Quoted By: >>57864817
I want to an hero in the future. I plan on doing some stuff before that happens though. This is my bucket list of sorts.
>acquire loli
Either kidnap some random Loli or make a connection with someone who has a young daughter
>acquire drugs
I want to have a shit ton of drugs so I can ease myself into the process/decision
>get a gun
I think a glock would be befitting of my character
>livestream it all
Id live stream myself snorting coke and doing drugs with the Loli that I met/kidnapped and would also live stream myself while talking to you guys and having sex with her than when it came down to it id pop one into her dome than myself
>do you brobots have a bucket list
>what are some things you want to do before you die
>acquire loli
Either kidnap some random Loli or make a connection with someone who has a young daughter
>acquire drugs
I want to have a shit ton of drugs so I can ease myself into the process/decision
>get a gun
I think a glock would be befitting of my character
>livestream it all
Id live stream myself snorting coke and doing drugs with the Loli that I met/kidnapped and would also live stream myself while talking to you guys and having sex with her than when it came down to it id pop one into her dome than myself
>do you brobots have a bucket list
>what are some things you want to do before you die