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>>59966990 op is such a faggot hes corrupting my fetish
>op should get a job Anonymous
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I refuse to believe that reddit post is real. Also most robots would kill themselves if their parents didn't care , suicide threads are full of selfless people waiting for their family to die before they rope. Parents never recover from having their children leave them . I know this is your fetish but the only one who should kill themselves is you for trying to encourage others and spread pain
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>>59966963 Mommy, can you help me?
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fuck jannies this thread was based
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Don't go NEET. I went NEET 5 years ago and now want job to buy some shit Literally unemployable. Employers assume: You were in jail for something you don't want to mention (i.e. pedophile or murder) You are crazy and emotionally unstable You are lazy shiftless loser. You are going to go crazy and do a workplace shooting. Fair warning. Get a job as soon as you finish high school and college ANY JOB even part time at Target or some shit is enough.
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I've applied for a ton of min. wage jobs and heard nothing back. Never even got one interview. Pretty sure my resume is fine so what the hell could I be doing wrong? It's like I'm being forced to be NEET
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>>24922673 >Some people have broader minds than that. It's pointless to try explaining because you lack the capacity to understand You are fucking delusional lmao
>>24922603 >worthless pile of shit that'll never amount to anything That's a meaningless term. It only motivates people that are fully dependent on societal acceptance. The NEET either has no need to be valued by others or finds value within himself.
Who cares what normies think? It's pretty sad you are willing to sacrifice 2/3rds of your week labouring just so somebody pats your head in appreciation.
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>>24925649 This desu. I keep trying to explain that the secret to being a happy person is to internalize your sense of self worth, and not need external validation for your fragile masculinity.
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>>24922878 faggiest post I've ever seen
so robots... are you a (rando body-part) fag? If yes, why>feetfag >tummifag >handfag some examples I thought of v_v
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Top tier Calves and collarbone Mid tier Muffin top, pubes and thighs Slight interest tier Hair(head), earlobes and ankles
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face and back
>>59851159 fuck off femoid scum
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>>59851140 I have an affinity for noses. Fingers too.
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>>59851140 im a tummy and long leg fag, i find them very cute and i just want to rest my head on a girls flat soft belly
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>>59851140 I've adored girls' tummies for as long as I can remember. I'll never forget the first time I saw my gf; she was wearing a two-piece workout outfit. Most perfect tummy I'd ever imaged: just the perfect tiny amount of pooch, nice deep and round belly button, flawless smooth skin.
im just going to destroy thats it i will do nothing for society or humanity thats it thats it i had it thats it my path will be a path of destruction
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>>59826922 now you're thinking like a woman
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Here's an idea, don't oppressively railroad people away from every other choice.
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>>59826922 Now you're thinking with portals.
say, how do you plan on accomplishing such a feat?
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>you're only allowed to be constructive in the ways we endorse >you're only allowed to improve yourself in ways we approve of >you're only allowed to advance in the knowledge we want you to advance in >we don't owe you any explanation >~stop being destructive~
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Big surprise you had no retort for this, you massively hypocritical dickheads.
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Post your writings. Guess about other anon's based on their handwriting. Their:>Mannerisms >Personality Etc
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>>59610828 A very creative type. Really introverted, but u go crazy wild over things u like. Probably has a mental illness of some kind, or youre going through some heavy shit
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I'm old (but originally).
handwriting has always been sloppy. was a hassle deciphering my own notes in school
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>>59611850 I can tell from you image you have a bank account.
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I feel like I'm the only one that saw Frisk as a girl and Chara as a boy. I mean Frisk I'm a bit more fluid on, I guess their gender could go either way. But I cant see Chara as anything other than a boy, it just doesn't make sense for Chara to be a girl. But it feels like most fan art has Chara as a girl.
omegle thread. hello friends, come join omegle and meet other robots. use the tags: r9k, r9kchat. tell other robots why you hate them
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>>59814024 >Life imitates yeah you know how it goes Kek fpbp
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>>59813998 Fuck omegle robots, you deserve to suffer and rot in loneliness.
>>59814024 Life imitates art, therefore conscionably knowing how others will feel is a lifelong endevour to eventually know yourself. You unironically need to smoke weed.
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>>59814313 Don't smoke weed too much or it turns you into a moron, I used to be so verbose and articulate, now I can't read a book for more than 5 minutes without getting brain fog.